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THE DEATH ARTIST (1995) (REMAKE OF CORMAN'S CLASSIC "BUCKET OF BLOOD") INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT The cavernous CLUB is packed with a cross section of ARTISTS, POETS, ACTORS, MODELS, ROCKERS, GRUNGERS, PUNKS, ADDICTS, and other assorted characters, standing at the bar and seated at tables - bizarre PAINTINGS and SCULPTURES adorn the walls - CLOSE on a BOOM BOX on a stage - the tape rolls, and soon strange industrial music begins to blare from the box - MAXWELL, an eccentric - looking man with a goatee and various PIERCINGS on his face, stands on the stage in front of a microphone - an abstract PORTRAIT hangs on the wall behind him - MAXWELL I will talk to you of art, for there is nothing else to talk about, for there is nothing else...life is nothing but homeless traveler on the RTD of art... We pull back to see PATRONS sitting at tables amid various sculptures, paintings, and displays of questionable artistic promise - MAXWELL Burn gas on the freeways, and whip your sour cream of circumstance...flip at your channels and plod at your monitors... Soon we see WALTER PAISLEY, a meek, unassuming bus boy, work his way around the tables, taking empty drinks, emptying ashtrays, all the time listening to the performer on stage - MAXWELL Creation is, all else is not... what is not creation is meatless sausage, and rice cake, let it all crumble to feed the artist - Walter passes a table where an upscale ART DEALER with a ponytail interrupts his prospective client to answer his cellular phone - MAXWELL The artist is, all others are not, a canvas is a canvas or a painting, a rock is a rock or a statue, a sound is a sound or it is music, a preacher is a preacher or an artist - Walter passes ART, seated with two attractive women - he rolls himself a cigarette, nodding in approval to Maxwell - MAXWELL Where are John Joe Jake Jim Jerk, dead dead dead, they were not born before they were born, they were not born, where are Leonardo, Mozart, Shakespeare, alive alive alive, they were born - Walter continues to bus the room - he pauses to stop and listen to Maxwell - he then looks over a MAN'S shoulder - he is sketching - Walter observes the SKETCH - POV It is a fairly good sketch of the room - LEONARD, the artsy manager of the club, notices Walter pausing to listen - MAXWELL Bring on the multitudes and the multitude of fishes - feed them that you will be satisfied, nourish the artist, stretch their skin upon an easel, crush their bones into a paste, so that he may mold them, let them die, and by their miserable death become the clay in his hands, that he might form an ashtray or an ark - that he might take you in his magic hands and wring from your marrow wonder - all that is comes through the eye of the artist - Walter moves on - sees an attractive woman, CARLA, who opens a MANILA ENVELOPE and removes some HEAD SHOTS of herself - MAXWELL The rest are blind fish, swimming in the cave of aloneness- swim on you mortal and muddling maddened souls - and dream, of one bright and sunny island - some artist will bait a hook, and let you bite upon it, bite hard, and die - Walter looks at Carla's picture - MAXWELL In his stomach, you will feed creation! Maxwell turns off the tape, and the audience applauds - Carla then looks up to see Walter looking at her picture - he awkwardly smiles at her and she smiles back - Leonard then approaches Walter - LEONARD Walter, what are you doing? WALTER I was just looking at Carla's picture. LEONARD Well that's not what I pay you for, now is it? WALTER Well I was uh, just looking... LEONARD Well do some looking around the room. I see cups, ashtrays - let's go... Walter slinks away - Leonard gets close to Carla, very close, all the time admiring her head shot - LEONARD Ah, your new head shot... (Beat) I like it, very much... CARLA Do you have to be so cold to him? Leonard smiles, and strokes Carla's hair - Walter watches this, the turns and walks away - At the entrance of the club stands LOU, a man in a designer suit, no tie - he scans the room as Walter passes him - LOU How ya doin'? WALTER Uh, hi. Walter slinks away, and Lou looks around some more - Art sees Lou - Lou subtly gestures to Art and heads into the club - Art gets up, addressing the two girls - ART I'm out of here. Art and Lou head toward the MEN'S ROOM - INT MEN'S ROOM - NIGHT Art and Lou check the stalls to see the room is empty - ART Alright we're clear. LOU Anything new? ART Not really. One girl who fit the descrip came in, kinda skinny, brunette, didn't see much changing hands. LOU Is the manager cooperating? ART Yeah, he's keeping an eye out, said he'd call us if he sees anything. That's about it for tonight. LOU Alright I got you, man. It's my turn for freak patrol. ART You know it. (Beat) I'm out of here. Art heads out, and Lou checks himself in the mirror - INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Maxwell sits at a table with Carla, MAYOLIA, a skinny yet buxom woman, and CHARLIE, a long-haired hanger-on - Maxwell is looking at Carla's head shot - CARLA So, do you like it? MAXWELL (bored) It's perfectly adequate, as far as those type of things go... Walter approaches, with a tray of glasses in his hand - MAXWELL (changing subject) I don't think anyone gets what I said, their blank faces staring, mute, unfeeling - WALTER I liked it very much Mr. Brock. I liked it very much. MAXWELL (condescending) Well I'm overjoyed. WALTER "Let them die, and by their miserable death become the clay in his hands, that he might form an ashtray or an ark -" Carla looks at Walter - CARLA That's word for word. MAXWELL Is it? I've forgotten. MAYOLIA You mean you don't remember your own poem? MAXWELL I refuse to say anything twice - repetition is death! CHARLIE What do you mean? MAXWELL When you repeat something, you are reliving a moment, wasting it, looking at a shed skin - I only want new impression, new sensations - WALTER I thought you believed that life is a homeless traveler riding on the RTD of - MAXWELL (interrupting) I know that - I know that! I also believe in burning the creative candle, you understand, down to the end - to be uncreative you might as well be dead...a walking machine, toiling in a factory! WALTER I worked in one of them. Back in Alaska. (smiles meekly) The people at the table look at Walter, then laugh cynically - In the background, Leonard glares at Walter - CARLA Walter, Leonard's looking at you again. Walter grabs up a cup and saucer off the table, almost spilling the contents before heading off - CHARLIE That guy's a class-A cracker. MAXWELL Walter's got a clear mind. Probably something will enter it, feel lonely, and leave again... Everyone at the table laughs weakly - At another table two eccentrically dressed ARTISTS, CUFF and LINK, talk to an upscale older couple - Cuff has a series of MATTED PHOTOGRAPHS in his hand - OLDER MAN I've heard you can find some cutting edge pieces here if you keep an eye out - OLDER WOMAN I'd like to find something for our den, something unusual - CUFF Well maybe these works might interest you - Cuff shows the woman the photographs - she reacts to them with disdain - POV they are pictures of various ROAD KILLS - squirrels, skunks, possums - CUFF It's our road kill series. I take the pictures. LINK (proudly) I do the research. The woman hands back the photographs - OLDER WOMAN Not quite what I was looking for. OLDER MAN Yes, we're interested in something with some investment potential - CUFF Hey, this is no supermarket, there are no aisles, it's all in the attitude - Walter approaches - LINK Yeah that's a dead soul way to look at it - OLDER WOMAN Nonsense. We have developed many a rapport with struggling artists - we're very supportive - WALTER "All that is comes through the eye of the artist - the rest are blind fish, swimming in the cave of aloneness." The four people stare at Walter - OLDER WOMAN That's very deep, and coming from a bus boy too - WALTER "Feed them that you will be satisfied - the artist is, all others are not -" OLDER MAN Where have I heard that before? OLDER WOMAN Are you a poet also? WALTER Uh...no. No I'm not. OLDER MAN What do you do? WALTER Well, uh, I'm...working, I've been working on something, it's not ready yet. CUFF What is it, a crying clown? WALTER Huh?! LINK Walter must have bought himself some crayons. Leonard approaches, looking exasperated - CUFF Get out of here, man. We're negotiating a deal. WALTER I am working on something! I'm going to show you soon! LEONARD Walter! Leonard gets close to him - LEONARD (under his breath) You're starting to try my patience! Walter sheepishly heads off - the two artists laugh - The older woman looks at Leonard - OLDER WOMAN Is he, uh?... LEONARD About to be out of a job. Walter returns to Maxwell's table, where Carla, Mayolia, and Charlie are still sitting - he gestures to some empty glasses - WALTER Are you done with these? MAXWELL Yes, get rid of them... In the split second when no one is looking, Walter snatches up one of Carla's head shots, keeping it under his tray, as he cleans up the empty glasses - DISSOLVE TO EXT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Walter passes an alley where a group of THUGS hastily strips down a car parked on the street - EXT STREET - NIGHT Walter walks the streets alone - soon he stops and looks ahead - There is a PARKED CAR with the windows open - A COUPLE is making out in the front seat - Walter smiles meekly - Soon the man in the car, a mean-looking character spots Walter - the two stop making out and the man stares at Walter - MAN What are you looking at? You want to get shot? Walter's smile fades, and he stuffs his hands in his pockets, and heads down the street, alone, inadvertently bumping into some GARBAGE CANS - EXT COURTYARD APARTMENTS - NIGHT Walter unlocks a creaky iron gate covered with dead ivy - EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT As Walter heads in, he runs into MRS. SWICKER, the landlady - WALTER Oh, hello Mrs. Swicker. MRS. SWICKER Hello Walter. I want to tell you the super fixed the leaky pipes and sealed up that hole in your wall. WALTER Oh, OK. MRS. SWICKER Walter you look awful pale! What did you have to eat today? WALTER I had a salami sandwich, Mrs. Swicker. MRS. SWICKER If you were my son...why don't you let me fix you a nice hot bowl of soup, it won't take but a minute. WALTER Oh no, that's OK, I can fix myself something. Besides, I got something important to do... Walter goes to unlock his door - MRS. SWICKER Oh by the way did you happen to see Frankie out here, by any chance? Walter thinks for a second - WALTER Uh, no, I didn't see him at all. MRS. SWICKER What's got into that cat? Well if you do see him, tell him I've got a nice fat piece of ocean-fresh halibut for him - WALTER T-tell him that? MRS. SWICKER If you see him. WALTER OK Mrs. Swicker. Mrs. Swicker heads off - MRS. SWICKER Good night Walter... WALTER Good night, Mrs. Swicker - Walter opens his door and heads in - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Walter closes the door and turns on a LIGHT hanging over a kitchen TABLE - a CLOTH covers an object roughly the size of a bowling ball on the table - He removes Carla's head shot, tucked inside his shirt, and places it on the table after looking at it for a beat - Walter heads over to the STOVE, stopping to notice a freshly plastered area on the wall, a bag of PLASTER still on the ground - Walter opens himself up a can of BEANS - he looks around and finds an old, dented metal POT, pouring the beans into the pot - He throws the empty can in the direction of an overflowing GARBAGE CAN, lights the stove and puts the pot on the burner - Walter then takes a seat at the table - he lifts the cloth, revealing a mound of CLAY - A cat meows in the distance as Walter looks at Carla's picture, appreciating her beauty - WALTER Now I have my muse... Walter then turns and begins to mold the clay - DISSOLVE TO INT WALTER'S ROOM A half-hour later. Walter has attempted to sculpt a bust - he looks at Carla's picture, then back at his sculpture - Walter's POV it is a badly sculpted HEAD, that not only looks nothing like Carla but has a hard time passing for anything human - Walter looks at it, knowing that much work is needed on his creation - He grabs a blob of fresh clay from an adjacent pile and begins to form a nose - the cat meows again - Walter looks around - WALTER Frankie? Walter continues enthusiastically sculpting the blob of clay - WALTER A canvas is a canvas or a painting. A rock is a rock or a statue...a sound is a sound or is music... Walter looks at the sculpture - Walter then attaches the nose - smoothing it on - It looks RIDICULOUS, something out of grammar school art class - he's having difficulty forming anything that resembles a nose - WALTER Come on...you're supposed to be a nose... The malformed face stares dumbly back at him as he fights to shape the nose - The cat meows again - Walter is getting increasingly frustrated - he backs up to look at the head - PAN the photograph of Carla, over to the sculpture - one of the ears falls off - Walter squints at the head, failing to convince himself it's looking better - frustrated, Walter yanks the nose off and grabs a little more clay - WALTER Why can't I make a nose! On the stove, the beans begin to boil - Walter shapes the clay and sticks the nose back on, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he fumbles with it - The nose has changed shape and juts perpendicularly off the head, resembling Pinocchio - Walter begins to sculpt with increasing fury - He grabs up more clay, starts mushing the face - Soon the object begins to lose resemblance to anything close to a human head, or anything for that matter - Walter stands up and backs up, looking at the sculpture - getting angry he begins to mush the sculpture - WALTER No no no no - The cat meows again, louder - Walter looks around, irritated - he begins to SQUASH the sculpture - Finally losing his patience Walter kicks back the chair, grabs the clay head and HURLS it across the room - The clay hits the wall with a dull THUD, stays there for a beat, then falls to the ground - Walter pushes back his hair with his hand - the cat meows - The beans begin to OVERFLOW on the stove - Walter runs toward the stove, smacking his head on the overhead light - The light swings back and forth as Walter rushes over to the pot, grabbing it hastily off the stove before SHRIEKING in pain and dropping the pot into the sink, splattering beans in all directions - Walter clutches his hand in pain as the light swings, the cat meowing louder - Walter begins to look around furiously - WALTER Frankie shut up! Walter then focuses his frustrated mind toward the direction of the patched up wall - Walter gets closer - He hears the meowing coming from inside the wall - WALTER Frankie? Walter puts his ear to the wall - he hears SCRATCHING noises - Walter turns away from the wall - WALTER I don't believe this! (yelling at the wall) How did you get stuck in the wall! The meowing persists - WALTER Alright alright - calm down, I'll get you out - Walter looks around, goes toward a drawer by the sink, and produces a long, narrow CARVING KNIFE - he heads back to the wall - WALTER Hang tight Frankie, ol' Walter's gonna get you out... Walter then feels the wall as if he does this type of thing professionally - when the determines the proper area of entry he carefully aims the knife and - WHAM! - SCREECH! Frankie makes a comical screech of pain which ends abruptly - Walter FREEZES - his eyes wide open with panic - he stands back - The wall is silent - WALTER Frankie? There is no response - WALTER Frankie how're ya doin' in there? There is no response - Walter begins to BEAT the wall, until the thin material begins to give way - He RIPS a big chunk of the wall off, confirming the worst - The knife IMPALED Frankie into a wooden stud in the wall - the cat is no more - Walter pulls and tugs at the knife until it is freed from the wall - he gingerly cradles Frankie, still impaled by the knife - WALTER What have I done? Walter walks over to the kitchen table - WALTER Oh Frankie I'm so sorry... He lowers the cat down - WALTER Poor Mrs. Swicker... (Beat) She had a nice fat piece of ocean-fresh halibut for you... Walter walks backward toward the kitchen, looking forlornly at the cat - He reaches for another can of beans, but his eyes focus on the clay head on the floor - Walter picks up what used to be a head and sits back down at the kitchen table - He looks at Carla looking back at him from the picture - he then stares blankly ahead - WALTER Repetition is death, Frankie... DISSOLVE TO EXT LOS ANGELES - DAWN Silhouetted buildings in the early light - INT WALTER'S ROOM - DAWN Still dressed, Walter tosses and turns on his bed - MAXWELL(V.O.) Nourish the artist, stretch their skin upon an easel, crush their bones into a paste, so that he may mold them, let them die, and by their miserable death become the clay in his hands, that he might MAXWELL (cont.) form an ashtray or an ark - that he might take you in his magic hands and wring from your marrow wonder - all that is comes through the eye of the artist - Walter bolts upright, waking from his dream - WALTER (beat, then almost imperceptibly) Where are the John Joe Jake Jim... Jerk... Walter gets up out of bed - he heads toward the kitchen table - He looks at a now stiff Frankie - MAXWELL(V.O.) Dead...dead...dead... Walter stares at Frankie for a beat and turns off the overhead lamp - he then looks up, as if getting an idea - He looks over at the floor - Sees the BAG OF PLASTER - EXT STREET - DAY Walter's feet are visible as he walks down the street - as we pan up, we see Walter cradling a PACKAGE wrapped in brown paper and string - EXT JABBERJAW - DAY Leonard stands very close to Carla, who is wearing tight, red velvet bell-bottoms - she flips through several canvases of SCRIBBLE PAINTINGS she has brought over - CARLA I'm trying to find a style of my own. Do you really like them? LEONARD Oh yes...very nice...very, very nice... Walter then approaches with his package - Carla sees him - so does Leonard - CARLA Hi Walter... LEONARD What are you doing here so early? WALTER Well I brought something, I wanted to show you. LEONARD What is it, your laundry? WALTER Huh? CARLA Don't worry about him...what have you got? WALTER (enthusiastically) A thing I made. Walter lowers it to the ground and undoes the string - he then opens the paper and reveals what he brought - It is FRANKIE, encased in plaster along with the knife - Walter grins like a simpleton at his creation, but Carla is impressed - CARLA Wow... (Beat) Wow... Carla picks up the statue - CARLA Leonard...look at this... Leonard puffs on his cigarette - LEONARD Where'd ya buy that? WALTER I didn't buy it I made it. Leonard takes another puff - LEONARD (incredulous) You...made that? WALTER I said I did, didn't I! CARLA I've never seen anything like this, maybe Segal, but nothing with such... dichotomy... (Beat) It's very good, Walter - WALTER Honest? LEONARD Well, what's it called? Walter looks up at Leonard - WALTER Dead Cat! LEONARD (Beat) Dead Cat? WALTER Yeah. LEONARD Well it sure looks dead enough. Walter stands up - WALTER You want to buy it, put it in the club? LEONARD You want me to buy Dead Cat? (laughs) It'll scare people away. CARLA Don't you feel it? Leonard and Walter look at Carla - LEONARD AND WALTER (simultaneously) Feel what? CARLA Don't you feel what it's giving off? It's...presence... come take a closer look... Leonard gets closer - CARLA Look at the detail, it's so alive, and yet...so dead... Carla turns the statue's face toward Leonard - CARLA Look at the expression on its face... Walter puffs his cigarette and stares at Walter - LEONARD Well...why did you put a knife in it? WALTER I didn't mean to. LEONARD Got carried away, huh? Leonard inspects the statue - LEONARD Alright, I'll tell you what. I'll put it in the corner of the alcove. If it sells, we'll split it fifty- fifty. How's that? WALTER Sure! (Beat, then to Carla) So I guess that means I'm an artist after all. CARLA (smiles politely) Maybe so... LEONARD I wouldn't give up your day job. WALTER All that is comes through the eye of the artist... LEONARD Alright get a grip on yourself Now since you're here why don't you start early, the kitchen needs cleaning. WALTER Sure! Walter heads off then turns and faces Leonard and Carla - WALTER You really like it? CARLA Of course...it's wonderful. LEONARD I can barely contain myself. Now chop chop! Walter heads into the back - INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT The scene is happening, strange music plays in the background - Art walks into the club - Walter passes him - WALTER Did you see my cat? ART Why, is he lost? WALTER No, I uh... Walter walks away - In the alcove sits Dead Cat - a young man wearing a beret and leather jacket inspects the work - he seems zonked out on some chemical - Walter approaches him - WALTER You like my cat? YOUNG MAN Yeah...it's like out there, you understand what I'm saying? WALTER Sure. You want to buy it? YOUNG MAN No man, I don't have the funds to be buying various pieces of artwork, you understand what I'm saying? Leonard approaches - WALTER Sure. The young man heads off - Walter faces Leonard - WALTER People seem to like my cat. LEONARD Enough already about it - get to work! Walter heads off - Leonard lights a cigarette and looks at the sculpture - Walter busses a table - CHARLIE(O.S.) Hey Walter, come here! Walter heads over to a table - seated are Maxwell, Carla, Charlie, and another attractive blonde woman - Maxwell appears clearly intoxicated - CHARLIE Congrats, Walter. CARLA Walter everyone's talking about it. Maxwell turns and focuses on Walter - MAXWELL I saw your...cat. WALTER Did you like it Mister Brock? MAXWELL Call me...Maxwell. CHARLIE How'd ya do it Walter? WALTER Oh, I just got some plaster, and fixed it up. CHARLIE Papier mache? WALTER Uh, no. Plaster. Charlie laughs - Maxwell stares at Walter, then staggers to his feet - looks at the room - MAXWELL Attention everyone! Everybody! Some people pay attention - MAXWELL (drunkenly) As you pass through these yellow portals I am sure you noticed on your right a small plaster figure, and assumed this transfixed effigy to be the work of a master sculptor. Indeed, so it is. And that bright, new creator is in our midst. He's none other than Walter Paisley, our very own bus boy, whose undiscovered hands of genius have been carrying away your empty cups of frustration! People look at Walter, who sheepishly accepts the praise - MAXWELL Remember him. His is the silent voice of creation. Within the dark rich soil of humility, he blossoms as the hope of our nearly sterile times. Charlie and Carla clap - MAXWELL (to Walter) Bring me a gimlet. Maxwell sits back down - Walter passes a table where Cuff, Link and Mayolia are sitting - Cuff stops him - CUFF Hey congrats on the cat Walter. I wonder where you got the idea of dead animals. WALTER Huh ? LINK Yeah, can you say plagiarism? CUFF Not only that, he copied us! MAYOLIA Oh nonsense! Your works hit the viewer over the head. They're so...obvious. Mayolia then looks up at Walter - MAYOLIA I get it Walter. I get it. WALTER What do you get? MAYOLIA Your work, the layers of irony. Just then several people approach Walter and begin asking him questions - Art watches the commotion - Leonard also watches the commotion with a completely dumbfounded expression on his face - Art dealers talk to Walter, as well as artists - Just then Lou walks in, stands next to Art - LOU What the hell's going on? ART Everyone wants to meet the bus boy. LOU What did he do? ART He made a cat. Lou looks at Art, who returns the stare - ART Outta plaster. Lou walks in - LOU See you later - ART Righto. Art leaves - Leonard looks at Walter - Walter uncomfortably enjoys the attention - Just then the old couple chimes in - the older man looks around - OLDER MAN Where's my mocha latte double grande! Leonard drops his cigarette and crushes it with his foot - He heads over to Walter and escorts him away from the people - Walter accepts someone's BUSINESS CARD - Leonard takes him aside - WALTER Did you hear that Mr. De Santis? Everyone's really crazy about Dead Cat. LEONARD Yes they are, aren't they? Look, why don't you take the rest of the night off, you look tired. WALTER Well I don't know - LEONARD No, it's Ok...you came in early. (Beat) Besides, you're creating an incident. When people are applauding they don't order anything. WALTER Well... LEONARD Look, go home and...work on something. Make another cat. WALTER I don't have another cat! LEONARD Well make a dog, make a parakeet! I'm sure you'll think of something. WALTER A parakeet? Leonard begins to lose his patience - he yanks the tray out of Walter's hand - LEONARD Go home. WALTER OK...good night Mr. De Santis! LEONARD Good night Walter. MAYOLIA(O.S.) Wait - Walter! Walter begins to head out the door but is stopped by Mayolia - Walter turns around and faces her - she gets close - WALTER Hello Mayolia. MAYOLIA Walter, you did something to me with your work tonight. WALTER With Dead Cat? MAYOLIA With Dead Cat. Like a breath of fresh air. I could just - babble on about it for hours. WALTER Really? Mayolia gives him "that" look - MAYOLIA Yeah. I really could. I'm not just saying that. Mayolia gets closer making her heaving cleavage more accessible to Walter's eyes - MAYOLIA It's like...you've turned on. WALTER T-turned on? MAYOLIA A hot light bulb is burning inside of you. (Beat) I want to be warmed by it. WALTER That's really nice of you Mayolia. MAYOLIA Let me into your world Walter... let me into that white hot inspired world. WALTER I can't. I gotta go home. Mayolia presses herself against Walter, who awkwardly reacts - MAYOLIA Well, I'll go home with you. WALTER Oh no, I couldn't do that. Mrs. Swicker would start asking questions. She's my landlady. Art sits at a table, watching the encounter - MAYOLIA(O.S.) Isn't there anything I can do for you? Mayolia reaches out and touches Walter - WALTER I don't think so Mayolia. MAYOLIA I want to be part of it, I want to inspire you, I want to do - something! WALTER You don't have to do anything! MAYOLIA (Beat) Then let me give you something then... Walter watches, perplexed, as Mayolia reaches into her cleavage - Lou watches the transaction carefully - Mayolia takes out a CAMEO NECKLACE, takes it off her neck - MAYOLIA Maybe this will give you some inspiration, change your perception of reality... Mayolia looks around, and hands the necklace to Walter - MAYOLIA I want you to have it. There's a little something for you in here... WALTER Gee. Thanks. MAYOLIA Let it inspire you. Maybe it will let you think of me. She wraps Walter's hand around the necklace - MAYOLIA If you have to go, go. Walter backs out - MAYOLIA Go and don't look back. Walter leaves - Lou waits for a beat, then gets up - EXT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Walter leaves the club, passing some incoming people - When he leaves, Lou exits the club - He heads over to the payphone and picks up the receiver, about to make a call - Suddenly, he changes his mind - he hangs the receiver up, and decides instead to follow Walter - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Walter closes the door and turns on the overhead lamp - He looks at the medallion Mayolia gave him and places it on the table - he then picks it up again, inspects it - He notices the medallion has a clasp - EXT WALTER'S WINDOW - NIGHT Lou is outside, watching Walter - He then checks his .45 HANDGUN and stuff it back in his shoulder holster under his jacket - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Walter notices the medallion has a clasp - he pops it open and notices a twisted-off corner of a PLASTIC BAG containing a white powder inside - he opens the bag and smells the powder, no knowing what it is - he dabs his finger in it and puts it on his tongue, GRIMACING at the taste of the substance - he puts the open medallion down on the kitchen table - EXT WALTER'S WINDOW - NIGHT Lou heads off - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Walter heads over to the dresser, looks at himself in the mirror- WALTER Why yes, that is one of my pieces... it's one, in a series... Walter then picks up the picture of Carla, looks at it for a beat - WALTER And I love you too Carla... Walter sighs, then heads over to his cabinets, opens them up - A box of PANCAKE MIX is the only item - Walter takes out the box and grabs a round, sharp-edged GRIDDLE out of the lower cabinets - Soon the door knocks - Walter walks over to the door carrying the griddle - He opens the door - Lou is standing there - LOU Hello, Walter. WALTER Hi. I know you! I've seen you down at the Jabberjaw plenty. LOU Yes, you have. (Beat) Can I come in? WALTER Uh, sure. Walter closes the door behind him - WALTER I was going to make some pancakes, you can have some if you like. LOU Hm. WALTER Did you see my cat? LOU Yeah I did. Lou heads over to the table, sees the medallion - LOU I also saw the girl give you this. WALTER Oh yeah that was Mayolia, she's a nice girl. (Beat) She's kind of strange, though. Walter watches Lou take a dab of the white powdery contents and put it on his tongue - LOU You like chasing the dragon, Walter? WALTER Chasing the dragon? Whaddya mean? (Beat) You sure you don't want a pancake? LOU You can cut the crap. Lou WHIPS out his BADGE - Walter looks at the badge, then at Lou - LOU Police officer. WALTER You're like an undercover guy! LOU You're in some deep shit pal, whether you know it or not. WALTER Huh?!!! LOU Possession of narcotics isn't something we take lightly, you understand? Lou takes a few steps closer and Walter takes a few steps back - LOU But I got a feeling you're gonna cooperate with me. Yessir, I think you and me are gonna be real good friends. (Beat) Why don't you tell me about your connection. WALTER C-connection? LOU I'm not looking to pinch you! I don't care about you, or the girl. (Beat) But you want to save your ass, you better start telling me what I want to hear. Now! WALTER Telling you what? LOU Who's the head honcho! Who's providing the smack connection! WALTER Smack? LOU (rolls his eyes) Goddammit, where are you from, Mars? WALTER Alaska! What the heck's wrong with it! LOU Haven't you ever heard of smack! Horse! Junk! Heroin! WALTER (enthusiastically) Is that what that is? I never seen any before. I always thought that stuff was expensive! LOU Oh, yeah. It can get real expensive. WALTER Wasn't that nice of Mayolia to give me some expensive smack. Walter heads over to the stove - Lou stops him, turns him around - LOU (angry) Who do think you're dealing with, huh? I'm willing to cut you a break, chief! WALTER (totally confused) You are? LOU Good ol' mild mannered Walter! Give it up. It doesn't fly with me. Lou steps up to Walter who cringes behind his griddle - WALTER I- don't know what you're talking about! LOU You're coming downtown with me, Walter. You're gonna come clean with me, you're gonna name names or I swear to God I'll see to it personally you rot in a cell upstate! Are we understanding each other? WALTER (panicked) Wait a minute! What'd I do? LOU I got you cold, pal. Make it easy for yourself, use your head. WALTER I didn't do nothing wrong! That was Mayolia's! I didn't ask her for it. I don't know about any - LOU Yeah yeah yeah - look! I've heard this song and dance before, save your breath, you're coming with me! Lou goes to turn Walter against the wall but Walter springs back - WALTER Wait a minute - I told you I didn't do nothing wrong! LOU Don't give me a hard time Walter! You don't want to get me mad! You're coming with me! WALTER I ain't going no place with you! Lou then grabs his .45 from behind him and aims it at Walter - LOU Turn around! Walter panics and begins to FREAK OUT- WALTER You're gonna shoot me! LOU Turn around! Lou lunges for Walter's arm to turn him around but he staggers back - LOU What are ya, deaf? Turn around! WALTER NO! NO DON'T SHOOT ME I DON'T WANT TO GET SHOT! LOU Relax! WALTER YOU'RE GONNA SHOOT ME! LOU Walter shut up and relax! WALTER NO YOU'RE GONNA SHOOT ME DON'T SHOOT - Lou SPRINGS for Walter - WHAMMM! Walter SINKS the griddle into Lou's skull - Lou grunts and crashes to the floor - Walter cringes back in terror - as he steps back we see the BLOODY EDGE of the griddle - Walter staggers back, witnessing what he has done - Soon there is a KNOCKING on his door - MRS. SWICKER(O.S.) Walter! At first Walter is too shocked to hear the knocking, but soon he does, and a horrible realization forms in his mind - EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT Mrs. Swicker knocks on the door, listening intently - MRS. SWICKER Walter! She knocks again - MRS. SWICKER Walter are you alright? I thought I heard some shouting a minute ago! Mrs. Swicker waits for a beat - soon she hears BANGING and CLANGING through the door - MRS. SWICKER Walter! The banging and clanging continues - Mrs. Swicker knocks again - the banging reaches comical proportions - MRS. SWICKER Walter open this door - The clanging continues - Mrs. swicker jiggles the door handle - the door opens - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Mrs. Swicker walks in and Walter hides the bloody griddle in the nick of time, staggering back - MRS. SWICKER What's all the noise in here! WALTER Noise Mrs. Swicker? What noise? Mrs. Swicker closes the door behind her - MRS. SWICKER Don't tell me I didn't hear a racket! I'm an older woman and I don't need to be upset and disturbed in this manner! WALTER I was just straightening up the place. MRS. SWICKER Straightening up indeed! Are you sure you're not alone? WALTER I'm always alone, Mrs. Swicker, you know that. Mrs. Swicker begins to snoop around the place - MRS. SWICKER Walter have you been talking to yourself again? WALTER (wringing his hands) Well yes I guess I have been Mrs. Swicker. Somebody's got to. Mrs. swicker continues to snoop around - she then turns and looks at Walter - MRS. SWICKER (exasperated) Walter, you know what you need is a girl! Mrs. Swicker continues to inspect the place, with Walter following close behind her - MRS. SWICKER She doesn't have to be pretty... just as long as she takes good care of you... WALTER Uh, I can take real good care of myself, Mrs. Swicker! Mrs. Swicker continues to look around the cluttered room - MRS. SWICKER Yeah I can see that! Look at this place! At that moment Lou's BLOODY ARM drops into view in the background, having been stuffed in a crawl space above the sink - MRS. SWICKER It's terrible! Why don't you ever clean it up! Walter notices the arm as Mrs. Swicker directs her attention in the opposite direction, grabbing a sheet - MRS. SWICKER And when did you change these sheets last! It looks like they're alive! Walter panics, and gently leads Mrs. Swicker to the door - WALTER Uh, Mrs. Swicker I got to meet some friends later, and I have to take a shower! MRS. SWICKER Well why don't you clean up this dump! Mrs. Swicker resists as Walter opens the door and pushes her out - WALTER I will - good night Mrs. Swicker! MRS. SWICKER What's the matter with you! Walter shoves her out the door and closes it behind him - Pressing his back against the door he looks ahead - Blood begins to trickle down Lou's arm - Walter approaches the bloody arm, caught in a total panic - Blood begins to drop on the floor - Walter looks around frantically, and finds a big metal POT - He places it under the dripping blood, lowering it to the ground - He then steps back, listening to the rhythmic trickle of blood hitting the pot - Walter staggers back, grabbing a sponge - He heads over to a PUDDLE of smeared blood on the floor - He gets on his knees and begins to wipe up the blood - WALTER (crying) I didn't mean to hurt you, sir... if you had shot me, you'd be mopping up my blood now... Walter continues to mop up the stain - WALTER I couldn't help it if I got scared. I didn't mean it! Walter stops to listen to the trickling blood - something dawns on him - WALTER It's crazy...it's crazy... (Beat) I didn't think I had it in me... How'd ya do it, Walter... Walter gets up, faces Lou's off camera corpse and addresses it - WALTER He said go home and make something Walter! Make another cat... Walter looks down at the pot filling with blood - WALTER But I told him I didn't have another cat... Walter then gets an idea, and looks up toward Lou's body - Walter's expression changes, from one of panic to one of new inspiration - EXT PAYPHONE - DAY Art is on the phone - ART No, nobody seems to know where he went... (Beat) why don't you put an A.P.B. out and I'll check on it from here... (Beat) Right...Ok, bye. Art hangs up the phone - DISSOLVE TO INT JABBERJAW - DAY Leonard enters and closes the door - he begins lifting shades and getting the place ready to open - He heads over to the alcove, something catches his eye - It is the Dead Cat sculpture - Leonard stops to look at it, laughing faintly to himself - he then picks it up and inspects it, shaking his head - He puts it back, positioning it just so - as he turns his back the cat leans forward and crashes to the ground - Leonard turns around and sees what happened - he picks it up and examines it - There is a FRACTURE in the plaster - Leonard runs his finger over it - CLOSE on Leonard's face he notices something - As Leonard traces his finger over the fracture, he discovers some CAT HAIRS protruding from the sculpture - Taken aback by the discovery, Leonard puts the sculpture down - He then pokes it, almost as if he expects a response - Leonard slowly breaks into a knowing smile - DISSOLVE TO EXT STREETS - NIGHT A MONTAGE of police PATROL CARS driving down various streets - RADIO OPERATOR(V.O.) ...officer Louis LaRue...age 29, five foot eleven, Caucasian, black hair, last seen wearing jeans and a dark jacket... DISSOLVE TO INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT The joint is jumping as the audience listens to a MUSICIAN playing assorted GARBAGE from the scrap yard - Several PATRONS examine the Dead Cat sculpture - Cuff and Link sit at a table noticing the commotion wit contempt - CUFF Look at that, man. Big deal. LINK I know. CUFF I mean it's like, you know, I do my art because that's what I am, you know? I'm an artist. I'm not like a banker, you know. Like I create. LINK I know, man. CUFF But it bugs me when someone rips off our ideas, our concepts, and people freak out about it, you know, and tell us ours stinks! LINK I know, man. CUFF I mean, screw them, you know? I'm just gonna go right on creating 'cause it comes from here - (pounds chest) you know? LINK I know, man. Just then Art enters the club - Cuff and Link see him come in - Walter busses an adjacent table - CUFF And, man who is this dude? He's like always casing the joint. A shady - looking couple behind Cuff and Link notice Art also, and decide to hastily leave - LINK I wonder what his deal is. CUFF I think he's looking for you, man... it's all finally catching up with you! Link sees Walter - LINK No I think they're looking for Walter, 'cause he's wanted for stealing - Walter leaves with the tray pretending not to have heard the comment - he nevertheless CRASHES into a Leonard, spilling the contents of the tray - CUFF Jeez, take it easy Walter! Walter crouches and picks up the items - Leonard looks down at him with disdain - Walter then stands up - WALTER Sorry about that Mr. De Santis! Leonard says nothing for a beat - LEONARD That's alright Walter... Leonard then gestures to a table - LEONARD Put the tray down...have a seat. The comment takes Walter by surprise - WALTER H-have a seat? LEONARD Have a seat - Cuff and Link watch as Walter sits down - WALTER I thought I'm not supposed to sit with the customers... LEONARD Now why shouldn't you, Walter? Things are different now... WALTER They are? Leonard sits down, facing him - he lights a cigarette - LEONARD Of course they are, Walter. Carla then makes her way toward their table - LEONARD You've arrived. You've been recognized. You're a talent, a creative force to be reckoned with. CARLA Leonard, what are you doing? Leonard and Walter notice Carla - WALTER Hiya Carla. LEONARD What am I doing? I'm just telling Walter the truth. Carla sits down and listens - LEONARD A man came in here and wanted to pay me fifty dollars for the cat. In fact, he took it home to show to his wife, in case you're wondering where it was. Carla looks at Walter - LEONARD You know what that proves? WALTER What, Mr. De Santis? LEONARD It proves I've underestimated Walter's ability. His work has hit a nerve in the collective zeitgeist of the art community. It has enormous realism - you can hardly tell it from the real thing! LINK Sounds like he's busting your chops, Walter. CARLA Are you trying to be funny? LEONARD I'm totally serious! Leonard gets close to Walter - puts his hand on his shoulder - LEONARD The question is what are you going to make next, Walter? Did you make that dog yet, or that parakeet? (beat) How about making something out of the cockroaches in your room? WALTER I-I already got a new one! CARLA Great! What is it? WALTER It's a...full length life-size figure! CARLA What's it called? WALTER (Beat) Murdered man. Leonard takes his hand off Walter's shoulder - LEONARD Murdered...man?... CARLA When do we get to see it? WALTER Well...any time, I guess. LINK (sarcastically) Man that's a trippy name, kinda like the Warhol mayhem series... CUFF I saw a statue once called The Third Time Phyllis Saw Me She Exploded. LINK Now what kind of statue was that? CUFF I don't know it was made out of driftwood and dipped in sulfuric acid. It was out there... LEONARD Well...why murdered man? WALTER I don't know, it just happened, I guess. (Beat) I didn't mean to. LEONARD You didn't mean to what? WALTER Well, I mean it could have been something else, but it just worked out that way. CARLA It's called spontaneity, Leonard. Get with the program. WALTER Yeah it was all just an accident. Leonard has suddenly become pale - he gets up - CARLA Are you alright? LEONARD Yes...I'm uh...I'm fine. LINK You don't look so hot... CUFF You must have had some of the food - Cuff drops a chunk of whole wheat bread onto his plate - Leonard composes himself - LEONARD Excuse me... Leonard heads off - CARLA I think he really is sick... LINK So who isn't around here? Leonard heads over to the other end of the club - A PLUMP MAN enters the club, looking around - He spots Leonard, and makes his way toward him - Leonard takes a deep breath - the plump man approaches - PLUMP MAN I tried to contact you by phone but I couldn't... LEONARD Excuse me I have to make a call... Leonard picks up the phone and dials a number - PLUMP MAN I want that cat. I'll pay you one thousand dollars - cash. LEONARD (on the phone) I'm trying to reach Lieutenant Beldere... PLUMP MAN What offers have you got for it? I won't be out-bidded. I'm a wealthy man and I don't mind paying for something I want. LEONARD I can't talk right now. PLUMP MAN What do you want for it? Two thousand? Three thousand? LEONARD No...look I'm busy... PLUMP MAN Listen to me...I don't want to lose this piece - LEONARD (on the phone) I'm holding for Lieutenant Beldere! PLUMP MAN Listen to me, listen to me...I've been collecting art pieces all over the world for years and let me tell you something. This newcomer Walter Paisley has it, whatever it is, the X factor, that indefinable quality that separates the greats from the hacks, and I want that cat in my hands. Are you listening to me? LEONARD Can't you see I'm busy here? The plump man reaches inside his jacket - PLUMP MAN Alright you want to play hard... to insure I get that cat I'll give you five thousand dollars - cash, right here, right now... The plump man pulls an envelope out of his jacket - this gets Leonard's attention - PLUMP Two thousand for the cat, and a first look at the kid's next stuff. Leonard looks at the plump man - VOICE ON PHONE(V.O.) Lieutenant Beldere. Leonard hangs up and faces the plump man - LEONARD Someone has the cat just now but I'll have him back in a few days. (Beat) And you can have it for five thousand dollars. The plump man breaks into a smile, pats Leonard on the arm and shakes his hand - PLUMP MAN Alright...thank you sir, I consider it a bargain. The plump man gives Leonard his card, and heads out - PLUMP MAN Call me when you're ready... good night. Leonard watches him leave - Leonard takes a deep breath as carla approaches him - CARLA Are you feeling better Leonard? Leonard looks at her - LEONARD Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better. CARLA Listen, I'm going over to Walter's after the place closes. I want to get a look at Murdered Man. Do you want to come along? Leonard looks at her for a beat, then nods - Onstage, the industrial musician finishes up his song, and the crowd applauds - DISSOLVE TO INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT The door opens and Walter walks in, followed by Carla and Leonard - Walter turns on the overhead lamp - Int the center of the room is a TALL OBJECT covered by a sheet - Leonard closes the door behind him - Carla looks at the object - CARLA Look at the size of it! WALTER It's not really that big I got it on kind of a stand... CARLA Let's see it. WALTER Uh, well, I'm a little nervous, I never did a person before. CARLA You can do anything you want if you set your mind to it. Leonard leans back against the door and swallows - LEONARD It's hot in here... WALTER You want me to open a window or something? CARLA Come on Walter, take off the sheet. Walter obliges, pulling down the sheet to reveal his creation - It is LOU, standing upright and looking down at the three spectators - his skull is CLEAVED right down the middle from the top of his head to the bridge of his nose - Leonard and Carla stare in dumbstruck silence - Walter looks at their expressions, clutching the sheet - WALTER Don't you like it? Carla continues to stare for a beat - CARLA Like it? (Beat) It's a masterpiece. I've never seen anything like it before... and I hope I never see anything like it again. Walter smiles and looks at his creation - WALTER Me too. LEONARD I have to sit down. Carla walks around the statue - CARLA Take it in...in it's eloquence... modern man in all his...self pity... Leonard drops down onto a hardwood chair - CARLA How did you ever find it all in yourself, Walter? WALTER It wasn't easy. Carla looks back at Leonard, who has an ashen look on his face - CARLA What's the matter with you? LEONARD Nothing...nothing at all. CARLA I've never seen anyone so... squeamish. (Beat) Well, what's your opinion, Leonard? LEONARD Don't ask. CARLA Oh come on! Even you can see its value. The head stares back at the two - CARLA Do you think you or I could have conceived of such a thing, much less have executed it? Leonard says nothing - CARLA Well then admit it, it's a work of genius. LEONARD I admit it. Walter heads over to Leonard - WALTER We can bring it down to the Jabberjaw. Leonard gets up - LEONARD No. Why don't you cover it up Walter... CARLA Why not? LEONARD Why don't you cover it up, Walter! Walter throws the sheet back over the sculpture - CARLA What's wrong with you, why do you want to hide it? LEONARD Well, I've been thinking... (Beat) I didn't realize how much...talent Walter actually had. It would be wrong for us to show them one at a time. (Beat) Dead wrong. CARLA You're right. We should build a collection first. Leonard backs up, looking at the two of them - LEONARD That's it...that's the idea! Maybe when it's big enough we can have a show! Walter rushes over to Leonard - WALTER A show?! Like this Sunday? LEONARD N-no! Not exactly, I mean you take years and years... Leonard looks at the sculpture, composing himself - LEONARD It will take years to make that many statues. (Beat) But your work would be featured. CARLA That's the idea, Walter. It's the only way to gain recognition. All the big art critics and art dealers would be there, it would be an event. LEONARD Yeah then you could unload - sell this stuff for a lot more. WALTER A show..how soon can we go? LEONARD These things take time Walter... but for now you've got to break out of this one...avenue you're on... Leonard heads over to Carla - LEONARD Carla and I will guide you, help develop and evolve your work...maybe lead you toward something more abstract... CARLA Abstract? With his talent for realism? LEONARD You see the direction his realism takes! It's unhealthy! WALTER Look you said I was a genius! If I'm a genius I don't want to be a bus boy anymore! LEONARD Well maybe you have a point there, you shouldn't keep working at the Jabberjaw. Look... Leonard digs into his pocket and peels off TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS - LEONARD Now look - Dead Cat's money in the bank, I'm sure that man's going to buy it, so here's your half in advance - twenty five dollars. Leonard hands the money to an ecstatic Walter - LEONARD And if you need more, I've got it, don't worry. (Beat) I have faith in you Walter. Walter heads over to Carla holding up the money and smiling like a simpleton - WALTER Gee..twenty five dollars for something I made! CARLA Now you're a professional! Leonard heads over to the door and opens it - LEONARD Let's go! Carla gives a look of attraction to Walter and heads toward the door - CARLA Good night, Walter. And keep up the good work. Walter smiles at her as Leonard gently takes her arm - LEONARD But don't burn yourself out, Walter. You've got all the time in the world. (Beat) Let's go! Leonard pulls Carla into the courtyard - Walter heads over to the door - WALTER Good night. Walter closes the door and gazes at the money again - he is truly thrilled, and begins to JUMP around the room, HOOTING and HOLLERING - EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT Mrs. Swicker walks by Walter's door, overhearing him carrying on - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Mrs. Swicker opens the door watching Walter jumping around - MRS. SWICKER What's going on! Walter SPINS around and stops jumping - he runs over to Mrs. Swicker holding the money - WALTER I'm an artist Mrs. Swicker! A professional artist! Walter YANKS the sheet off the statue - Mrs. Swicker stares at the apparition, looking as if she's about to lose her lunch - She gently back up into the hall - MRS. SWICKER Good night... Mrs. Swicker closes the door abruptly - Walter turns around, and gleefully continues to stare at the money - DISSOLVE TO INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Another busy night at the club - a DJ spins a hybrid assortment of records resulting in a most irritating sound - Leonard sits close to Carla, smoking, as she nurses a glass of wine - Art arrives again, looking around the room - He passes Maxwell, who sits at a table with Mayolia, Charlie, and an attractive blond girl - once again, Maxwell is somewhat intoxicated - MAXWELL One of the greatest advantages to modern poetry is the overload of sensations from which to draw, everywhere in our minute lives, our TV's and our information traffic jam! The goal is to filter those sensations to articulate our awareness! And I'm proud to say my poetry is understood only by that small minority which is...aware! ATTRACTIVE GIRL Aware of what? MAYOLIA Not of anything stupid! Just aware! Art passes Cuff and Link, sitting at a table smoking cigarettes - CUFF There's that weird dude again. LINK Man if this place doesn't cool out I'm gonna hang out somewhere else... The singer continues to sing his song - Link then sees something - LINK Get a load of this - Then Walter walks through the front door - his look has changed considerably - he's dressed like an eccentric artist, wearing unusual clothes, and looking somewhat ridiculous - he strides into the club - People notice him and greet him as he nods to various people - A couple points, and talks about him - He passes Leonard and Carla - Leonard does a double-take - CARLA Hi Walter. WALTER Carla... Walter sits down at a table next to Leonard and Carla - a waiter approaches - WALTER I'll have a Taft's-Sorrel mineral water, a piece of papaya cheese cake, and, and a grande cappuccino. Walter lights up a small CIGAR, looking at Carla confidently - a piece of TOBACCO gets stuck on his lip, which he has to spit off - Maxwell approaches Walter's table and extends his hand - MAXWELL Walter. Walter shakes his hand - WALTER Maxwell. MAXWELL I see the rewards of achievement have come your way. Maxwell sits down - WALTER Well I am starting to have some success now, with my pieces... Cuff and Link witness the encounter - CUFF Man look at that get up ! LINK Looks like that cat paid off in spades. CUFF Let's check out the scene. Cuff gets up - LINK I'm with you. Leonard stands and addresses Maxwell and Walter - LEONARD I was just suggesting to Walter that he experiment with more abstract themes. Maxwell looks at Leonard with contempt - MAXWELL Why do you suggest anything to Walter? Are you the spokesman for society coming to poke your stifling finger in his eye! Cuff and Link show up - CUFF And a hearty good evening to ya! Cuff and link sit down, flanking Maxwell, who shifts and looks at the two of them - Leonard sits back down with Carla - MAXWELL Oh now who invited these two, down from the clouds? WOMAN'S VOICE(O.S.) Maxwell! Maxwell turns - We see the shrill voice belongs to ALICE, a well-developed blonde in a tight sweater, who makes her way toward the table - MAXWELL Clear the table and bring me a bowl, I may be sick! Alice approaches the table - CUFF It's Alice Ziobro, here to spread a little cheer - Alice looks at Maxwell - ALICE Do you like my haircut? MAXWELL It's enchanting. Alice takes a seat near Cuff and Link - CARLA Where have you been, Alice? ALICE (smugly) I was up in Seattle working on a video. LINK Oh yeah? For who? ALICE Petroleum Function. LINK No way! ALICE Yeah it's for their new CD. Alice then turns her attention to Walter - ALICE (disdainfully) Don't you work here? WALTER Not anymore! MAXWELL That's right, Walter has sold his first sculpture. Alice is unimpressed by the news - ALICE Oh. Really. Cuff gets close to Alice - CUFF This guy's a clown and he ripped off our concepts. ALICE Oh yeah? CUFF Now he's trying to act cool about it. (Beat) Someone needs to pop his bubble. ALICE What are you thinking? Cuff whispers to Alice, and the two of them start laughing - MAXWELL And what project looms on the horizon, Walter? WALTER Uh, I don't know. Alice faces Walter - ALICE I do life modeling, you know. Walter looks at Alice - ALICE Would you like to do me? WALTER I just might. ALICE I'd be glad to help. (Beat) For $50 an hour. Cuff and Link crack up - LEONARD Never mind that. Walter's going to try something abstract. MAXWELL There you go again! I may take my business to the Snake Pit! CARLA As a matter of fact I was going to suggest to Walter that he try a female figure. It would be a departure from the mayhem/death theme. You really should, Walter. Carla looks at him - CARLA If you like, I'll be your model, for free. Walter looks at her - WALTER I couldn't. Not you. Leonard gets closer to Carla - LEONARD (suggestively) Would you pose for me for free? CARLA Well, it all depends, Leonard... Walter sees this and is FLUSHED WITH JEALOUSY - CUFF Man if you want to be a legit artist you have to do nudes, nudes, nudes... LINK Right. Ain't no body of work complete without some... nudes - This is about all Maxwell can take - Cuff cackles like a buffoon - MAXWELL Get these Philistines out of here! ALICE Oh let's change the subject I'm sick of hearing about sculpture! No one knows how to do that anymore, especially the bus boy from the Jabberjaw... WALTER Who do you think you're talking about!! Alice laughs condescendingly - ALICE Look at you! Who do think you are. You're just a poser trying, and failing, to fit into the scene! MAXWELL Strong words... (under his breath) ...for such a simple mind. ALICE I think this bit about him being this discovered sculptor is a bunch of baloney and a cry for help. WALTER That's not true I am a sculptor! ALICE Oh yeah? Alice picks up a piece of CAKE - ALICE Prove it! Make something out of this! Walter SMUSHES the cake onto Alice's palm - WALTER There! Flat Cake! Maxwell BELLOWS with laughter - Alice wipes off her hand - ALICE If you were an artist you could have created something! WALTER I'm going home! Walter gets up and leaves - Carla turns and raises her glass to Alice, smiling - CARLA Alice? (smile fades) You're a bitch. Dejected, Walter makes his way out of the club, storming past Mayolia - Mayolia watches Walter leave - DISSOLVE TO EXT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Alice makes her way out the door - heads down the steps and walks off - Then out of the shadows we see Walter, who has been waiting for her to leave - When the coast is clear, he begins to follow her... EXT BUNGALOW - NIGHT Alice enters the courtyard - she walks over to the front door of her bungalow, enters, and closes the door behind her - Just then Walter stealthily enters the courtyard - He approaches Alice's door, waits a beat, then gently knocks - Alice opens the door and looks at Walter - ALICE What are you doing here? WALTER I wanted to apologize for being nasty to you this evening. Alice is unimpressed - ALICE So you apologized! Good night! Alice SLAMS the door right in Walter's face - Walter takes a few steps back - he clenches his jaw then BANGS on the door - Alice RIPS the door open - ALICE Listen schmuck, why don't you get out of here and let me go to bed! WALTER I didn't finish talking to you! ALICE Well I'm done talking to you, what do I have to do, draw you a diagram! WALTER I decided to make a female figure after all! (Beat) I want you to pose for it. Alice looks him up and down for a beat, changing her tone - ALICE (sarcastic) Well I'm touched. (beat) You're serious, aren't you? WALTER Yes. Fifty dollars an hour, right? ALICE Yeah. Alice laughs, and stares at Walter for a beat - ALICE Well, if you've got the money, I don't mind posing. (Beat) When do you want to start work? Walter looks up at her sheepishly - WALTER Tonight. ALICE What, right now? WALTER Uh-huh. Alice looks him up and down again - ALICE Hold on...I'll get my coat. DISSOLVE TO EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT Walter and Alice head over to his front door - ALICE It's kind of dark - WALTER Shh! Alice shuts up and the two of them quietly head into him room, closing the door - Just then Mrs. Swicker opens her door down the hall, poking her head out - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Alice begins to undress - ALICE You could use a little more heat in this place - Walter drags a big bag of PLASTER out of a closet - he drags it to a new addition in the room, a large TROUGH - WALTER It's bad for the clay. You'll get used to it... Walter then props up a chair - ALICE I'm almost ready - WALTER Sit in this chair, and I'll pose you. Walter heads over to the lump of clay on the table - Alice sits down, back to camera, totally nude - ALICE Do you like what you see? Walter does a double take, and swallows hard at the voluptuous figure before him - WALTER Yes. (Beat) Just stay like that. Walter nervously kneads the clay - ALICE That doesn't look like very much clay. WALTER Oh it's enough... ALICE Are you nervous, Walter? WALTER N-no... Alice sexily shifts in her seat - ALICE Not even a little bit? WALTER I already told you I'm not. ALICE When's the last time you had a totally nude girl in your room... WALTER (swallows) Um... ALICE Without a stitch of clothing on, sitting and facing you... Walter fumbles with the clay - ALICE A girl with a body like mine? WALTER You're breaking my concentration! Alice laughs - ALICE Walter can I ask you something? WALTER What! ALICE Are you a virgin? Walter stands up - WALTER For cryin' out loud what does that have to do with anything! ALICE It's just an innocent question. (Beat) Besides I just wanted to clarify your intentions. WALTER Whaddya mean? ALICE Well I just wanted to make sure you know, fully and completely, that you're never gonna get any from me, at least in this lifetime. This comment stings Walter - he clenches his jaw, and gets up - WALTER Look - (Beat) This pose is all wrong! ALICE I'll pose any way you want. Walter then grabs up a SCARF, and approaches Alice - Walter then hands the scarf to Alice - WALTER I want you to put this around your neck... Alice takes the scarf and places it around her neck - WALTER Just like that...that's right. Walter then steps behind Alice, grabbing the ends of the scarf gently - Then suddenly Walter PULLS the ends hard, choking Alice - Alice clutches the scarf and struggles, panicking and gasping for air - Walter tugs at the scarf with all his might - Alice kicks and tries to free herself, to no avail - Walter continues to strangle her, clenching his jaws - INT CARLA'S APARTMENT - DAY Carla, Maxwell, Cuff, Link, and another girl sit around the living room - Carla hands Maxwell a plate - Maxwell inspects the plate - CARLA Here you go, enjoy. MAXWELL I hope this was made with egg whites! CARLA It was. MAXWELL What's this sauce! I'm lactose intolerant. CARLA Don't worry it's a non-dairy sauce made from soy milk. MAXWELL Hm. Maxwell takes a bite - someone knocks at the door and Cuff goes to answer it - Cuff answers the door - CUFF Hey it's mister perjury! In walks Walter, who notices everyone there - WALTER Hi. MAXWELL Good morning Walter! Walter approaches Carla, a little dejected he wasn't invited - WALTER Hi Carla. (Beat) What's going on? CARLA These guys came by to help me try out some of my new organic recipes. WALTER Oh... MAXWELL Wheat germ omelette, guava nectar and garbanzo sprinkled with smoked yeast. Join us? WALTER No thanks. Sounds good though. MAXWELL Suit yourself. CARLA What's up, Walter? WALTER I came over to see you. (Beat) I brought something...I wanted to show you. CARLA Oh yeah? WALTER Yeah. Can some of you guys help me? Maxwell puts down his plate - CARLA Is it murdered man? WALTER Better! Carla gets up - CARLA Come on! Maxwell claps his hands twice, not getting up - MAXWELL All hands! Cuff and Link follow Carla - DISSOLVE TO INT CARLA'S APARTMENT - DAY Walter, Cuff, and Link carry an OBJECT covered by a sheet - Maxwell watches - LINK Man this is heavy! CUFF Yeah what's this, Murdered Elephant? MAXWELL Put it in the middle of the room! CARLA When did you make this, Walter? WALTER Uh, last night. It doesn't take me very long. The men put the object down, out of breath - CUFF Well let's see it, man! Walter undoes a string and lifts off the sheet to reveal - ALICE, naked and seated in a chair, clutching at a scarf around her throat - Everyone stares at it in awe - CARLA Walter...I can't believe it. MAXWELL I'm honored to know this man. WALTER So you think it's nice? LINK Man, she's beautiful. WALTER (to Carla) You think she's better than Murdered Man? CARLA Well I can't say that Walter! She's incomparable. They're both great. MAXWELL I'm...moved. I'm moved to write about this! (Beat) Tonight, at the Jabberjaw, I will recite a new poem, and we'll celebrate in your honor! Maxwell puts his hand on Walter' shoulder - Carla then kisses Walter, a peck on the lips - Walter is flabbergasted - INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT A LOUD BAND wraps up a song, and the singer CRASHES into the drum set - people applaud - Walter sits in a big wooden chair with a paper CROWN on his head and a paper STAR on his lapel, looking a little tipsy - in one hand is a GOBLET, in the other a PLUNGER - Art and a new UNDERCOVER COP stand at the entrance of the club - ART Alright, let's split up and keep a low profile. You hear anything, you let me know. The undercover cop nods, and heads off - ART I'm going to get to the bottom of this... Carla approaches Walter with a bottle of CHAMPAGNE - CARLA More champagne, your majesty? WALTER Here here... Carla pours some into the goblet - CARLA Where where... WALTER There there... The goblet overflows - WALTER That's good... Carla sits down next to Walter on the edge of the stage - Walter leans over to her with a drunken smile on his face - WALTER May I please have another little kiss? CARLA Walter! Jeez! WALTER (smile fades) Sorry... Carla laughs - Walter smiles again and Carla puts her head against his arm - Leonard surveys the crowd from another part of the room - Maxwell then heads to the stage where Walter is sitting and raises his hands - Scattered applause erupts - MAXWELL Order! Order! The crowd quiets down as Maxwell puts his hand on Walter's shoulder - MAXWELL Walter... (booming voice) The bird that flies now pays later through the nose of ambidextrous apathy - Walter strains to understand - MAXWELL Necrophiles may dance upon the placemats in an orgy of togetherness - Walter looks around the room as Maxwell gathers steam - MAXWELL The highway of life cuts sharply through the shady ghettos and the ivy-covered tombs, and laughter rains from every capsule in the star-spangled firmament - Cuff, Link, and Mayolia listen from an adjacent table - MAXWELL(O.S.) And in the deep freeze it is the children's hour - Maxwell punches holes in the air with his finger - MAXWELL And no one knows that Duncan is murdered and no one knows that Walter Paisley is born - Maxwell slaps his hand on Walter's shoulder, spilling some of Walter's champagne - Walter smiles and looks at Maxwell through his drunken haze - MAXWELL (getting louder) Duncan knows...Tuesday sunrise knows...alley cats and garbage cans and satellite dishes, and you and I, and the nude descending the staircase, and all such things with souls, we shall hear that Walter Paisley is born! Walter looks at Maxwell with a half-smile, completely lost - MAXWELL (loud) Ring rubber bells! Beat cotton gongs! Strike silken cymbals! Play leather flutes - Leonard listens with a blank expression on his face - Art slouches at a table and looks at Maxwell like he's a jerk - he shifts, unable to take much more of this - MAXWELL(O.S.) The cats and cans and you and I and all such things with souls, we shall hear that Walter Paisley is born! Maxwell raises his clenched fists - MAXWELL And the soul become flesh - Walter Paisley is born! Maxwell stands back - people applaud, and Maxwell bows his head and leaves the stage - Cuff claps enthusiastically - Link slouches behind him, half- clapping - Mayolia seems too moved to clap - CUFF That was cool, man, that was cool. MAYOLIA That was the greatest rap I ever heard! CUFF It sent me. Cuff then turns to Link - CUFF What did he say? LINK Didn't you hear him? CUFF No man I'm on my own plane. Walter sits onstage by himself, still holding his plunger - Maxwell sits down at a table with Charlie and two attractive girls - CHARLIE Maxwell that was magnificent. Maxwell slugs back the rest of his champagne - 1ST PRETTY GIRL You're really...eloquent. Maxwell clunks the glass on the table - MAXWELL Walter deserves every word of it! 1ST PRETTY GIRL Makes me so glad I'm aware. Maxwell puts his hand over the girl's hand - Carla approaches Walter, who reels a bit in the chair - he has a sad look on his face - WALTER Did you hear what he said? CARLA Yes Walter. WALTER All about me... Carla nods and smiles - WALTER It's true, isn't it? CARLA Every word... Walter slowly smiles - DISSOLVE TO INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT The crowd has thinned out, people are leaving - Walter polishes off the dregs of a bottle of champagne as Leonard watches him - LEONARD You better hold off on the bubbly. WALTER Yeah, why? LEONARD You might talk too much. WALTER Yeah and what would I say? MAXWELL(O.S.) Are you two grinders ignoring us? Walter staggers over toward Maxwell, who is sitting with Carla, Charlie, and the two attractive girls - WALTER Oh not me Maxwell, I wouldn't ignore you. He puts his hand on Maxwell's shoulder - WALTER I know what it is to be ignored. CARLA Tell us what you're going to make next, Walter. WALTER (reeling) I'm gonna make the most wildest wittiest things you ever seen... gonna make big statues and li'l statues, tall statues n' short statues... Walter takes his crown off - WALTER I'm gonna make statues of nobodies and statues of famous people, statues of actors - (looking at Maxwell) and poets...and people who sell things on television...and a statue of the mayor, and some rock singers and their instrument friends... The group listens to Walter - WALTER An' everyone will say Walter let me shake your hand...it's a real pleasure to have known you... MAXWELL (applauding) Here here! The group claps - Leonard watches in the background as Walter polishes off his glass - DISSOLVE TO EXT STREET - NIGHT Walter staggers down the street - WALTER Alley cats and garbage cans...they know that Walter Paisley is born... Walter removes the star from his lapel and continues to stagger down the street - WALTER Ring rubber bells, beat cotton gongs, strike silken cymbals... Walter turns the corner - WALTER Tell us what you're gonna do next Walter... Walter bounces against a wall - WALTER (loud) I'm gonna make big statues and little statues, movie stars and poets, and people who sell things on television, and the mayor, and some rock singers... Walter stops walking and leans his hand against the wall - WALTER (Beat) What are you gonna do next, Walter? Walter all of a sudden gets a sad look on his face - WALTER What am I gonna do next... what am I gonna do next... Walter looks like he's about to cry - WALTER I gotta do something before they forget me...I know what it's like to be ignored... Walter thinks, then heads off, down the alley - EXT LUMBER YARD - NIGHT CLOSE on a table saw - a CARPENTER pulls the saw over a piece of wood, then turns it off - He picks up the wood and inspects the cut - he then turns around, only to be startled by Walter - CARPENTER Who are you? Whaddya want? WALTER (slurred) Life is nothing but a homeless guy on th' bus of art... CARPENTER Huh? Walter gets RIGHT in the carpenter's face - WALTER (slurred) What is not creation is rice cakes...let them all crumble to feed the creator... The carpenter stares at him for a beat, trying to avoid Walter's boozy breath - CARPENTER Beat it, ya drunk, or I'll call the cops! The carpenter turns the saw back on - Walter SPINS the man around by his shoulder - WALTER (loud, slurred) All else is rice cakes! The carpenter SHOVES Walter hard - he lands on his ass - CARPENTER Get out of here, you god - damn freak or I'll split your head with a two-by-four! Walter staggers to his feet and takes a few steps back - the carpenter gives him a wary look for a beat and then continues sawing - Walter then POUNCES on the man, choking him - The carpenter tries to fight back but Walter is possessed with a psychotic strength - Walter begins to gain the upper hand forcing the man's neck closer and closer to the sawblade - The carpenter sees the blade, and struggles with all his might to get free - CARPENTER No...no! Walter forces the man's face down on the metal - CARPENTER Stop...no...NOOOOOO! The saw makes a CUTTING noise - CARPENTER Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! FADE OUT FADE IN EXT JABBERJAW - DAY Leonard gets a PAPER out of a VENDING MACHINE - He reads the headline - "HEADLESS MAN FOUND IN LUMBERYARD" Leonard reads it for a beat - Walter then approaches, carrying a box - WALTER Hello Leonard! Beautiful morning, isn't it? LEONARD It was. Leonard lowers the paper - his face drops - LEONARD What do you have in the box? WALTER Just wait till you see this! Walter opens the box and removes the contents - It is the HEAD of the carpenter - Walter shoves the sculpture in Leonard's face - Leonard drops the paper and staggers back - WALTER Whatsamatter Leonard? LEONARD (Beat) You made...a bust... WALTER (gleefully) Yeah isn't it wonderful? Leonard takes a few steps back - WALTER Whatsamatter Leonard? LEONARD Put it down, Walter. Walter's smile fades, and he puts the head down - Leonard addresses him - LEONARD Walter...Walter listen carefully. (Beat) I don't want you to make any more statues. Do you understand? No more statues. WALTER (hurt) Well Why not? I gotta make statues Leonard. You heard Maxwell, they want me to make them. (Beat) I can't go back to being a busboy! LEONARD Maxwell! He's behind all this with all his stupid blowhard poetry! (Beat) Listen, you've got to stop right away! I'm beginning to feel responsible! WALTER Well, w-what did you do? LEONARD Never mind... Leonard puts his arm around Walter - LEONARD Walter...I decided to have that show for you, right away. Walter walks with Leonard - LEONARD When Carla comes by I'll talk to her. She'll make up some nice invitations. We'll have them printed up. WALTER Yeah? LEONARD Well invite the critics, and the art collectors...we'll tell them... DISSOLVE TO INT CARLA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT INSERT INVITATION - a fancy invitation to the Jabberjaw to showcase the work of Walter Paisley - Mayolia fixes up the back of Carla's dress - Cuff and Link slouch in chairs, and Maxwell fumbles with his tie, dressed formally - MAYOLIA Well I don't see why we can't go! MAXWELL Mister Leonard De Santis is afraid to have you come. You who buy his coffee, his potables, his food. You are the heart and soul and meat of the Jabberjaw. (Beat) And he slighted you! CUFF Did you get an invitation? MAXWELL I did not! But I'm going anyway. Not to drink his champagne but to see Walter's triumph. Just then Walter walks through the front door, dressed to the nines - MAXWELL After that we go no more! WALTER Hiya Maxwell. Maxwell pats Walter's arm - MAXWELL I won't say good luck, Walter. WALTER Why not? MAXWELL It would imply you could not succeed on your ability alone! Maxwell dramatically exits - Walter watches him, then heads over to Carla, and smiles - CARLA You look so handsome. Walter looks down at his outfit - WALTER I do? Walter then looks at Carla - WALTER So do you. Cuff and Link crack up at his comment - WALTER I mean, you look so pretty. CARLA Thank you. WALTER Are you ready? CARLA Ready? We've got plenty of time. WALTER I know. But I wanted to talk to you. Carla looks at Walter for a beat - CARLA Ok... Carla grabs her coat and bag - CARLA We can go now if you like. Walter and carla head out - CARLA (to the others) Goodbye. WALTER Bye! LINK (dryly) Break a leg. Walter and Carla head out, closing the door behind them - CUFF Man, why do you suppose Walter wants to get her alone? (Beat) You suppose he could be physically attracted to her? LINK No man, he ain't the type. He don't get enough vitamin E. CUFF Maxwell gave him a bottle of wheat germ oil. Maybe he started taking it. EXT STREET - NIGHT Walter and Carla walk down the street - Walter says nothing - CARLA Nice night out... WALTER Hm... The two say nothing for a beat - CARLA Well...what did you want to talk to me about? WALTER Well...w-what kind of people do you like, Carla? CARLA Oh, I don't know. Smart people. Creative people I guess. WALTER You think I'm creative? CARLA Of course I do! WALTER That means you like me! Carla looks at Walter - CARLA I like you very much, Walter. WALTER I thought you did on account of you kissed me the other night! Carla sees where this is going and doesn't like it - the two stop walking - CARLA Well that was for your sculpture of the girl. Your nude in the chair. WALTER Carla - Walter tries to arrange his thoughts - WALTER I, uh, I've been alone for a long time, and I know you've been alone because you never seem to go out with anybody - Walter looks nervously at his hands - WALTER - even though Leonard's always asking you to go out with him and I - just - CARLA What are you trying to say? Walter gestures for Carla to sit down at a nearby bench -they sit down - Walter swallows appearing very nervous - WALTER Carla... (Beat) I don't want to make statues anymore! CARLA You don't? WALTER No. (Beat) I want to get married. (Beat) To you. Carla senses trouble - CARLA Uh... (Beat) ...how long have you been thinking about this, Walter? WALTER Oh...f-for a long time. Ever since you first came to the club. Carla looks down at the ground - WALTER You were the only one who was ever nice to me! (Beat) I didn't know you loved me until you kissed me. Carla suddenly feels very awkward - she takes a deep breath and prepares for the rejection - CARLA Walter, I really do like you. And I did kiss you. But... that was because of your work. Walter listens intently to every word - CARLA There's more to being in love than just that. Carla gives a sympathetic look to Walter - Walter doesn't react for a beat, as if putting two and two together - WALTER You mean...you don't love me? Carla looks down at the ground - CARLA I'm afraid that's what I mean. Walter begins to get very upset - WALTER But you gotta love me! (Beat) Why do you think I made that statue of Alice?! CARLA Walter, I'm sorry... WALTER You just can't be sorry! I wanna - I wanna marry you! Carla looks around - CARLA Now calm down Walter! (Beat) Now, let's go in there, and when the show's over, maybe we can talk about it. WALTER No! I want to talk about it now! CARLA Walter... (Beat) I don't want to hurt your feelings but there is no way we're ever going to get...together. You know what I mean? WALTER Why not?! CARLA Because... (Beat) We're just friends. That's all. Just friends. WALTER I get it. I see the whole thing now. No one knows if Walter Paisley is born! CARLA Jeez, what is your problem all of a sudden? WALTER Oh sure, let's string along poor Walter, see how far it will take us! Carla gets up - CARLA You're starting to freak me out, Walter. I'll see you there. Carla heads off - Walter watches her leave - WALTER You have to love me, Carla... DISSOLVE TO INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT The hoi polloi of the art community mingle at the private party - On display are Walter's creations - Dead Cat, Murdered Man, Strangled Girl and his bust of the carpenter's head - People talk about the works in muted voices, as if they are serious works of art - Art, the undercover cop, is also there, eyeing the room - Maxwell takes an hors d'oeurve off a passing tray, and nods to someone offscreen - Walter sits alone, dejected - a waitress presents him with a tray of champagne glasses - Walter looks up at the tray - WALTER No thanks. The waitress walks away - The plump man talks to an ART CRITIC - CRITIC We have many artists about but no craftsmen. The critic gestures to the voluptuous figure of Strangled Girl - CRITIC This man knows his anatomy. PLUMP MAN I'd give five thousand for this. CRITIC After you've read my review it will probably cost you ten thousand. The critic and the plump man laugh - Maxwell swaggers over to Walter, putting his empty glass of champagne on a passing tray and grabbing up another - He puts his hand on Walter's shoulder - MAXWELL So what's the problem? Leonard watches them from across the room - MAXWELL Why on Earth should you be so depressed? Have you heard some of the things they've been saying? You can make fifty thousand on these pieces alone! WALTER I thought you didn't respect money! MAXWELL I don't! But fifty thou? That's not money, that's manna! Walter gets up - WALTER Leave me alone. Walter sees Carla - He gets up and heads over to her - Carla glares back at him - Walter looks at her with a strange gaze in his eyes - WALTER I'm sorry about what I said before. CARLA (softening) Forget it. WALTER I've been thinking... (Beat) Carla, would you do one favor for me? CARLA Just about anything, Walter. WALTER Would you let me make...a statue of you? Carla smiles - CARLA Would you really like to? That would make me very happy. WALTER Ok...tonight. I'll make a statue of you tonight, OK? Carla smiles and nods - then her smile fades - Leonard takes a sip of champagne and notices something across the room - Cuff and Link have crashed the party - they head over and take a look at Murdered Man - Leonard puts his glass down and heads over to them - Cuff takes his cigarette and jams it in the mouth of Murdered Man - Leonard approaches - LINK Man, we've come to make the scene. LEONARD You weren't invited. Now get out of here. CUFF I guess we're not good enough to get a private show. LEONARD That's right! And we're not open for business! This is an art exhibit! No bums! Leonard pushes them out the door as Cuff grabs his cigarette back - LINK Man, you're the worst. LEONARD Yeah right right - goodbye! CUFF That's alright, we got a pressing engagement! LINK Yeah, right outside the door! Leonard closes the door behind them - Carla is looking at the collection - she inspects Dead Cat, the carpenter's head - She then approaches Strangled Girl - She smiles, drinking in the sculpture - Then she sees something that troubles her - CARLA Uh - oh. She looks closely at one of the hands - a FRACTURE has formed on one of her fingers - Carla gently goes to touch it when the piece CRACKS OFF - Carla picks up the piece and goes to put it back - She sees a HUMAN FINGER protruding from the sculpture - Carla stands back, in shock - She looks around the room - soon shock turns to horror - She makes a bee-line for the front door but is stopped by Walter - WALTER Where are you going Carla? Whatsamatter? Carla is mute with terror for a beat, but manages to get out the words - CARLA Walter...there's... WALTER What? CARLA There's...a body inside that statue! Walter smiles innocently - WALTER Well, that's Alice. Carla is speechless - WALTER It's alright, Carla. (Beat) Maxwell said it's alright. Walter takes a few steps closer - WALTER Let them become clay in his hands so that he might mold them. Carla is clearly frightened - CARLA Walter...stay away from me! WALTER Don't you see Carla? I made them immortal. Walter takes a few steps closer - WALTER Don't you see? I can do the same for you! Carla waits for a second, then SHOVES Walter out of the way, fleeing out the door - Walter looks around to see if anyone is looking - Nobody is - He takes this opportunity to BOLT out the door in pursuit of Carla - EXT STREET - NIGHT Carla runs down the street as fast as she can - Walter follows, in hot pursuit - INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT The critic stands in front of Strangled Girl - Art approaches from behind - The critic has noticed the EXPOSED finger - CRITIC Well I'll be. Look at this! A WOMAN approaches - CRITIC There's another work...inside this work. WOMAN My Heavens! It looks...like a real finger. CRITIC It's unparalleled...reality cased in layers...concealed in a shield of whiteness, blankness... Art scrutinizes the finger - several other people begin to approach, admiring the discovery - ART Yeah...that's reality alright - Art does not like what he sees - Art heads over to murdered man - He inspects the hand - sees a RING shape on one of the fingers - A horrible realization forms in Art's mind - he grabs a BUTTER KNIFE off a table and begins to chip away at the hand - Maxwell sees this, begins to stumble over to it - MAXWELL Precisely what are you doing! Art breaks the plaster off the fingers - he inspects the ring on Lou's finger - ART Lou...Lou! (Beat) Get back! Everyone spins around as Art grabs a chair - SWINGS IT at Murdered Man - There is a loud CRASH as Leonard watches Art hit the sculpture - the whole crowd then SCREAMS - the jig is up - EXT STREET - NIGHT Carla continues to flee from Walter - Walter appears to be gaining some ground - Carla turns a corner - CARLA Help! Walter then follows her around the corner - INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Art, Maxwell, and the critic run over to an ashen-faced Leonard - ART Call 911 get a patrol car down here - I'm going to get Paisley! MAXWELL I'm going with you! EXT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Art, Maxwell and the critic burst out the front door - Cuff and Link see them - CUFF Hey what's the deal! MAXWELL Walter Paisley is a murderer! CUFF Man he just chased Carla down the street - Art, Maxwell and the critic head off - Cuff and Link follow them, running - INT JABBERJAW - NIGHT Leonard is on the phone, biting his nail - EXT ALLEY - NIGHT Carla ducks down an alley and crouches behind a dumpster surrounded by some garbage cans - Walter turns into the alley, and looks around - Carla freezes - Walter then SPOTS HER - He lunges after her, but Carla throws some garbage cans in front of him and runs away - Walter throws the cans aside and continues to chase her - EXT LUMBER YARD - NIGHT Carla runs into the yard and hides behind a large stack of wood - Walter then approaches, looks around, then suddenly - Walter looks around - Carla hides, but inadvertently KNOCKS OVER a piece of wood - Walter hears it rattle across the ground - he runs toward the noise - Carla grabs a bookshelf-sized PLANK as Walter approaches - Walter freezes for a beat, a manic expression on his face - CARLA Get back Walter... Walter starts to approach - CARLA Get back Walter! Walter lunges and WHAM! Carla slams the plank over Walter's head - he hits the ground - Carla runs off in the direction she came from - Walter staggers to his feet, clutching his head - he looks around, not knowing which direction Carla went - he runs in the opposite direction - EXT STREET - NIGHT Walter runs down the street, stopping to catch his breath - he then continues to run down the street - EXT STREET - NIGHT Carla runs into Art as he pursues Walter - ART Are you alright? CARLA Yeah - he's flipped out! ART Where is he? Carla gestures with her head and Art takes off - EXT STREET - NIGHT Art runs down the street, pulling out his REVOLVER - EXT ALLEY - NIGHT Walter runs down the alley - EXT STREET - NIGHT Cuff and Link runs down the street, followed by Maxwell and Carla - Maxwell stops to catch his breath - Carla pushes him forward - the critic follows - EXT COURTYARD APARTMENTS - NIGHT Walter looks around the street, desperate - He then looks toward his house, and runs to the gate - EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT Walter flies through the gate - Mrs. Swicker approaches - Walter nearly CHECKS her into the wall - MRS. SWICKER What in the name of - Walter opens his door and slams it behind him - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Walter locks the door - Walter looks around the room, panicking - he accidentally knocks Carla's picture to the ground - WALTER What are you gonna do now Walter? Walter looks in his closet - Walter then looks up, as if getting an idea - He begins to frantically barricade his door - DISSOLVE TO EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT Mrs. Swicker points at Walter's door as Art, Maxwell, Cuff, Link, Carla, and the critic run toward it - MRS. SWICKER He's in there - he's gone crazy! Art tries the door - ART Paisley! Open the door! INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT Walter frantically mixes the plaster in the trough - He looks back at the relentless banging at his door, and mixes the plaster with increased fury - EXT COURTYARD - NIGHT By this time a whole crowd of people have assembled at Walter's door - Art, Maxwell, and Leonard alternately kick and bash the door - the door begins to give - ART Harder! They continue to bash the door until finally - INT WALTER'S ROOM - NIGHT CRASSHHHH!!! The door bursts open and Art, Maxwell, Leonard Carla, Cuff, Link and the critic all stumble in, pushing aside any obstacles - Everyone begins to pour in but as they look ahead, there is a collective gasp - They are looking at Walter, HANGING from a NOOSE, and covered in dripping plaster - The crowd gathers around Walter in stunned silence - Carla looks remorsefully at Walter - CARLA Oh no...Walter... CRITIC Unbelievable...this will command a small fortune. MAXWELL I suppose he would have called it Hanging Man... (Beat) ...his greatest work. PULL BACK to reveal the room of spectators, looking at Walter's final creation - THE END