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Amityville Horror Closed Caption Transcript Jesus Christ! It gets worse all the time! This job doesn't get any better. All shot in their beds, execution style. Only the mother shot in the head. What time you make it? Give me a ballpark guess. : ... : . And that's pretty close. Thanks. How long have you been waiting? - Half an hour. - Just a couple of minutes. Over there, that's the little gardening hut. - You mean that's included? - Sure. It could be a guesthouse with a little fixing up. - A guesthouse? - Sure. Come on. Right up here. See how much property you have? Isn't that lovely? Be careful. Don't trip. You'll see what a beauty this is. There's nothing like it on the market. Not at this price. - Come in. - Thank you. Impressive, isn't it? I mean, that's what I call charming. - I'll show you the living room. - Thank you. That's a wood-burning fireplace. It'll be nice on cold nights. That's the sun porch. Nice, isn't it? - George, I don't think... - Be cool. - Would you like to see the kitchen? - Yes, thank you. This is the kitchen. Nice and spacious, isn't it? Really big. Has all the original hardware, and everything works. This your first house? We just got married. Shall we look at the upstairs? I like to refer to this as a fixer-upper that can be fun. We'll start with this. This is an extra room. This is the bathroom connecting with the next bedroom. This is the second bedroom. There's a nice view of the river from here. If you're planning on a big family, there are three full bedrooms. We already have a family. Two boys and a girl. Great kids. You are so bad. - What? - Cut it out. Next is the master bedroom. I love it. There's just one more floor. See anything you like... we can include it in the price. - Really? - Sure. This can be another bedroom... or a playroom, whichever you prefer. We'll wander around on our own again now that we got the layout. We can meet you downstairs. How would that be? I'll be in the kitchen. Take your time. We won't be long. - What do you think? - I love it. Honey... $ ? I mean... it might as well be $ . Listen... The house is worth $ easy. If I move my office into that cottage out back, that'll save that rent. And the boathouse... means I won't have to shell out for mooring charges, which they're raising, by the way. You didn't tell me that. There was nothing to be done about it. I just wish that... all those people hadn't died here. A guy kills his whole family? Doesn't that bother you? Sure, but... houses don't have memories. I don't know. I do. The house wouldn't even be for sale, and if it was, we couldn't afford it if we had... tuna casseroles for a year. You're gonna be very happy. It's a wonderful house. I'm sure they'll accept your offer. Don't worry about a thing. I'll handle the details. Just go on and get ready to move. They're not getting too close to the river? Uh-uh. Sounds like a regular daddy I hear over there. I might feel like one if that's what they started calling me instead of George. Which I admit is better than that Mr. Lutz crap they were giving me. What do you want to do with this? Put it in the living room on that wall beside the bookshelf, and the light will come through... it'll look beautiful. You got it. Voilą! Aw, shit. Come on. I'm tired of this damn sticky paper. I wish I'd listened to my mother and gotten the kind that you tack down. Nobody likes a quitter. But I got an idea. Get a couple of beers and go outside and play? What are those monsters up to? Hello? Anybody home? Hello? George? Kathy? Anybody home? Hello? God's peace in this house. Get out. Get out! Amy? Honey, dinner's ready. - I'll get her. - I've got her. You and the boys start. I'll take her upstairs and put her to bed. She wasn't outside! Where was she? Be getting in there and eat your hot dogs. - Hello? - Hell... Hello, Kathy? Can you hear me? Father Delaney. There's something very import... Hello? Hello? - Who was that? - On the phone? Yeah. Just a bunch of static, a bad connection or something. I think Ma Bell's gone wacko again. Probably discover it was a collect call from Japan when the bill comes. Did you make sure that Amy's got her doll with her? Yeah. She's sleeping with it. You hungry, honey? You don't want one of those charbroiled hot dogs I did especially for you? No, I'm not hungry. Damn, it's cold in here. It felt cold a bit earlier, but I think I've warmed up now. It says . It feels like . Do you know what I think it is? There's a draft that comes up from the basement through that door down there. This house is supposed to be well insulated. They'll nickel-and-dime you to death. Matt? - Are you all right? - Yeah. - Did you hurt yourself? - No. Those stairs are tricky. Come on. I'll take you upstairs. We'll check this all out tomorrow. I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you. I look at you all the time. I can't get used to you. Who loves you? I'm lucky. - Come here. - I just wanted to clean up first. I love the way you smell right now. I love you. I love you back. You make me feel like a kid in the back seat of a car. I want us to work. I want to be the best. I don't want you to have any regrets. I love you, Kathy. I want to go home. Mommy, I want to go home. What's this trouble? Come on, back to bed. This is our home. Don't you know that? There we go. There you go, sweetie. What's the matter, having mean dreams? Sleep tight. It's not so easy, is it? I guess people have had to deal with this ever since Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden. Just have to learn to live with it. Thank you. You're one hell of a watchdog, Harry. Come on, boy. Come on. What do you say? Looks okay, huh? Don't ever do that. Not to a man with an ax in his hand. I thought I could get a little help. - Look what you made me do. - I made you do? There's a week's worth of groceries rolling down the walk. - Wait till I finish this stuff. - George, finish? You have got enough wood here to heat the whole South Shore. You take this. I'll get the rest. I love you. Broke a bulb. Who drinks this fancy kind of tea around here? That's for Aunt Helena. She's coming by around : . - Give me a break. - Come on, be nice. This is a big event in my family. We've always been a bunch of renters. This is the first time anyone's bought a house. Damn regimental inspection, and we're not ready. Sweetie pie, you scared me. What do you want? My friend Jody wants to play upstairs. Huh, Jody? See? You and Jody go on up and enjoy yourself. Does your friend Jody like sugar cookies, too? - I don't think so. - No? Off you go. This is Kathy Lutz. Could I speak with Father Delaney? I'm sorry, Mrs. Lutz. The Father's not feeling very well today. He's asleep right now. This is Father Bolen. May I help you? Father Bolen... He was supposed to come by and bless the house yesterday, but it can wait till he feels better. I hope he's not too sick? I think it's just one of those flu things. But, Mrs. Lutz, the Father was at your house yesterday. We were expecting him, but he never showed up. I know he left to go there. He didn't come. We waited all day. Must've been some kind of mix-up. No big deal. Just tell him "hi" and... and that we hope he's feeling better. I sure will. Thank you for calling. I'll check Amy's bathroom. Oh, does it stink! Mom, it stinks! Go down and let Aunt Helena in and don't tell her about this, okay? Do we have to? She's always pinching! - Go now! - Come on. Go on! And be polite. Well, hello... Matthew! And Gregory! And Harry! Where's your mother, dear? She said she'd be down in a minute. Aunt Helena? Kathleen! I'm sorry. I must've set it too near the edge. - I have to go. - I don't understand. I don't feel well at all. I bought your favorite tea, and I'll make you a cup. I have to go. I really feel terrible. - If you rested a while, you'd feel... - I can't stay! - Please stay. - I can't stay! - I don't feel well! - If you just rest and... I can't stay. Forgive me. George, please make her... - Aren't you gonna come to bed? - In a minute. The fire went out. Are you still cold? I hope you're not coming down with something. I'll be all right. I gotta stay healthy for your brother's wedding. Your hair's getting long. Maybe you should sleep in tomorrow. I got work to do. I don't want to be up to my ass in boxes forever. I'm sorry. I don't know what the hell's the matter with me. - Silly, this happens all the time. - Not to me it doesn't. Stop pushing. You don't have to prove anything to me. Turn out the light. I love you. I love you back. She was shot in the head! You all right? - Tell me something, Father. - What? Why couldn't this wait till tomorrow? I don't know. I... All I know is I have to get back to that house. - Are you feeling all right? - I'm fine. Fine, fine. Father, there's something wrong with the steering wheel. I can't move the wheel. What's wrong with this? Harry, be quiet! Be quiet! Will you check this, please? It's gotta come to bucks for the caterer. - That sucker wants cash. - Jimmy, will you relax? You've counted it about a thousand times. You sure do look terrific. You're not gonna start to cry already? It's just that yesterday, I was riding you around on the back of my bike. And now you're getting married. I sure am. I'm just real happy for you. That's all, hon. Hey, there he is. - George, you look terrible! - So she keeps telling me. It's some kind of flu virus going around. Amy's got it, too. It's nothing. If you're not up to it, I'd understand. I'm your best man. - Come on, let's go. - Okay. Mrs. Lutz, am I supposed to give Amy an aspirin or anything? Just give her one before bed, okay? Okay. - Are you gonna be okay? - I don't know. What's the matter? - The money. - What money? The money for the caterer. $ . I put it in this pocket. - It must've fallen out. - It's not here. I'll look under here. Did you check your pants? Calm down. It can't have gotten up and walked away. If you had it here, it's gotta be here. What am I gonna do? I can't believe it! Will you get those kids off that horn? Jimmy, George. We have to go. We're getting very late. What am I gonna do? It's gotta be here someplace. We'll look when we get home. What about the caterer? I'll take care of him. I'll write him a check. Sweetie. Okay? I'll get the kids. It's freezing in here! It's time for bed, Amy. I gotta give you an aspirin. I don't wanna go to bed. I wanna play with Jody. Your mom said I had to put you to bed early because you've been sick. Don't smart off to me. I wasn't sick. I just didn't like meatloaf. Let's get you into your pajamas. Amy, open the door. I'm in the closet. Open the door. Amy, I mean it! Come to the door! Open it! For Christ's sake! Open the door! Amy, open the door! For Christ's sake, open the door! How are you? - Are you feeling better? - Fine. I want to apologize for the other day. - Don't worry. - I don't know what happened. I hadn't gone half a block from your house, and I was violently ill. I think there's a virus going around. Father Delaney's got something, and Amy's got something. And I don't know what's the matter with George. I'll talk to you later, okay? I'm gonna write you a check. The deal was cash. Cash. The cash is lost. You gotta take a check. I don't like checks. Let me tell you something about checks. Checks get cancelled. Checks bounce. Checks is not cash. Cash is cash. Listen to me, pal... I don't like lectures, and I don't like being hassled in the men's room. I'm gonna write you a check. Either that's good enough for you, or you're gonna eat your own goddamn food. Look at this... I want cash, and they're giving me checks. You all right, honey? I don't think I can make it through the reception. Let's get the kids and split. I'll get the kids. You take it easy. Down. Matt, get over here. Matt, straight upstairs and right to bed. - But why? - Upstairs. - I'm not even tired! - You are so tired. I am not! You're tired 'cause I said you're tired. Cut that out. I'll bring you some milk and cookies. Let me out. Amy? Amy, are you okay? Jackie? - Oh, my God! - I couldn't get out! The door closed and it locked, and I couldn't get out! - There's no lock on this door. - It wouldn't open. - Take a look. - Look, see? It wouldn't open! Why didn't you open the door? Why didn't you answer me? Why didn't you unlock the door? You heard Jackie knocking. Jody wouldn't let me. Jody? Who's Jody? She's my friend. She comes to play with me. Jesus Christ! What the hell are we standing here listening to? And weren't you told to go to bed? Go on! Get out of here! These kids of yours need some goddamn discipline. Here, let me see. I'll go get something for them. - George yelled at me. - You should've opened the door! Jody doesn't like George. Where the hell is it?! There's an explanation for all of it. I'm not in the habit of blaming Satan for every phenomenon. Neither am I, Father. Well, for a modernist, who thought Vatican II didn't go far enough, don't you think you sound a little medieval? My being a modernist has nothing to do with it. I happened to check into the murders and the -year-old boy who killed his parents and his four brothers and sisters. When he was at trial, he testified that he heard voices in the house. The voices told him to do it! I was in the house, and I heard the voices, too! And I also felt the presence in the house. There was a presence in that house! Half the killers in this country say the same thing. "The voices. The voices told me to do it." I heard them, Father! I heard voices! Then explain my hand if you can do that. Go on! Explain how the car went out of control. Father Bolen was with me. You tell him. The wheel locked, and then the... The wheel locked. How about a mechanical defect? I'd blame Detroit a lot faster than the devil. Seems like every month there's some kind of recall. I see. We're just gonna walk away from it. Has that become the fashion now, to cover up? Nothing to walk away from. - I think it's nonsense! - There's nothing to cover up. I think it's bureaucratical bullshit! What do you think I am? I am not some pink cheat seminarian who doesn't know the difference between the supernatural and a bad clam. I am a trained psychotherapist! I went into that house! What I saw there was real, what I felt there was real, and what I heard there was real! Gentlemen, I have a family in my parish that's at great risk! And they are facing real danger. Who the hell do you think you are?! You think your secular education gives you the right to question the Church? Sit down! Sit! You haven't told us one thing that can't be written off as simple hysteria. Even psychotherapists lose touch with reality sometimes. Your education doesn't give you any immunity. Father Nuncio and I have seen our share of phenomena, and never once did any of them turn out to be Satanist! Let's understand each other, Father. To me, the Church... It's my home. The Church is my strength. And I need her now. And that family... needs her... now. Frank... How long has it been since you've seen your family? What do you mean? We think you should take a vacation. Good morning, Father. Good day, Father. You could do with a haircut and shave. - What do you think? - Very uptown. I thought you guys had a small business. Believe me, we do. Getting smaller all the time. What's the matter? I don't want to go any closer. Carolyn, what are you talking about? It gives me the creeps. Hiya, George. How's it going? I wouldn't have come out and bothered you, but your line's always busy. Nobody's seen you for days. You haven't been in to sign the payroll checks. I did us both a favor and brought them along. - Here. - What day is this? Thursday. Thursday. I promised the men I'd hand-deliver these. Should've been paid yesterday. Some caterer's screaming you wrote him a personal check that bounced. I should've covered that. And some guy from the IRS has been calling. Don't you have any good news? Yeah... I brought you the spotlight for your boat. Come on. I'll put it on for you. You girls think I don't know what you're up to? Well, I do. And if I ever catch you again, you're gonna be in big trouble. You girls hear me? Janet, you listening? Now, don't be a smart-ass. You quit that! Stop teasing me! What are you two rascals doing in my room? Oh, my God! Goddamn thing feels like it's nailed shut. Push! Can't you just get it up? Hold it up. Don't let that down. I'll drive, honey. - Amazing. - What? Not one broken bone. George, are you awake? Isn't it strange that none of the bones are broken in Greg's hand? I have to talk to you. - What was that? - I don't know. - You stay up here. - Like hell! Wait, wait. Goddammit! Don't sneak up on me! You call the police. I'm gonna go check on something. It's okay, sweetie. - Sarge, what brings you out? - Insomnia. - What do you got? - Beats the hell out of me. - What do you got? - This is Mrs. Lutz, Sergeant. Mrs. Lutz. And George Lutz. - Is that L-u-t-z-e? - No "e". The basement door's the same as the front. - Where's the basement? - Come on, I'll show you. Who let you in? What are you doing there, boy? No broken windows. How long you been living here? A couple of weeks. Are you related to the family that was here before? Uh-uh. You look a lot like them. The kid had the same... Harry, knock it off! Have you had any trouble with vandals or trespassers? What's that supposed to mean? Well... you've got a door that was broken outward from the inside. Burglars break in, and you've got a front door that's broken out. Let me tell you something... somebody broke into my house, they heard me coming, and they took off. Okay. Then who broke the basement door? Maybe they came in through the cellar... then ran out the front door. No. I checked all the windows down there. None broken. You think it was faster to break it down than to open it? There'll be a tighter watch on your house. You call us if anything happens, okay? Uh-huh. Good night. Night. Why is it all going wrong? We have to do something. Jody says everything's gonna get better. What does Jody look like? I mean... is Jody big or thin or fat or... She's nice. - She tells me things, too. - Like what does she tell you? She tells me about the little boy who used to live in my room. He got hurt, and he died. And what else does Jody tell you? She says she wants me to live here forever and ever so we can all play together. Bye, sweeties. Be home by : okay? Be careful. Oh, answer. Please answer. Hello? Father, this is Kathy Lutz, and I have to talk to you! Listen to what I'm telling you... Father? O Lord, hear my prayer... and hasten to answer me. Hello. Everybody wanted to come over to welcome you to the neighborhood. It's all right, isn't it? Just a minute, please. Hello? Thanks for coming. I thought I might be stood up. Don't give me any crap. I don't have time for it. Relax, will ya? I just wanna buy you a drink. - Couple of beers, please? - Gotcha. Are you all right? I mean, you look terrible. Here you are, pal. Jesus, I'm sorry. You look just like that kid. He was sitting right in that seat when he was arrested. What are you talking about? The kid last year that killed his family. The house down by the river? You're the spittin' image. - So? - So, I'll bring you another brew. No offense. I gotta get out of here. I'll talk to you later. No, now. We gotta talk now. The business is falling apart. People are calling. Bills have to be paid. I know you're busy unpacking, but life goes on. I'm warning you, I don't have the patience. You're warning me. Give me a break. Talk to me! I knew this would happen. I told you you were taking on too much. - Just drop it! - You marry a dame with three kids, you buy a big house with mortgages up to your ass, you change your religion, and you forget about business. Okay... now can we talk? Christ, man, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Okay. Come on. Jesus loves me, this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to Him belong They are weak, but He is strong Yes, Jesus loves me The Bible... Who you singing to, princess? You scared Jody. Jody? Look, there's no one here, see? You scared her. She went out the window. She went out the window? I'd better check and make sure she's not still there. The house is doing things. I mean, windows open by themselves. Rooms full of flies at the wrong time of year. You saw what happened to Greg's hand. It's crazy. Last night the front door was ripped off its hinges from the inside. Of course! It's right here, it's history. John Ketchum. - So? - Listen. They ran him out of Salem for being a witch. And he built his house exactly where you're living. You're living on some sort of special ground... devil worship... death... sacrifice. There's one simple rule... Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms. Carolyn, will you get a grip on yourself? You sound like some kind of psycho weirdo! Come on, Jeffrey. Don't be such a hard-core rationalist. Everything in life cannot be explained by a slide rule. Thank you very much for your cosmic views. Now do me a favor, shut up! Can I make a rational suggestion, please? Sure, man. Anything. Go home, get cleaned up... take Kathy out to dinner. Carolyn and I will baby-sit the kids. You gotta get away from it, even for a couple of hours, and when you get back... we'll add it all up. We'll talk this thing through. Okay. Let's go home. I'll go in and talk to Kathy, and you all come in in a couple of minutes. He told us to wait out here. Jeff... I gotta see it for myself. I thought that place gave you the creeps. Are those vibes ever strong. It really pulls on you. I gotta see the basement. That's where it's coming from. I'm very sensitive about these things. And I know about them. Come on, knock it off, will you? What I saw was not a cat. It could've climbed up the ivy. It's all over the side of the damn house. I don't have all the answers yet. We gotta get some perspective on this thing. Come on, let's take Jeff's offer. Put yourself together. Let's get the hell away from it for a couple of hours. We'll get dressed... I just gotta check the fire first. Demons are smart. They're not just monsters. They... They think just like you and I do. Just in reverse. It's a closed system. Now you're beginning to give me the creeps. There was a tribe of Indians called the Shinnecocks, and they used this land as a sort of exposure pen. They put all the crazy people here and left them here to die. - My God! - That's where it is. What the hell are you talking about? There are people buried here. Easy. Easy. Easy, there. What the hell are you doing? - What is the matter with you? - Don't you understand? It has to be done. That is where the room is. What are you doing to my house? I'm sorry. I don't know what got into her. I'm trying to tell him that's where it is. She's right. There is something here. Give me that. What's going on? Have you all gone mad? They... come and go through here. Find the well. It's the passage... to hell! Cover it! Hello? George, you heard that voice. You know whose voice that was. You heard it. I know you heard it! We have to do something, George. We have to do something now. Peace to this house and all who enter here. Forgive us our sins and save us from all illness. Grant this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. What is going on here? Weird people. Bless this house and all who enter here. Bless this house... What's happening? Don't touch me! Leave me alone, please. Please. Father, since I've come back from Vietnam, you've had a tremendous influence in my life. I look up to you. I respect you, I admire you. And what is your point? I believe that... that I know about fear. I've seen it. I've experienced it. I wish you'd make your point. I've got a lot of things to do. My point is I believe we create our own demons in our own minds. I'm sorry, Father. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let us pray. Father... by the power of Your spirit... You have filled the hearts... of Your faithful people... with gifts of love... for one another. Hear the prayers that we offer for our relatives and friends. Give them health. Give them health of mind and body that... Give them health of mind and body that they may do Your will with perfect love. Give them health of mind and body that they may do Your will with perfect love! We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son! Give them strength of mind and body! Oh, Lord... I beg Thee! Give them strength in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son! Oh, Lord! Oh, Jesus Christ! Richard. What is it, Father? I can't see. I'm blind. What do you want from us? Goddammit! This is my house! No! Oh, no. I'm coming apart! Oh, Mother of God, I'm coming apart! What happened? I was just dreaming. I'm sorry if I woke you. Honey, are you okay? Oh, sure. Are you sure? Oh, my God, what happened to your foot? Look. Nothing. I just tripped. - It looks like teeth marks. - Will you stop nagging at me? It's always so cold in here. Let's get out of here, huh? Let's just pack up our stuff and go. Would you please leave that damn fire alone and listen to me? I'm not going anywhere! You're the one that wanted a house. This is it, so just shut up! You bastard! Excuse me. Somebody told me you could tell me where... Excuse me. Someone told me that... I'm Kathy Lutz, and I'm looking for Father Delaney. Hi, I'm Father Bolen. I believe the Father has gone on vacation. He's been very overworked... I must speak to Father Delaney. I simply must. You don't understand. He's more than a priest to me. He's like a friend of mine. He's helped me through some very difficult times, and I have to talk to him now. It's out of my hands. Hello, Father. How are you feeling today? I brought you some mail. Would you like me to read it? I notice there's one here from a former patient. Would you like to hear it? It certainly is beautiful here. Why don't I arrange so we can have our lunch here? Would you like that, Father? Excuse me, Father. Can I have a word with you? Of course, Sergeant. What can I do for you? Well... I don't really know exactly. It may be just a wild-goose chase, but I'm the curious type. Like the man says, it goes with the territory. I have a great deal of work to do. Could you make your point, please? What's happening to Father Delaney? He's an old friend, and I can't get the story right. There's no "story" to get right. Maybe I am just chasing shadows. If you could excuse me, please. I think this has all the good stuff. I mean the major coverage. If there's anything else you want to see, - I'll go and get it. - No, I think this should be fine. This is the November th issue, the day after the murders. You turn that crank... - That one there? - Right there. It advances the film. Each frame is a whole page. To get it in focus, you just turn this knob right here. - I've got it. - You all set now? - I'm fine. - Good. Oh, my God, George. Matt! Greg! Matt! Amy! Don't hurt my babies. Jesus. I saw your picture in the newspaper. Kathy, I wouldn't hurt you. Get going! Now! Get going! Hold on! Go! Here, let me try. - I got it. - I can't open it! Go! Go! Mom! The keys... Oh, God! Where are the keys? What? Wait a minute. I can't find them. I want Harry! - Please, George, drive. - Mom. George, no! No! Harry! Come on, boy! Harry, come on! No, it's me! Harry, no! Pull! Pull! Harry, pull! Good boy. Come on, boy! Thank God. Oh, thank God.