“THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR” A screenplay by ÓAARON GOLDBERG October, 1999 bomb the suburbs inc.FIRST DRAFT 9/16 Mitford st.Started : October 2,1999 St. Kilda, 3182 Ph: 9537-2765Completed : December 14, 1999 "THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR" 1. int – trendy clothes shop day 1. THUY QUAY is a young Asian lady. She’s funky and fresh looking, and has an exotic but assured charm about her, as well as a lurking cynicism. She’s on her shift working in the trendy clothes store DANGERFIELD. She’s behind the counter, when two young teenage girls come into the store. The girls are dressed in a trendy club style. They idly look through the racks checking out all the fresh styles, looking for some clothes that will make their day. THUY approaches them slowly, smiling at them as they look through the racks. cath Check this stuff out Jen. jen (vaguely interested) Yeah, looks alright. THUY approaches them, giving them a kind and reassuring smile. Both girls look at THUY and are startled by her fresh, funky sensual look. They seem challenged by her style, and quickly go back to scanning the racks in an attempt to match it. JEN pulls out a skirt, and inspects it. THUY That’s a great looking skirt. The girls look at each other and then back at THUY, and then pull faces and shake their heads. JEN Na. Not my style. THUY smiles approvingly, keeping the customers satisfied, as they rifle through the racks. JEN selects another piece of clothing, this time something tacky and totally inappropriate. THUY looks back at them, offering more help. THUY You can try that one on if you want. 1. Cont’D 1. JEN OK. JEN takes the pants in her hand, as if she already owns them. THUY The changing room is just down the end there, near the hat rack. CATH looks back at her friend, and giggles again, making THUY feels a little uncomfortable, making her feel like a stupid shop assistant. THUY If you need any help, with sizes and stuff, just tell me. Okay? CATH She knows what she wants. Thanks. CATH gives her a cheesy smile. THUY smiles back, and quickly frowns, which makes her a bit shitty. THUY walks back to the counter, as the girls go to the change-room. THUY (to herself) Little private-school brats. THUY takes out a pop magazine, and idly flicks through the pages. 2. INT – CHANGE-ROOM DAY 2. The girls giggle and mutter amongst themselves inside the change room. CATH How’s it look? 2. cont’d 2. JEN Hang on. I’m still putting it on. CATH Dave’ll love it when he sees it. CATH looks at some hats, when JEN comes out, looking goofy and ridiculous. CATH Aw sick! THUY looks up and sees a fashion abortion happening. She puts down her magazine, and comes to the girls rescue. THUY Try this one - it’ll drive Dave nuts. She pulls out a cool tube skirt, a real arse hugger, and hands it to JEN, who takes it, albeit a bit hesitantly. JEN You don’t stock that Scanlon and Theodore stuff here do you? THUY hands JEN the dress. THUY Not this week. This is better - Jennifer Hardwick. JEN takes the dress, but gives THUY a bit of a look. She’s been outclassed. CATH notices this too, and rolls her eyes condescendingly. THUY ‘Dave’ will die over this one. 2. cont’d 2. JEN smiles cheezily at her, and goes back to the change room, as THUY is left with CATH CATH The girl has NO idea. THUY gives CATH a knowing smile, as JEN fiddles around in the change room. Her pants drop to the floor, her legs slip through the skirt. JEN (from behind the door) Wooooooo! JEN emerges from the change room looking hot. The dress fits her perfectly, giving her a sexy, slinky look. CATH That looks great! THUY smiles at both of them, satisfied. CATH lunges for the racks, she wants one too. THUY, sensing a double sale, quickly assists her. She picks out the same dress, just a different size. THUY Try this one. CATH takes the dress, and runs to the change room, puts it on quickly, and comes out. She looks good, but not as good as JEN. CATH A perfect match! They both head back into the change-rooms, and put on their original clothes. THUY heads back to the counter, awaiting their transaction, as the girls approach, they are oblivious of THUY, more interested in their ‘exceptional’ choice of clothing. 2. cont’d 2. JEN You see, I always know what’s cool. CATH Hey, I had the eye! The girls hand their items to THUY, who checks the prices into the electronic register. THUY That’s eighty-five each. You paying cash? EFTPOS. JEN, fumbles with her backpack, and pulls out her purse, and EFTPOS card. CATH, fumbles with hers. JEN EFTPOS THUY takes her card and swipes it. Then fiddles with the EFTPOS machine. THUY Savings? JEN nods approvingly, as THUY fiddles with the machine, and waits for the transaction to complete. She looks over at CATH, who embarrassed, smiles and hands THUY her card. CATH I’m the same. THUY takes the card and completes CATH’S transaction. She bags the skirts and hands it to the girls, who are beaming proudly. THUY smiles back even prouder. 2. cont’d 2. THUY Have a great night girls! The girls giggle as they leave the store. THUY breathes a huge sigh of relief as they leave, when suddenly the phone rings. She picks it up. THUY Dangerfield. PHONE CALLER Hi T, it’s me… THUY Fuck off Terry. THUY slams the phone down, and takes a second to compose herself. When she looks up, there is a miserable looking teenage girl looking at her, awaiting her assistance. THUY instinctively flashes her a winning smile. THUY Hi! May I help you? 3. EXT – suburban street DAY 3. A young guy, no older than seventeen, is skateboarding down a suburban street. He takes long steps with the board, building a deadly speed as he scoots along the concrete footpath. Its TERRY McKENNA, the sounds of his world blocked out by the pumping music through his Discman. It’s a blistering hot day today, and the streets are relatively empty. TERRY expertly launches himself off the curve, and starts to sail down the street itself, weaving down the road like a slalom skier, the music giving him a purpose and rhythm as he glides effortlessly down the street,owning it! Suddenly a car looms in front of him, but TERRY is all rhythm and feel, he instinctively swerves back onto the footpath, pulling a mean ‘olly’, as he’s back on the footpath again, towards his destination, the local bottle shop. He glides past two very cute girls, decked out in tight summer wear, and gives them a wolf-whistle. The girls respond with a giggle, strangely honored, as TERRY glides by, cool as fuck. The girls distract TERRY enough, that he nearly hits an old lady on the footpath in front of him. 3. CONT’D. 3. She turns lifting her handbag at him. OLD LADY You shouldn’t be on the footpath! TERRY is completely oblivious to this as he continues on his way. He screeches to a halt at the crossroads of Barkly and Mitford. People are walking along the street - he changes direction, up towards the bottle shop, slowly past the 7-11, the trendy boutique, and the trendy café - before he reaches his destination, the local bottle shop. He dismounts his board, tucks it under his arm. He slides his headphones off his neck, lifts his sunglasses and walks in. 4. INT – BOTTLE SHOP DAY 4. TERRY scans the rack, completely oblivious to the fact that the attendant has sussed him out. He confidently steps toward to the counter. TERRY Slab of VB thanks. The assistant looks at him silently for a moment, before breaking out into booming, condescending laughter. TERRY looks back at him. TERRY There a problem? The attendant stops laughing, and suddenly turns serious. AssistANT ID mate. TEERY shakes his head in bewilderment, and fumbles with his back pocket before pulling out a ratty piece of paper. He hands it to the ASSISTANT, who scans it, looks a TERRY again, then nods his approval. ASSISTANT Now what was it? 4. cont’d 4 TERRY Slab of VB. Stubbies The ASSISTANT walks back to the fridge and returns with a slab. He puts it on the counter. ASSISTANT Twenty-three fifty. Plus GST. TERRY Yeah. TERRY fumbles in his pocket and hands the ASSISTANT the cash. TERRY walks out of the bottle shop, slab on his shoulder, skateboard under his arm, as the ASSISTANT shakes his head and smirks to himself. ASSISTANT Twenty-three, yeah right! 5. INT – TERRY’S PARENTS HOUSE DAY 5. TERRY barges in through the front door. Drops his skateboard in the hallway, and walks down it, his slab hoisted on his shoulder. He’s sweating and seems to be struggling a little as he carries the slab. 6. INT – TERRY’S PARENTS HOUSE – TV ROOM DAY 6. TERRY barges through the door, slab on his shoulder. He startles his best buddy JOE RUDJOVIC, who’s sprawled on the minimal style couch, watching the wrestling on cable TV. JOE is the same age as TERRY, has dark spiky hair with red tinted tips. In front of him is a coffee table, sprawled with empty pizza boxes, assorted magazines and a bong. JOE Fuckin’ beauty! 6. CONT’D 6. TERRY It’s a fuckin’ cunt of a day out there. JOE No hassles getting it? TERRY Bozo asked for ID. But I got ‘em. TERRY puts the slab down and rips the top open. Grabs a beer and throws one over to JOE. He takes one for himself, and takes the slab over to the fridge. He opens the fridge, seems daunted by the task. TERRY Shit, look at this. JOE What? TERRY takes out some rotten food and bottles, scrunches his face in disgust, and holds the food a distance from his face by his fingertips, as if its some sort of toxic waste. TERRY Nothing. TERRY continues to squash the beers into the fridge, and squeezes the door shut. He grabs his beer, has trouble unscrewing the top, and sits down on the couch next to JOE, he seems a little detached and upset. JOE notices this and tries to distract him. JOE Watch this fuckin malaka – Goldberg, the psycho Jew, he’s awesome. They watch the screen together. The Wrestler Goldberg is going nuts, smashing his opponent, working the crowd, driving them into a frenzy. 6. CONT’D 6. JOE Goldberg! You fuckin’ crazy cunt! Despite JOE’s enthusiasm, TERRY doesn’t seem so interested. JOE responds. JOE It’s Thuy, isn’t it? TERRY Nah. JOE She’s not coming? TERRY (lethargically)I don’t know. JOE Relax man, it’ll be alright. TERRY (resignedly) Yeah. Whatever. TERRY throws the bottle cap he’s been holding across the room. It makes a ‘plink’ as he sips on his stubby and watches the wrestling half interested. JOE is completely absorbed, he nudges TERRY JOE WATCH THIS!! The boys watch semi-spellbound, as Goldberg delivers a remarkable skull crush on his opponent. TERRY Awesome! 7. INT – TERRY’s PARENTS HOUSE NIGHT 7. TEERY and JOE are sitting at the huge kitchen table. The house is very modern, and very upmarket, complete with all the latest mod-cons. TERRY is on the phone to his mate GEORGE. TERRY It’s gonna go off. Suze Gleeson is coming and Patti Lombardo too. JOE Ask him about Thuy. TERRY nods, but motions for JOE to hang on. TERRY You spoke to her? What did she say? TERRY’s mood changes. He seems upset, as he listens to the voice on the other end. TERRY Yeah. Yeah. I know. She hung up on me. She won’t give me an inch. I know. I know. I’m an arsehole. I fucked up. But I’m trying man. You know? Maybe this’ll fix things up. I can only try. TERRY keeps nodding as he hears the voice on the other end. His mood starts to lift. He’s smiling a little. TERRY Yes. No. She won’t talk. She likes you. You reckon? Cool. OKAY. Yeah.(beat) Can you get any ammo? Yeah? Nah. OKAY. I’ll see you tommorow. Earlyish. About eleven. Yeah. Yeah. See you then. It’ll rock buddy. Later. 7. cont’d 7. TERRY switches off the phone. He swings his fist in victory, and a huge smile comes across his face. JOE looks at him quizzically. TERRY She’s coming! JOE Told ya. What happened? TERRY George spoke to her. He explained to her how I felt. She said no, but she wasn’t doing anything else. George was able to charm her into it. jOE What did he do? TERRY I don’t know. He just spoke to her. JOE You see. It’s gays mate. TERRY looks at him as if he’s an idiot. JOE They understand chicks. It’s like Mick said - ‘a gay is a woman’s best friend’. TERRY Good on you genius. JOE is now laughing, he get up and gives his buddy a big pat on the back, and a nipple squeeze. 7. cont’d 7. JOE Still fuckin’ whinging huh! Fuck it. Lets celebrate! JOE gets two more beers from the fridge, and hands one to TERRY. He grabs the mull-bowl and packs a bong. JOE To reconciliation! TERRY Enough with the fuckin genius thinking. JOE Ey! Chill man! He hands TERRY the bong. TERRY starts to light it. JOE Here’s to party of the century! TEERY sucks the bong, and splutters mid-toke. JOE puts the open stubby into his hand, and knocks it against his in cheers. JOE But more importantly. JOE puts his arm around his mate and holds him close, looking him in the eye. JOE Here’s to you (beat) and Thuy. 8. INT – TERRY’s parents house MORNING 8. The TV is tuned at low volume to MTV, a video clip of some cheesy dance-pop artist flashing ACROSS THE SCREEN. Shoes and discarded clothes are strewn across the floor, as well as discarded.. 8. CONT’D 8. newspapers, some skateboard magazines, comics and pop-culture magazines. There’s a pile a video tapes on the large square coffee table, including some horror, scf-fi and porn titles. There’s a filthy ashtray full of butts, some empty stubbies and a half drunk bottle of tequila, as well as a bong filled with dirty water. TERRY and JOE are sprawled on separate couches, comatose. A dull overcast sunlight creeps into the room. Amidst the dull ‘doof’ of the TV, can be heard the buzzing of the front doorbell. It continues, then stops. Then it starts pulsing again in an angry staccato rhythm, as if it’s trying to make some kind of morse code with the dead. Slowly the sound gets through TERRY’s ears, and his eyes slowly open. He raises his intoxicated head, his eyes straining against the pure virgin sunlight in the room. TERRY Jesus! He scratches his head, and looks around the room, he spots the Blue LED readout of the time on the VCR – 10:15 am. TERRY Shit. He looks over at JOE who is sprawled on the other couch, dead to the world, his mouth half open as he blissfully snores away. The doorbell keeps buzzing, as TERRY clumsily gets up. TERRY Yeah. Yeah. Fuckin settle. TERRY slowly makes his way to the front door. Dressed only in a t-shirt and boxers, he scratches his arse. The doorbell is still buzzing as he makes his way to the front door. The sound is louder now. TERRY protests back at it. TERRY OKAY. OKAY! I hear ya! TERRY opens the door, and there standing in front of his is THY, looking angry but ready. He looks back at her startled, and in an almost reflex mood covers the hole in his boxers. She looks back in disappointment, TERRY blushes. She walks in with authority, stomping down the hall to the TV room. TERRY, suddenly shocked out of his stupor follows her like an obedient puppy. 9. INT – TERRY’s PARENTS HOUSE MORNING 9. THUY stops at the entrance of the TV room, and sees the disaster before her. She looks around the room. TERRY is behind her, and by this stage he’s putting his pants on. She looks back at TERRY angrily, shaking her head in disgust and disappointment. THUY I can see nothing’s changed with you. TERRY Please. THUY You’re still hanging around with your bum mates, smoking bongs, getting pissed, doing nothing.. She looks over the coffee table and sees a porno movie. She angrily picks it up. Looking at him accusingly THUY You’re pathetic. TERRY looks back at her, shakes his head in denial, but stands his ground against her. TERRY Please. Thuy. That isn’t the point. THUY So what is it? Huh? I mean I don’t have to waste my time with losers like you. By this stage JOE has emerged from his slumber. More like rudely awakened by THUY and TERRY’S domestic. He starts to moan as THUY continues ripping into TERRY. 9. cont’d 9. TERRY I mean don’t think me being here is supposed to mean anything.. JOE Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. THUY You know I’m here to be with George and Jess, not you two.. JOE Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!! TERRY Yeah, I know..I. JOE AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! By this stage JOE’s moaning has turned to a loud horrific scream. Cutting right through their argument. They both stare at him, startled. As there is silence in the room. JOE looks back at them startled, and gets up. JOE That’s better. He walks across the room to the toilet. THUY looks at him, then back at TERRY. THUY I can see he hasn’t changed either. TERRY Thuy. Can you stop! Please? 9. CONT’D. 9. TERRY looks back at her, his eyes are pleading, and he’s trying to be as sincere and honest as possible. He’s trying to make peace, but THUY is defiant. The toilet flushes amidst their impasse, as JOE walks out the door. She looks at him, scratching his belly, and then his head. She’s relentless. THUY Look at you two. Always together. No girls around. I mean what girl would want to go out with you? TERRY Please. THUY I mean, maybe you two should become lovers! TERRY can’t believe this. He shakes his head, and rolls his eyes back in disbelief. JOE flashes a cheesy grin, and interjects. JOE We already are. JOE teasingly blows TERRY a kiss TERRY Man! THUY smirks to herself sarcastically, and shakes her head in pity. She turns to leave. THUY This is a waste of time. She starts to clomp down the hallway. TERRY is in hot pursuit after her, when suddenly the doorbell rings. TERRY lunges at the door and opens it. THUY stops. Standing before him is GEORGE STEVENS, his hair peroxided, he’s dressed all groovy. With him is a female friend JESS, who looks very tom-boyish and tough. TERRY.. 9. CONT’D 9. is startled. TERRY George. Hi. GEORGE looks back at TERRY mildly amused but quickly senses some sort of problem. He enters with JESS, TERRY lets them pass, and they come across THUY, who seems in that second to have miraculously changed her mood. THUY George! GEORGE Hey Thuy! They embrace as GEORGE gives her a big affectionate hug,THUY hugs him back. He turns to introduce JESS, as TERRY stands in the background, holding his tounge, and letting the events solve themselves. GEORGE And this is my friend Jess, who’s coming with us for the weekend. THUY Hi Jess JESS smiles at her shyly, as GEORGE turns to TERRY GEORGE And of course Terry McKenna, who’s place we’re going to. JESS smiles back, as they start to walk down the hallway. THUY So where’s you’re Beau? 9. cont’d 9. GEORGE Who, Rod? That’s over. I’m single now. Its great! THUY I know how it feels! TERRY closes the door behind him as they disappear down the hallway. He shakes his fists in the air in victory. TERRY Yes!!!!! 10. INT – TERRY’s PARENT HOUSE LATE MORNING 10. TERRY, GEORGE, JESS, THUY and JOE are congegrated in the TV room. JOE is still slouched in the couch, and he slowly gets up to make some room, as JESS sits down in the space next to him. TERRY is standing in the corner, and THUY is in manic, happy conversation with GEORGE, seemingly oblivious to everything else. THUY I had the biggest shocker at Dangerfield the other day. These two total victims were giving me attitude about Scanlon and Theodore.. GEORGE Private school brats? THUY (nodding agreement) Totally. TERRY stands silently in the corner overlooking the scene. He raise his eyebrows at JOE who is sitting there nonchalantly, as JESS watches the TV. JOE picks up what he’s thinking as he looks back at THUY, her mood suddenly lifted due GEORGE’S appearance. THUY They were awful. I sold them.. 10. cont’d 10. ..the sluttiest dresses, and both of them bought the same dress… The doorbell rings again. THUY is startled but it a stops for a moment, glancing quickly at TERRY who’s not there. She goes back to yapping away THUY …Can you believe it? GEORGE That’s typical. Why do you think all the girls at Lauriston are blonde? 11. INT – TERRY’S PARENTs HOUSE LATE MORNING 11. TERRY walks down the hallway, and opens the door. PATTI Hey ! Terry! TERRY Patti! It’s PATTI LOMBARDO, an ex of TERRY’S and one of his best female friends. She’s skinny and gothic-clubby looking. Her hair is tied into spunky braids. With her is SUZIE GOLDSTEIN, blonde, petite, and built like a jazz dancer. She smiles back at him, as they walk into the house. 12. INT – TERRY’s PARENTs HOUSE LATE MORNING 12. PATTI and SUZIE enter the room, TERRY is right behind them, the rest of the crew are in different states of conversation or watching TV. SUZIE George! 12. cont’d 12. GEORGE waves at her, he’s an instant hit with the ladies. TERRY gains control of the room. TERRY People! People! I think we should get a bit organized. JOE Good idea. THUY Listen to the two of them - ‘Leaders’! TERRY glares quickly at THUY who gives him her attitude. GEORGE playfully ribs her with his elbow, as TERRY continues. TERRY I think we should drive in a convoy.. GEROGe (mock singing) He got a great big convoy, truckin’ through the night.. The girls giggle at GEORGE. TERRY ignores him and continues. TERRY George, you take Thuy and Jess… GEROGE nods, THUY is beaming at him. TERRY ..and me and Joe will go with Patti and Suzie, OK? Everyone seems to nod in agreement. 12. cont’d 12. TERRY We stop off at Merryvale, there’s a little store there, before we head to the A-frame, deeper in hills. TERRY looks around at the room, everyone seems satisfied. JOE puts his hand up, as if he’s a kid in a classroom. JOE What about ammo for the night? PATTI (jokingly) We’re pacifists! TERRY I got a few buds of skunk. That’s it. THUY Big deal.. TERRY glares at THUY for spoiling the ‘vibe’. TERRY It shouldn’t be a problem. It’s Merryvale man – hippie central. There’s always parties and ‘doofs’ and shit, I wouldn’t worry too much. JOE Cool. TERRY looks around the room for any outstanding questions. PATTI Can we go? TERRY (smiles) Sure! 12. CONT’D 12. They get up to leave. TERRY walks into a room and gets his bags. The others leave the house talking happily amongst themselves. JOE slouches at the back. TERRY is last to leave setting the house alarm and locking up. 13. EXT – TERRY’s PARENTS DRIVEWAY LATE MORNING 13. THUY is loading her gear into GEORGE’S hatchback car. GEORGE helps her pack her stuff. JESS is already inside. He closes the hatch and they both get in and drive off. Meanwhile JOE and TERRY load their stuff into the back of SUZIE’S 4WD. They get into the back, PATTI and SUZIE get in the front, and they head off too. 14. INT – GEORGE’S CAR LATE MORNING 14. They are on a wide road, on the outskirts of suburbia, heading towards the wild blue yonder. There is music playing in the car . JESS is in the back seat silent, pondering. GEORGE is mouthing the words to the song, and THUY is smiling to herself nodding her head. JESS leans forward to talk to the two of them. JESS Can’t wait to get out into the country, you know? Get a bit of nature. THUY Me too. GEORGE smiles to himself as he concentrates on the road. GEORGE So it’s over between you and Terry? THUY stares straight ahead, pensive. THUY Yeah. 14. cont’d 14. GEORGE (smiling to himself) You don’t. sound too confident about it. JESS These hetero’s and their ‘dramas’. JESS and GEORGE share a sarcastic laugh. THUY seems a bit defensive. JESS Don’t worry Thuy. We’re just shittin’ ya. It’s the same all ‘round, whatever you are. THUY As far as I’m concerned - it’s over. I’m only coming tonight because of you two, and also because I feel sorry for Terry, the pathetic loser. JESS and GEORGE share a smile as they listen to THUY. They know she’s fronting. THUY Besides, I like hanging out with you two because you’re such cool people. JESS Everyone these days thinks we’re cool darling.. GEORGE ..When in reality, we’re bitchy, heartless, arseholes. They all laugh in sarcastic unison. 15. INT – SUZIE’S CAR LATE MORNING 15. TERRY is slouched in the backseat of the 4WD his knees pressed up against the seat, he’s staring glumly out the window, lost in melancholic thought. JOE is next to him playing a Gameboy, getting right into it. Terry feels a gentle tapping at his leg that knocks him out of his trance, its PATTI. PATTI What’s wrong Tez? TERRY Nothing. JOE talks while still playing his Gameboy. JOE He hasn’t gotten over Thuy. TERRY gets defensive. PATTI Why did you invite her? TERRY I don’t want to have any bad feelings towards her (beat) I still like her as a friend. PATTI and JOE look at each other, sensing its more than what TERRY says. She pats him reassuringly on the knee. PATTI Things will sort themselves out. She looks over at JOE, and smiles briefly at him, possibly hinting at something, then turns back to TERRY. 15. CONT’D 15. PATTI It’ll be big. I can feel it. TERRY Yeah. PATTI turns back to the front seat, and turns the music up a little, she sings along with it. JOE gives TERRY a little kick, egging him on a bit. JOE Soft cock! TERRY What? TERRY flashes a little fake smile, before staring out the window again, looking out at the wild blue yonder. 16. EXT – NIGHTFORD EARLY AFTERNOON 16. Both cars drive past the sign ‘WELCOME TO NIGHTFORD – YOUR GATEWAY TO THE ALTERNATIVE’. The cars pull into the local independent petrol station for a fuel stop. 17. EXT – SUZE’S CAR EARLY AFTERNOON 17. An old man approaches their car. SUZE winds down the window and gives him directions, as PATTI, TERRY and JOE slip out the door to get some fresh air and a stretch. OLD MAN How can I help you love? SUZIE Ten dollars of unleaded, and check the oil please. 17. CONT’D 17. SUZIE flicks open the petrol flap, the OLD MAN disappears to do his job. SUZIE gets out of the car. 18. EXT – PETROL STATION EARLY AFTERNOON 18. TERRY and SUZIE are idling by the car. PATTI has gone over to GEORGE’S car and is talking to them, as they wait in their car. JOE is off on his own checking things out. TERRY I’m a bit lost. SUZIE I know that. TERRY I’ll ask the old guy. TERRY approaches the old man, who is pumping petrol into the car. TERRY (nervously) How’s it going? OLD MAN Yeah. TERRY Um. You wouldn’t know how to get to Merryvale from here? The OLD MAN smiles at him. OLD MAN Happens all the time. The OLD MAN straitens up, and pockets the rag he’s holding. He points out directions. 18. CONT’D 18. OLD MAN You take this road straight up until the round about.. TERRY nods absorbing the information.. OLD MAN Chuck a right. You’ll see signs. Follow them, until you reach ‘OLD MERRYVALE ROAD” follow that for ten k’s or so and you’ll get there. The old man goes finishes pumping the petrol, puts the nozzle back on the pump, and closes the petrol cap. He looks over at GEORGE’S car and notices the gay pride sticker on it. He looks back suspiciously at TERRY and SUZIE. OLD MAN So what are youse doing out here? TERRY Having a party. The OLD MAN laughs back at him in mock delight. OLD MAN Yeah! Merryvale was a wild palce a few years back - full of all those crazies and hippies, and greenies and anyone else who didn’t fit in. TERRY (smiling in agreement) So I’ve heard. OLD MAN It’s settled down a bit lately. There was a few police busts a 18. CONT’d 18. ..while back. Getting rid of the druggoes. But there’s still freaks out there if you want to find them. TERRY smiles back at him. The OLD MAN lifts the bonnet of the car. PATTI is nearby having a stretch, and the old man turns his head, catching a quick perv. PATTI notices this and glares at him. He goes back to checking the oil, as PATTI walks over to GEORGE’S car. 19. EXT/INT – GEROGE’s CAR EARLY AFTERNOON 19. PATTI leans into the window on the driver’s side so she can talk to GEORGE. PATTI See the dirty old bastard checking out my tits? GEORGE They don’t know any better. JESS Old bastard. PATTI He’ll probably have a good wank on the dunny after we leave. PATTI and THUY and JESS all laugh in unison. The old man hears their laughter, and looks up, and JESS, sensing the opportunity, makes a wanking motion at him through the back window. The old man notices this and blushes. PATTI notices TERRY at SUZIE’S car, he’s pointing to his mobile phone, then pointing back for them to check. PATTI leans back into the window. PATTI George. Got the mobile? GEROGE lifts it up from the clutch next to him. He switches it on with a familiar beep and smiles at her. 19. CONT’D 19. GEORGE Check. PATTI waves over to TERRY giving him the thumbs up. PATTI We’ll catch you there then. PATTI walks back over to the car and hops in. The OLD MAN slams the boot of the car shut. SUZIE is already in the car, so too is JOE and TERRY, as PATTI scoots in the side. 20. INT – SUZIE’S CAR EARLY AFTERNOON 20. The OLD MAN leans into the window and demand payment. OLD MAN Checked the oil. It’s fine. That’ll be twenty bucks. SUZIE fumbles for her purse and hands him twenty dollars. OLD MAN Thanking you. Have fun kids, and god bless. TERRY Thanks man. SUZIE See ya. 21. EXT – PETROL STATION EARLY AFTERNOON 21. The cars drive off. The OLD MAMN stands by one of the pumps watching them drive up the road. 21. CONT’D 21. OLD MAN Young modern freaks, just what the doctor ordered. 22. EXT – ON THE ROAD TO MERRYVALE EARLY AFTERNOON 22. The cars turn right at the main round-about. 23. EXT – ON THE ROAD TO MERRYVALE EARLY AFTERNOON 23. They follow the signs pointing to Merryvale, and turn off at the old Merryvale Road. The cars drive up the road, it is narrow and quite old, potholes regularly line it. SUZIE’S car is leading the way. 24. INt – SUZIE’S CAR EARLY AFTERNOON 24. SUZIE is driving along, admiring the spectacular scenery and countryside lining the road. She seems a bit lost in the beauty of it all. PATTI looks out the window next to her. TERRY is chilling in the back, and JOE is leaning between the seats flirting with the girls. JOE So any of you had a threesome? PATTI blushes at the concept. SUZIE grins to herself hiding something. PATTI You’re depraved! JOE No I’m not. You’re repressed. SUZIE Girls don’t think about that stuff, like boys do. 24. CONT’D 24. JOE Bullshit They laugh in disbelief at JOE’S claim. PATTI (laughing sarcastically)You boys have no idea. JOE Look I read about it in Cleo. TERRY (from behind) Don’t listen to him girls. SUZIE doesn’t take notice, as she looks around at the amazing landscape, sunlight beaming through the cabin. SUZIE This is wonderful. JOE Just like a threesome! PATTI Will you shut up! What SUZIE doesn’t notice, but JOE does, is an old utility truck heading for them head-on at high speed. JOE FUCKEN’ LOOK OUT!!!!! SUZIE screams as she swerves and brakes hard. Everyone screams as the car skids. 25. EXT - OLD MERRYVALE ROAD EARLY AFTERNOON 25. SUZIE’S car swerves off the road, and grinds to a skidding halt, causing dust and stones to fly everywhere. GEORGE’S car skids to a stop not too far behind. There is the sound of a blaring horn. The utility pulls up a bit further down the road and waits there. 26. EXT – OLD MERRYVALE ROAD EARLY AFTERNOON 26. GEORGE runs out of his car, and checks to see that SUZIE and the others are alright. The utility is still waiting there, a bit up the road, idling its engine. 27. EXT/INT – SUZIE’S CAR EARLY AFTERNOON 27. SUZIE is at the wheel shaking, the others are shaken too. SUZIE I can’t believe.. TERRY You OK. Patti? PATTI Fine. JOE Fucking sick cunt! GEORGE taps on the window. SUZIE winds it down. GEORGE You OKAY? SUZIE (panting) Yeah. I’m alright. Both of them are startled by voices in the background. It’s the passenger of the utility, standing by the cabin. They can’t make out exactly what the person looks like. There looks to be a big 27. CONT’D 27. …burly woman in the drivers seat. FIGURE Fuck off and die!! The figure raises a finger at them. Gets back in the utility and it drives off. GEORGE (yells back)Get fucked! GEORGE turns back to SUZIE, he seems a bit shook up too, but is trying hard to compose himself. GEORGE It’s OKAY. Rednecks are part of the scenery. SUZIE nods and smiles, as she catches her breath. GEORGE Along with kangaroos and dingoes and all the other ‘cute’ things that live out here. SUZIE smiles at him, but doesn’t feel confident. He gives her a reassuring tap, as she starts up the car. 28. EXT – MERRYVALE ROAD MID-AFTERNOON 28. The convoy soon arrives at Merryvale, which isn’t really a town, rather just a small convenience store, which doubles as a petrol station as well. There are a few little cottages around the place, but generally the place is dead. The convoy turns off a little dirt road, SUZIE’S car is in front, as the two cars amble slowly up the bumpy, pothole filled road. 29. INT – SUZIE’S CAR MID-AFTERNOON 29. There is still music playing in the car, though everyone seems a little shaken and tired. TERRY Don’t worry too much about those losers back there. SUZIE I should have watched the road more, but their reaction was shocking. PATTI Rednecks like conflict. Remember Pauline Hanson – (mock voice) ‘I don’t like it’. JOE Fuck Pauline Hanson! TERRY Just relax, anyway it’s a bit more hippy and friendly out here. Or so I’m told… TERRY is distracted by two feral types walking along the side of the dirt road. One of them is male, skinny and dirty. The other is female, overweight with her hair in braids. SUZIE toots and waves at them and they vaguely wave back. Both of the ferals watch as the two cars pass them. TERRY (smiling and points) Like there! The place is full of them. Which means it shouldn’t be hard for us to score tonite. PATTI I hope so! I mean what else are we gonna do, play bongos? 29. CONT’D 29. JOE Ferals are full of shit! TERRY (ribbing JOE) C’mon man! Think positive! JOE They’re all compulsive bullshitters. They’re more likely to scam you for drugs, that get them for you. TERRY Whatever you say, expert! They keep driving along, when TERRY notices the front gate to his parents property. He point is out to SUZIE. TERRY That’s it. Let me get out and open it. SUZIE Cool PATTI Finally! I’m knackered! SUZIE stops the car, TERRY hops out. 30. EXT – FRONT GATE MID AFTERNOON 30. TERRY fiddles with a lock, and opens the front gate of the property, swinging it open. SUZIE’S car drives through, then GEORGE’S car passes him, the window wound down and pumping techno blaring out of it. 30. CONT’D 30. GEORGE This is the jungle! Rockin! His car passes and TERRY taps the boot. He closes the gate. 31. EXT – THE A-FRAME MID-AFTERNOON 31. The cars pull up in a clearing. There is thick scrub and forest all around them, and the roadway is basically a lumpy dirt track. Before them is Terry’s parents holiday house. It’s a big, comfortable looking A-frame, blending exquisitely into its surrounds. There are stairs leading to a big porch, which overlooks the hills and surrounding fauna. Techno is still pumping out of GEORGE’S car, before he switches it off, the awesome tranquility of the countryside quickly absorbs them. PATTI and SUZIE hop out of their car, and instantly affected by their surrounds, hug each other in happiness. PATTI We’re here - Yay! SUZIE This is great. JOE stumbles out of the car, and seems to be a bit overwhelmed by his surroundings. JOE Awesome! Meanwhile, GEROGE and JESS have left their car, bags in hand, and THUY steps out, a huge smile on her face. THUY Wow! This is unreal! TERRY looks over at her, and noticing her change in mood, smiles tenderly at her. She notices this, and hesitatingly smiles back. GEORGE taps her on the shoulder, breaking her out of her dreamy state. TERRY notices this, and GEORGE gives him a cheesy smile, then shakes his head in bewilderment, knowing reconciliation is not far away. GEORGE is holding THUY sleeping bag. 31. CONT’D 31. GEROGE You forgot this, drongo. GEORGE hands THUY her sleeping bag. THUY This place is wonderful. GEROGE It’s OK. THUY elbows GEORGE playfully as they walk toward the A-Frame. 32. INT/EXT – A-FRAME PORCH MID-AFTERNOON 32. TERRY is at the front porch, fumbling with the lock of the front sliding window/door, before it finally gives way, he slides it open. He walks inside, it’s dark, and un-inhabited, but generally clean. He walks into the main room, and opens some curtains, as SUZIE and PATTI walk in, and quickly dump their stuff and plop on some couches. TERRY opens the rest of the curtains, as GEORGE, THUY and JESS walk in, dropping their stuff, and generally checking the place out. JOE is last inside. JOE This place is choice! PATTI It’s unreal! She runs up and gives TERRY a friendly hug. PATTI I love it! THUY doesn’t say anything, but appears embarrassed, as she is impressed, but doesn’t want to admit it. GEORGE What do you think, Thuy? 32. CONT’D 32. THUY is reluctant. She tries to appear aloof and indifferent, but it doesn’t seem to work. THUY It’s very nice. I’m sort of glad I came. GEORGE raises his eyebrows at TERRY, and gives his a ‘told you so’ type look. JESS walks over to the stereo system, and tries to start it up. There’s no power. JESS Where’s the juice? TERRY Generator. Anyone want to give me a hand? GEORGE gets up and walks over to TERRY. GEORGE I’ll do it. Both of them leave the room. 33. EXT – A-FRAME MID AFTERNOON 33. GEORGE and TERRY walk down the steps, and walk behind the A-Frame and up into the forest. 34. EXT – NEARBY FOREST MID-AFTERNOON 34. GEORGE and TERRY are walking together, there is scrub and thick forest all around them as they walk toward the generator, which is fifty metres away from the A-Frame. GEORGE It’s a great place. Thanks for inviting me. 34. CONT’D 34. TERRY No worries. GEORGE I think Thuy wants to get back with you. TERRY I don’t know. She’s been a total difficult bitch the whole time so far. GEOrGE You should make more of an effort. You watch. Things’ll turn out alright. TERRY smiles hopefully, as they arrive at the generator. TERRY opens the fuel nozzle, and is pleased to find it full of petrol. He fumbles with the starter, trying to get the thing going, but has trouble. TERRY Fuck! GEORGE Let me try. TERRY stands aside and lets GEORGE have a go. GEORGE starts it first go, as the generator sputters a little and then zips into life, making a godawful racket. GEORGE looks at him, smiling. GEORGE Maybe you should take up gym. TERRY laughs. They start to walk back towards the A-Frame. TERRY puts his arm around GEORGE TERRY Hey bud I want to thank you for everything. OK. 34. CONT’D 34. GEORGE Sure. Just enjoy the night. We’re gonna have one hell of a party. TERRY Yo! They both head back to the A-Frame, happy. 35. INT – BINOCULAR VIEW MID AFTERNOON 35. There is a binocular point-of-view. Someone is watching the A-frame. The binoculars are following GEORGE and TERRY, watching them come from around the back, and walk up to the stairs to the A-Frame. The watcher sees two beautiful young girls walk out onto the porch to greet the two boys. Then all of them head back into the A-Frame. There is the distant sound of a ‘doof-doof’ beat, which means whoever is watching them isn’t far away. WATCHER Looks like there’s gonna be a party tonite! 36. INT – A-Frame TV room MID AFTERNOON 36. JESS has managed to fire up the stereo unit, there is the steady pulse of techno music. Everyone seems to have packed away their gear. JOE is sitting back on one of the couches rolling a joint. JESS takes a position in the middle of the room and starts grooving to the music. SUZIE sees this and walks over to join her. They are both smiling as they dance to the music, enjoying themselves. JOE finally gets the joint finished and puts it behind his ear. He gets up and goes over to the kitchen. He starts to sift through all the cupboards until his finds his booty. JOE Fuckin’ bonus. He takes a dusty, but unopened bottle of cheap vodka from out of the cupboard. Blows the dust off and inspects the label. He gets some glasses, and takes them over to the main room. 36. CONT’D 36. JOE Well I guess we can get started. 37. EXT – A-FRAME BALCONY MID AFTERNOON 37. PATTI and THUY are on the balcony. THUY is leaning against the railing at the end of the A-Frame, which overlooks the forest below. The sun is streaming through, both of them seem relaxed and in awe of their surroundings. The rest of the party are inside, music pumping through. PATTI So what do you think of this place? THUY It’s great! These hills are beautiful! PAtti Yeah. It’s good to get out of town every now and again. It’s so nice of Terry. THUY doesn’t answer. She looks out at the hills, trying to pass off PATTI’S comment. PATTI You’re not over him are you? THUY Why is everyone.. PATTI It’s obvious. PATTI looks at her, trying to penetrate her feelings. 37. CONT’D 37. PATTI I went out with him for three years. He didn’t mean it. THUY Look. PATTI Sorry, I’ll leave you alone. THUY OK, I admit it. I’m not over him. PATTI looks at her, smiling, but she lets THUY finish. THUY He was such a fucking arsehole. I mean, wasn’t I enough? PATTI It’s his upbringing, he’s always had it easy. He doesn’t know any better.. THUY That’s bullshit! (beat) He really hurt me. He’s got to prove himself to me if he wants me back. PATTI Isn’t he doing that now? THUY It’s not enough. He has to have the guts to tell me himself. He’s been too gutless so far.. PATTI That’s sounds fair. But don’t 37. CONT’D 37. ..get too worked up. We should all just make up and get along, and enjoy! PATTI puts her arm around THUY has gives her a friendly hug, THUY leans her head into her shoulder and smiles, crocodile tears welling up in her eyes, when there is a crash onto the balcony, frightening both of them. Its JOE, half way to inebriation, the bottle of vodka in his hand half empty. JOE Hey girls! Join the party! JOE gives PATTI the eye, THUY notices this and sticks her finger in her mouth, simulating a puke. PATTI and THUY both share a giggle. JOE notices this. JOE Good on you, you prude! PATTI Awwwww! TERRY walks out, behind JOE, there’s still music pumping out from inside. He notices THUY and she notices him, they share a smile between each other for the first time. PATTI sees this and smiles. TERRY Hey..Umm..Could you all come inside, we have to get organized for this evening. JOE and TERRY disappear inside, the girls follow. 38. INT – A-FRAME TV ROOM MID AFTERNOON 38. GEORGE is sitting down on one of the couches, talking with SUZIE, as both of them share a drink. The room is smoky and everyone inside seems stoned. PATTI and THUY both take a seat on another couch, and JESS turns down the music a little and skips over to join them. JOE plops down on a bean bag, as TERRY addresses everyone. 38. CONT’D 38. TERRY I’ve got some good news and some bad news. EVERYONE Aaaaawwww!! TERRY OK. OK. The bad news is we got no ammo for the evening. SUZIE No eccies? TEERY Nope. We got half a bud of skunk and that’s it? JOE What about Dr.George over there? GEORGE Everyone’s gone to Sydeny for Mardi Gras. JOE (sarcastically) What sort of fag are ya? GEORGE nonchalantly gives him the finger. GEORGE Someone’s desperate. TERRY OK boys. Enough of the bitching. PATTI (mockingly)They’re like two 38. CONT’D 38. ..little girls. TERRY OK, everyone settled? JOE looks at GEORGE, and falls silent. He looks back at TERRY and nods. TERRY Good. Anyway, the good news is that we have a good chance of scoring gear from some locals. Those freaks on the way.. JOE Spot on! THUY Can you trust them? TERRY We really don’t have much to lose. It’s three now, we have until susnset to try and connect. It should be OK. SUZIE Who’s gonna go? TERRY looks at JOE and GEORGE. They both look at each other, although JOE recoils in mock terror. GEORGE It’s OK sweetie, you’re not my type anyway. JOE (sighing in relief) Gosh! I’m rejected! I’m devastated! 38. CONT’D 38. GEORGE gets up to leave. He looks around at everyone. GEROGE Money? TERRY Oh yeah. I reckon about 20 each should be enough. They all reach into their bags or pockets or whatever, and pick out whatever cash they can rummage together. Pretty soon there is a collection of about one hundred dollars. TERRY hands it to GEORGE who pockets it. He looks over at JOE. GEORGE Well come on sunshine, move that virgin arse of yours. JOE (clueless) Me? GEORGE No, tinkerbell. TERRY looks at JOE, he gets up, and clumsily follows GEORGE. TERRY is left in the A-frame with the four girls. JOE (in mock Terminator voice) Ah-ll be bark! 39. EXT – MERRYVALE STORE LATE AFTERNOON 39. GEORGE and JOE arrive in GEORGE’s car at the Merryvale local store. It’s a small ranch-style wooden building with two fuel pumps in the front. The two ferals that they passed earlier are lingering out the front. The ferals give them weird, stoned smiles. This unnerves JOE a little, JOE merely discounts their presence. The two of them walk through the flimsy fly-wire doors. Inside there are a two rows of shelves, sparsely stacked with 39. CONT’D 39. ..assorted grocery items, there is a fridge stocking milk, juice, softdrinks, beer, and an unattended counter, with a bell. GEORGE hits it. There is no answer. GEORGE (to JOE) What they’re still asleep! A weatherbeaten man in his mid-forties walks out from the back room. He looks like an ex-junkie. He gives GEORGE a weary smile, catching him off guard. GROCER You right? GEROGE Sorry. I was wondering if you have any cigarettes. The GROCER looks over his shoulder and points at the wall of cigarettes behind him. GROCER Whatever you want. GEORGE Dunhill. White. The GROCER almost instantly finds the brand, and flips it to GEORGE on the counter. JOE is standing behind GEORGE looking a bit nervous. GROCER Eight-fifty thanks. GEORGE fumbles in his pocket and hands the grocer a tenner. JOE whispers in GEORGE’S ear as the GROCER has turned around to get change. 39. CONT’D 39. JOE You reckon? GEORGE shakes his head for a ‘no’. He gives the GROCER a cheesy grin as he turns around. GROCER Dollar fifty change. GEORGE Ta. Take it easy bud. The GROCER gives him a whithered smile, and walks back into the back room. GEORGE and JOE leave the store, but on the way out, JOE is nudging GEORGE for some info. JOE Who are we gonna ask? GEROGE shrugs at him, and keeps walking out the swinging door. 40. EXT – FRONT OF MERRYVALE STORE LATE AFTERNOON 40. In what seems like perfect syncronicity, they both spot the two ferals from before. They are bumming right near the door. GEORGE smiles at JOE, answering his question. JOE looks back at them, not sure what to do. One of the ferals is male, skinny and shabbily dressed, he has what looks like a sharpened crayon stub piercing his ear in some weird kind of modern primitive style. His head is shaved, except for little peroxided tails at the back of his head, his eyes are screwey and wild. The female with him is overweight. Her hair is plaited into two pony tails. She is wearing colourful rave-type overalls, and is smiling at them in an overly cheerful way, however it is a forced cheeriness. She’s also missing a front tooth. GEORGE looks at both of them, and gives them a cheesy smile and peacemaking wave. JOE (meekly) Hi. The female, who is called LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS, snickers at him. 40. CONT’D 40. LUCY G’day.(beat) JOE You guys from around here? The male, FERAL FRED, points over to the distance. FRED Just up the road. JOE nods his head and gives them a knowing look. GEORGE nudges him to get on with it. JOE So yeah. Are there many people down this weekend? LUCY No. JOE I guess its not the right time of year? LUCY I dunno. JOE You wouldn’t know if there’s any ‘doofs’ going on tonite? FRED I think you missed out bud. LUCY seems to be getting weary, and senses that the guys are after something. LUCY So what are you guys here for.. 40. CONT’D 40. JOE Oh you know.. GEORGE A party, which we’ve got to go to. But my friend here wants to ask you for something. JOE glares at GEORGE as GEORGE suddenly grabs his arm to leave. JOE Could you just come with us for a sec, we’ve got to ask you something.. GEORGE starts walking to the car. JOE follows him and motions for the ferals to follow. They do, stopping at a log-chair near the car, and out of hearing distance from the store. 41. INT – MERRYVALE STORE LATE AFTERNOON 41. The GROCER is standing by the door of his shop. He’s looking through the flywire door, watching the FERALS and GEORGE and JOE talking by the car. Someone calls out behind him. GROCERS WIFE What’s happening Jeff? GROCER Oh just had some tourists. They’re talking to those two freaks. GROCER’S WIFE What those new people? The GROCER nods his head, he continues looking out the door, watching intently. 41. CONT’D 41. GROCER I don’t know. There’s something a bit wrong with those people. I don’t know. He keeps looking at them out the door. 42. EXT – FRONT OF STORE LATE AFTERNOON 42. The FERALS are both leaning on the log-chair out the front of the store, near the main road. GEORGE’s car is right nearby. JOE is interrogating them, as GEORGE opens his ciggies and lights one up. He takes a puff. JOE You wouldn’t know where to get any gear? LUCY snickers and looks quizzically back at FRED, before looking back at JOE. LUCY Gear? JOE You know. Gear? (spelling it out) DRUGS. LUCY laughs sarcastically, then gives JOE a mean, knowing look straight in the eyes, before smiling, sinisterly. LUCY (grins) Ohhhhhh! GEAR.. DRUGS! She looks over at FRED, who snickers back. LUCY Sure. (beat) We can get you whatever you want. 42. CONT’D 42. JOE looks at GEORGE, and GEORGE nods back his appreciation – tentatively. JOE Cool. FRED You got to give us a lift to get the stuff. JOE Sure, no drama. 42. int – george’s car lATE AFTERNOON 42. GEORGE is at the wheel of the car. JOE is next to him. LUCY and FRED are in the back seat. FRED is leaning between the two of them pointing the directions. FRED We’re just up this way. He’s pointing up the dirt road. JOE reels a little from the pungent smell of FRED, as GEORGE recognizes the road. GEORGE Hey, you’re right near us. FRED looks over his shoulder at LUCY, who smiles knowingly at him, as if they share some common knowledge. The boys don’t notice this. FRED That’s good to know. Haha. We’re neighbours. He turns around to LUCY again. 42. CONT’D 42. FRED Neighbours! (in mock signing tone) ‘Everybody needs good neighbours, with a little understanding’. Haha! GEORGE and JOE don’t seem to want to share the joke. GEORGE continues driving, and glances at the gate of TERRY’S parents place. LUCY notices this. JOE pulls out his mobile phone and starts to dial. 43. INT – a-frame tv room late afternoon 43. There is pumping techno filling the room, which is by now filling with smoke. THUY is sipping a drink and is in a conversation with PATTI. JESS and SUZIE are dancing together, and TERRY is lamely trying to join in, when his mobile rings. He answers it. TERRY Yeah. THUY, who is by now a little drunk, approaches him with uncharacteristic cheer, and gives him a tickle-pinch in the waist. He recoils, and playfully shrugs her off, as he continues to into the phone. TERRY Where are ya? 44. INT – GEORGE’S CAR LATE AFTERNOON 44. JOE is on his mobile talking. The ferals are grinning and joking amongst themselves in the back seat JOE You won’t believe it… JOE looks out the car window to try and gain some sort of bearing. He sees a dim light in the distance, the forest around them is thick and disorienting. 44. CONT’D 44. JOE …But we’re scoring drugs practically right next door to your place! 45. INT – A-FRAME tv room LATE AFTERNOON 45. TERRY is still on the phone, he’s beaming from the good news. TERRY Fuckin’ no way! 46. INT – GEORGE’S CAR TWILIGHT 46. JOE is still on the phone, as FRED leans forward and points out the final directions, somewhere for GEORGE to park. JOE We’re pulling up now. See you in about half-a. JOE switches off the mobile and puts it in his pocket. 47. INT – A-FRAME TV ROOM TWILIGHT 47. By now, PATTI has joined THUY, and has her arms around her waist. The girls seem playful, even a little horny, as the techno music pounds on. TERRY switches off his mobile, and is elated. TERRY They fuckin’ scored! PATTI Woo-hoo! THUY What did they get? 47. CONT’D 47. TERRY Not sure. But it sounds good. PATTI Yeah! PATTI takes TERRY by the hand over to the middle of the room, as JESS turns the music up full bore. The mesmerizing sound takes over all their senses. THUY is lingering nearby, she wants to get closer to TERRY – in fact all the girls do – as JESS walks over to dance as well, she hands him the bottle, he takes a big gulp, then passes it to SUZIE. TERRY Lets party! The music skips a beat, and TERRY uses this to make his move on THUY, she is still standing near him, smiling, waiting. He boogies a bit with PATTI, then moves over to JESS, who jokingly shrugs him off, before he approaches THUY. He looks her up and down, and she just smiles back at him, innocent again, all their conflicts seem resolved in this moment, as TERRY swivels his hips and grooves to the rhythm, THUY follows, the music bringing them together. PATTI (whispering to Jess) Look! He’s all over her! This is unbelievable JESS No. Predictable. PATTI I’m so glad for them. JESS grabs PATTI, and starts to do a funky erotic dance with her, as TERRY puts his hands around THUY, and tentatively kisses her. She giggles, and kisses him back. He kisses her again, and in an instant, they are all over each other, tongues flailing , hands all over - squeezing, fondling, rubbing. Teenage lust has re-ignited. SUZIE keeps sipping from the bottle of grog she has, and takes a puff off her ciggie, enjoying the moment. JESS notices, and grabs PATTI, pointing at them. They both laugh, as the techno 47. CONT’D 47. ..pounds away. 48. EXT – the front of ‘the house’ TWILIGHT 48. JOE is already following LUCY and FRED to the house, as GEORGE locks his car behind them. He quickly jogs up to JOE to catch up with him. The house is double story and is strange and old. It’s definitely seen better days. There are hulks of broken down cars in the filthy overgrown garden in front of it. GEORGE elbows JOE, and points to something. JOE looks over, and sees marijuana and opium plants growing wild in the garden, JOE smiles, but GEORGE doesn’t seem too impressed. GEORGE (to the ferals) We can’t stay too long, we’ve got a party. LUCY That’s alright. Is it in the area? GEORGE (laughing) We’re about a five minute walk through those trees. LUCY Cool. Maybe we can come a bit later and show youse a good time? JOE nudges GEROGE discreetly and gives him a stern look. He doesn’t want these losers at the party. GEROGE Ah. Whatever. See what happens FRED Yeah, right. LUCY Shut up Fred, they’re trying to be friendly. 48. CONT’D 48. LUCY gives FRED a mean look. LUCY It’s OK. He’s got a few personality disorders. Just ignore him. LUCY gives him a swipe. LUCY Don’t ya stupid? JOE and GEROGE look at each other a bit concerned with LUCY’s sudden bizarre turn of behavior, but follow them anyway, since scoring drugs is always a risky endeavor. JOE (quietly) See that? That’s suss. GEORGE It was your idea. JOE Whatever. Lets just make this quick. They follow LUCY and FRED up the front patio stairs of the house, and in through the dark front door. 49. INT – HALLWAY of ‘THE HOUSE’ TWILIGHT 49. GEORGE and JOE are following LUCY and FRED through the hallway. There is a door to their extreme right, which seems bolted shut. The hallway is dingy and unkept, at the end of the hall is a door which looks reinforced. LUCY notices them looking at it. 49. cont’d 49. LUCY That’s just the security door – for burglars and shit. GEORGE and JOE look back at her strangely. LUCY opens a door to her left. LUCY Just come through here. LUCY ushers them into the room. FRED disappears up the hallway. JOE Where’s he going? LUCY Just to check if our ‘connections’ are here. They walk into the room. 50. INT – WAITING ROOM EARLY EVENING 50. GEORGE and JOE are in what appears to be a disused doctor’s waiting room. There are rows of three chairs parallel to each other against each wall, and a little coffee table between them. There is a whithered Bird of Paradise plant in the corner. On the coffee table are lots of tabloid magazines, and some ‘Psychology Today’ magazines. LUCY Just take a seat boys. The boys go to sit down. GEORGE notices the magazines as he sits. GEORGE Who’s the shrink? 50. CONT’D 50. GEORGE picks up one of the ‘Psychology Today’ journals, and looks at LUCY, looking for an answer. LUCY No-one. They’re just magazines. Just have a seat, and we’ll fix you up for your drugs. LUCY seems a bit nervous. She bites some flesh from her thumb, then smiles uneasily. LUCY They’ll be with you in a sec, just wait here. And at that, LUCY quickly steps out of the room, closes the door, and it clacks shut. GEORGE lunges for the handle, but its locked. GEORGE Hey! JOE joins him, has a go, but its no use. He bangs at the door. JOE Open this fucken door you feral cunts! He bangs the door once more, angrily, and walks across the room to a window, cursing. JOE I can’t believe I trusted some fucken feral. FUCK! GEORGE tries the door once more, but to no avail. He seems unnerved, but is doing his best to remain calm. He sits down, and picks up one of the magazines, flicking through it. GEORGE Who reads this shit? 50. CONT’D 50. JOE Look lets count our losses and get out of here. I mean who are these fuckin’ mad cunts? Reading psychology magazines. They could be maniacs for all we know. Rednecks. Fuckin’ I don’t know! (beat) And besides, that cunt smells of piss. GEORGE Just relax. I mean its always a risk scoring. Lets just wait a bit and.. JOE Fuck it. We’ve got to get out of here. JOE walks across the room, towards the door, when it suddenly opens, startling him. GEROGE turns around and is startled as well as he sees two men enter the room. One of them is huge, well over six feet tall, and fat. He’s dressed as a woman and is wearing a clown-like multi-coloured wig, in fact it’s hard to distinguish whether this guy is a clown or someone far more sinister. The other man is in his early 50’s, he has a moustache, and his left ear is pierced, he too wears a multicolored wig, but has an unnerving respectability about him. JOE is terrified and riveted to the spot by the sight of these two. He looks at the giant cross-dresser, and is terrified, shaking in his shoes like a little boy. GEORGE acts quickly and gets up, but before either of them can do anything, the older man comes forward. MAN We’re not leaving so soon are we? JOE is stunned, he shakes his head in terror. GEORGE isn’t sure what to do, but regardless, the giant cross-dresser is blocking the door. MAN Sorry to scare you. The old man takes his wig off. He looks surprisingly normal, 50. CONT’D 50. ..respectable and well educated. MAN My name is Smiles - Doctor Smiles. SMILES holds out his hand, but JOE and GEORGE don’t know what to do, such is their terror. SMILES looks at the cross-dresser, then back at the boys and smirks. SMILES Sorry to frighten you with the wigs. We were just role-playing. SMILES points his thumb at the overweight cross-dresser at the door. SMILES (beat) That’s Jake - Gentle Jake. Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless – he couldn’t hurt a fly. At this Smiles smirks in a completely unnerving manner – JOE and GEROGE don’t seem to get the joke. SMILES notices JOE’s fear, and quickly tries to re-assure him. SMILES Don’t be so afraid. Just sit down, and we can talk business. Joe relaxes a little, and looks over at GEORGE, who relaxes too and tentatively sits down. JOE does the same. SMILE’S rubs his hands together, in anticipation for business, and sits down next to GEORGE. GEORGE feels uncomfortable, and SMILES wiggles next to him getting closer. JAKE walks into the room, and sits down on a chair, away from the others. JOE (abrubtly) What’s with the fucken drag? 50. CONT’D 50. SMILES (laughing) So much anger for a young man! But Jake would beg to differ with you - for him it’s not ‘drag’, rather an expression of his ‘true’ self. And at that SMILES indiscreetly puts his hand on GEORGE’S thigh, and looks him square in the eye, giving him a pleasant smile. GEORGE frowns back, feeling extremely uncomfortable. GEORGE Um. We’re here for drugs. GEORGE looks down at SMILE’S hand, and then looks away. SMILES takes his hand away and blushes, but gives him a wink for consolation. GEORGE ignores this and tries to regain his composure. JOE Yeah. Party drugs. Not some fuckin’ poofy pick up. SMILES lets out a sinister laugh and shakes his head. He claps his hands together in a mock gesture of enjoyment. SMILES Of course! ‘Party’ drugs. I mean what drugs aren’t for partying? You can even party on script drugs too you know? JOE and GEORGE look at him strangely, not knowing what he’s on about. JOE Are you.. SMILES Don’t talk. You two are probably thinking ‘what’s this crazy bastard on about’. Well I know a lot about drugs - you 50. CONT’D 50. ..know most anti-depressants have the same chemical componets as ‘party drugs’ your speed and ‘eccies’ - oh to be happy! GEORGE Are you saying , you’re a doctor? SMILES You could say. JOE What sort? SMILES A doctor. (Smiles laughs to himself and mumbles as if he’s talking to himself) I was a good doctor - a top doctor. (beat) An ‘expert’ in my field. (then suddenly he proclaims) – A BITCH DOCTOR! And at that SMILES laughs maniacally. He looks over at JAKE getting him to join in his delight, his face beetroot red from the laughter. SMILES A BITCH DOCTOR! GET IT, JAKE? A BITCH DOCTOR! JAKE guffaws with SMILES. He continues laughing, trying to get JOE and GEORGE’S appreciation of his joke. SMILES Hahahah!! A ‘bitch doctor’ boys. Get it? The boys don’t laugh, SMILES laughter quickly stops, he looks at 50. CONT’D 50. ..them with scorn. SMILES You don’t get it? You want your drugs? Ok - I’ll get you your fucking drugs! JAKE! SMILES swings his hands in command at JAKE. SMILES Go to the spare room and get the bag of pills. JAKE nods and leaves the room. SMILES smiles wearily at JOE and then at GEORGE. SMILES Satisfied? Both of them nod in silence, not sure what to do. SMILES I make the stuff myself you know? SMILES grins at GEORGE again, still trying to flirt with him. GEOGRE Well I hope its good. SMILES The best! SMILES gives GEORGE a seductive look, not letting him off for a minute. GEORGE looks away, and eyes JOE, he wants to get out quick too, he’s feeling extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly JAKE enters the room, carrying a Glad-seal bag full of pills, and in his other hand a fresh syringe and vial of liquid. JOE smiles, and GEORGE relaxes a bit too, but notices the syringe. JAKE hands the pills to SMILES. SMILES examines them in the bag, admiring his stash. 50. CONT’D 50. SMILES Lovely. (beat) Ecstasy. He waves the bag at the boys. SMILES This is real good shit. Top stuff. JOE Well let’s not stuff around. GEORGE How much? SMILES Hasty little buggers we are.. GEORGE No seriously - we don’t have much time. We really have to go. SMILES I understand. (pause) Thirty each. JOE and GEORGE look at each other. SMILES looks at them with a no-bullshit look. GEROGE nods to JOE, and JOE stands, fumbles in his pocket for the cash, and accidentally pulls out his mobile. SMILES You dropped.. JOE quickly picks it up and makes to dial, it takes SMILES a bit to notice this. 51. EXT – PATIO of the A-FRAME NIGHT 51. TERRY is sitting with THUY the night is silent, stars everywhere. It is a beautiful moment. TERRY looks at her, she looks back, smiles and looks at her feet. TERRY I like sitting here with you. THUY Yeah. TERRY No. I mean it. Tonight has been special. There is silence between the two. THUY is waiting for him to say something. TERRY looks at her then looks away. He’s trying to spit it out, but seems conflicted with emotion. TERRY Look, I don’t know how to say this any other way, or if you will accept it. But I want to say sorry. THUY Yeah. TERRY No, I mean it. SORRY. I mean it.. TERRY looks at her, crocodile tears welling up in his eyes. TERRY And I want to do anything to keep you happy. She looks nonchalantly down at her feet dangling away. She looks at him, and he is holding her gaze. He puts his arm around her, and she submits, cuddling up to him. He gets teary. When his mobile starts to ring. 51. CONT’D 51. TERRY Shit. He takes it out of his pocket, and the green light alerts him to the number its showing - JOE’S number. TERRY Hey, it’s Joe! But before he can answer, it mysteriously stops. Startling both him and THUY. TERRY What? He looks at THUY, confused. She looks back and smiles, her face a little teary. She shakes her head dumbfounded. THUY They’re probably so stoned. TERRY puts his arm around her again and she snuggles up to him. 52. INT – WAITING ROOM NIGHT 52. SMILES gets up and intercepts JOE dialing his friend. SMILES You don’t need to call anyone… JOE startled resists him, but SMILES glares at him, and for some strange reason, stops the call. SMILES ..We haven’t made the deal yet. JOE looks back at him, and SMILES gives him a knowing smile. JOE, who seems very nervous, but trying to be cool at the same time, falls for the trick. 52. CONT’D 52. JOE Shit. I forgot. No drama. JOE slowly pockets his mobile. He clumsily puts the cash down on the table, SMILES takes it, and quickly counts it. He throws over the bag of pills, and JOE gleefully pockets it. JOE looks over at GEORGE, they both know its time to go. JOE Cool. Now lets fuck out of here. Before anyone can react, JOE has leaped out of his chair, and made a run for it out of the room. SMILES’ reacts swiftly. He pushes GEORGE awkwardly back on the chair, and pins him to it between his legs. GEORGE struggles with him, but he is too strong. SMILES doesn’t seem worried, rather a gleeful excitement crosses his face, as we hear JOE screaming from outside the room. JOE Get out of my fucken way you sickos! SMILES (to struggling GEORGE) He’s not going anywhere. And neither are you. SMILES is pinning GEORGE down, as GEORGE squirms and thrashes. SMILE Now, now little poofy boy. The more you squirm, the hornier I get! GEORGE You fucked up.. SMILES Hush-hush, faggot! Most people would say that about types like you, in our ‘homophobic’ world. 52. CONT’D 52. At which point SMILES laughs psychotically. He continues to pin GEORGE down, and seems to be dry-humping him the way he’s got him pinned between his legs. SMILES looks over to JAKE who’s still holding the syringe. He waves for him to bring it over, which gives GEORGE a moment of freedom to punch SMILES in the stomach – hard. SMILES Aaarrgh! You nasty little fag. SMILES punches him hard in the face a few times, as we hear GEORGE cry out in muffled agony. JAKE fixes the syringe with the liquid and hurriedly hands it to SMILES. SMILES This will calm you, little fuck! SMILES injects GEORGE with the syringe, as we hear him cry out in terror, SMILES holding his hand over his mouth. GEORGE’S eyes darting madly as SMILES injects him, he screams, trying to fight the effects of the drug. There is still yelling and a commotion going on in the hallway. SMILES orders JAKE to investigate. SMILES Fix the problem out there will you. 53. INT - HALLWAY NIGHT 53. JOE is fighting with LUCY and FRED. He’s punching FRED, but LUCY is tearing at his clothes. He swings and hits her in the face. She keels over in pain, and FRED jumps at him. JOE kicks him in the nuts, and punches him hard in the face, a sick crack, as FRED COVERS his nose agony and falls over. JOE lunges for the door, but it’s locked. Panic is all over his face, as LUCY gets up screaming at him like a crazed banshee, scratching at his face. 54. INT – A-FRAME NIGHT 54. TERRY is leading THUY through the TV room by the hand. PATTI and JESS are dancing erotically together, both of them seem pissed. SUZIE is sitting on one of the couches, looking drunk. Techno is still pounding through the room. 54. CONT’D 54. PATTI Woo-hoo. Lovers! TERRY smiles cheezily at her, as they continue through the room. PATTI Have you heard anything from our ‘boys’? TERRY Yeah. Something weird. The phone rang. Then it stopped - weird. THUY (smiling) They’ll get here. You know how they are! PATTI Yeah. Fuckin’ Joe Rudjovic - King Slack arse! PATTI laughs as she goes over to JESS. She puts her arm, around her and they kiss, as they continue dancing. TERRY and THUY continue on to the parents room. TERRY grabs a candle and lights it, as they continue on into the room. 55. INT – A-FRAME PARENTS BEDROOM NIGHT 55. They enter the room in candlelight, and find the bed. THUY Why don’t you just use the light switch. TERRY (smiling) Imagination, girl. TERRY is fumbling around the beside table on the double bed, looking for more candles. 55. CONT’D 55. TERRY There’s more around here somewhere.. TERRY keeps fumbling in the drawer. TERRY Choice! Found them! He pulls out three fat candles, he hands one to THUY, and lights his. He lets her light the one she’s holding, and the room is lit with a romantic ambience. THUY smiles appreciatively THUY Good idea. But TERRY has better ideas, as he wraps his hands around THUY’s waist, and draws her to him on the bed. They start kissing, tounges flaying, hands sliding over curves in horny, semi drunken lust. THUY Mmmmmmm.. 56. INT – WAITING ROOM NIGHT 56. SMILES has the unconscious GEORGE laid out on the row of chairs. He unzips GEORGE’s pants and slides them off. He is in total rapture snickering to himself, as he runs his hands over GEORGE’s bare legs. He straightens up and unbuckles his pants. 57. INT – HALLWAY NIGHT 57. JOE manages to violently shrug off LUCY, he turns, and runs literally into the fat bulking belly of JAKE, who looks down at him, his face an ugly mess of smeared make-up, his wig on his head at a weird angle. Terror is all over JOE’s face, and in pure survival instinct, he kicks JAKE hard in the nuts. JAKE keels over in pain, but converts it into terrifying rage as he gets up, screaming like a wild dangerous animal. JOE bolts up the other end of hallway, his feet clomping on the wooden floor, but there is no exit. JAKE bears down on him like a wild boar, and with incredible and horrific stength he grabs JOE and lifts him over his head like 57. CONT’D 57. ..a sack of potatoes. He turns around screaming, spit spraying out of his mouth, JOE above his head, thrashing around like a caught animal. In one swift move, JAKE brings JOE down over his knee, breaking his back with an horrific ‘CRACK’. JOE’S body convulses on the floor. FRED and LUCY, look at JAKE in awe. FRED is holding his bleeding nose FRED (blocked nose)Nill the shithead. And at that JAKE brings his foot down on JOE’s body, ending the thrashing. 58. INT – the waiting room NIGHT 58. SMILE’s is sodominsing the unconscious GEORGE, when furious knocking on the door interrupts him. SMILES Hold on! The knocking persists, then stops as LUCY barges into the room, turning on the light. LUCY We killed the other fuckin… She sees SMILES get off GEROGE, quickly pulling up his pants. LUCY You dirty piece of.. SMILES Now, now, enough of that repressed.. She runs over to hit him, he waves her off, the way a child waves off an overbearing mother. She hesitates, and watches him button up the top button of his pants like a little boy. She laughs at him. 58. CONT’D 58. LUCY You really are pathetic. SMILES cowers shamefully. He blushes, then rubs his face as he composes himself. LUCY Jake’s fixed the other one. SMILES rubs his face again, and suddenly his mood shifts from ashamed child to assertive adult. SMILES Well let’s not waste time! Take him to the kitchen. LUCY nods her head, and laughs at SMILES again as he composes himself. 59. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 59. There is the sound of an electric knife carving into flesh. JOE’s body is laid out on a large butchers table. JAKE picks up a piece of the flesh, and throws in into an oily frying pan. FRED and LUCY look on as SMILES is smiling in glee. SMILES You know, children, the only urge stronger than the sexual urge is hunger. LUCY Good on you Sigfreid Fraud. FREDDY laughs like an idiot, and LUCY laughs too, as JAKE carves off another piece of flesh, and lays in on the frying pan delicately. LUCY You know, even if you are a filthy, sick pervert, I still think you’re a genius. 59. CONT’D 59. SMILES I already know that – but thanks anyway. LUCY But you know, they should have locked you away for fucking those wenches. If only they knew your true nature. SMILES Yeah, well be grateful you have me to look after you, provide food for you. LUCy Yeah right. She laughs at him again. SMILES walk over to a cupboard in the kitchen, and rummages around, finally finding what he’s after – a pair of binoculars. LUCY and FRED are eagerly watching JAKE cut more strips off JOE’s body. There is blood and scraps of meat scattered on the floor. SMILES takes his binoculars and looks out the window. 60. INT – BINOCULAR VIEW NIGHT 60. The binoculars scan the woods, and finally focus on some light. The view zooms in to a window. There are two pretty girls dancing, another sitting in the corner drinking. SMILES licks his lips as he sees this. 61. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 61. SMILES puts down his binoculars and addresses his clan. SMILES Let’s party! As the sound of ‘food’ sizzles behind him. 62. INT – A-frame TERRY PARENTS ROOM NIGHT 62. TERRY and THUY are really going for it now. THUY is on top of him. She’s stripped down to a tank top and white thong underwear. She’s grinding her crotch onto TERRY, in fact she has him pinned to the bed. THUY Mmmmmm.. TERRY You feel so good. TERRY’s hand slide down over her back, a hand clutches her butt, and in a quick move he turns the tables, flipping THUY onto her back. He spreads her hands apart, pinning her to the bed in a Jesus Christ pose, and starts nuzzling at her neck, licking it, and moving down to her breast, gently biting her stiffening nipple through the fabric of her tank-top. THUY resists, breaking free of his hold, she wraps her hands around his head looking him passionately in the eyes. THUY You’re one hot guy, Terry McKenna. And then she’s at him, tongue kissing him in fierce passion, before dropping him, and fishing a condom out of her pocket. She throws it at him. THUY Get dressed! 63. INt – A-frame TV ROom NIGHT 63. SUZIE is smashed on the couch, the bottle of Vodka in her hand practically empty. The techno music is pounding away, and JESS and PATTI have both taken their tops of and are dancing in their bras. PATTI has a black lacy one, JESS is wearing a see-thru CK tank top. SUZIE is a mess, she gets up, and wobbles across the makeshift dancefloor. JESS Uh-oh.. 63. CONT’D 63. SUZIE I’m gonna spew. Quick SUZIE stumbles through a door. 64. INT – A-FRAME – BATHROOM NIGHT 64. SUZIE turns on the light in the bathroom, splashing white glare into her eyes. She lunges for the toilet, flips up the lid, and vomits loud and hard. She continues to dry-retch, expelling the last of the bitter alcohol, when she thinks she’s hears knocking. She rubs her forehead, and massages her temples, thinking it’s her head. She takes a breath, and goes over to the sink to wash her face. The sound is real - the knocking continues. She wipes her face clean. 65. INT – A-FRAME TV ROOM NIGHT 65. SUZIE barges into the room, which is still pounding with techno music. She tries to get the attention of JESS and PATTI, but instead walks over to the stereo system, and turns down the music. PAtti Hey! SUZIE Someone’s knocking, can’t you hear it. There is silence for a moment. PATTI looks back at SUZIE angrily, but then it starts, constant knocking. JESS Who’s gonna get it. 66. INT – A-FRAME parents room NIGHT 66. TERRY is about to mount THUY, when there is knocking at the door to the room. 66. CONT’D 66. TERRY Fuck! He rolls off THUY, and puts on some pants. The knocking continues. TERRY Yeah, yeah. He opens the door, and its SUZIE, she’s a mess, she sees THUY covering herself in the background, then looks back at TERRY. SUZIE Sorry. TERRY What. SUZIE I think there’s someone at the front door. TERRY Why didn’t you get it? SUZIE Well its your.. TERRY Whatever. He puts on a shirt, and angrily brushes past SUZIE. 67. INT – A-FRAME front door. NIGHT 67. TERRY approaches the door, as the knocking continues. TERRY I wonder where the guys are? 67. CONT’D 67. He looks at his watch. It shows 10 pm. He switches on the front light, and sees the silhouette of someone at the door. He unlocks it, and opens it, and is startled to see LUCY standing there, smiling at him, her missing tooth obvious in its absence. LUCY Hi. TERRY Ah..hi. She sticks out her hand to shake, TERRY reluctantly takes it. LUCY My names Lucy. I just live next door. TERRY Right. LUCY I heard all the doof, and just thought to tell youse all that there’s a huge rave going on next door. TERRY Why don’t you come in. She smiles at him again, as she steps inside. 68. INT – A-FRAME TV ROOM NIGHT 68. LUCY enters the room, and gives her toothy grin to the girls. The girls look at her as if she were a sideshow freak. LUCY picks up the negative vibe. She smiles again, but uncomfortably. LUCY My name’s Lucy. 68. CONT’D 68. TERRY She’s our ‘neighbour’. LUCY finds a seat and sits down. She looks at PATTI and SUZIE in a sinister way that unnerves both of them. She knows she’s freaking everyone out, but she doesn’t seem fazed by it. LUCY We’re having a huge rave next door. There’s about 200 people from the area. JESS No-one told us. LUCY That’s why I came here. We’re a community around here, everyone knows what the other person is doing. You know? Everyone helps everyone else out. You know. Not like in the city, where youse all fuck each other over. SUZIE Hey, we come in peace. LUCY We have unreal parties here. You know, lots of drugs. Choof, and, and great mushrooms. I even brought some. She takes out some dirty black mushroom from her hemp bag. And shows them to her curious audience, craving their acceptance. JESS Cool. You haven’t seen two guys around have you? One with short blonde hair. Trendy looking. The other black hair, little bum fluff beard… 68. CONT’D 68. LUCY Do they drive a Japanese car? A red one. JESS Yes! LUCY (awkwardly) They’re at our place.. PATTI I can’t believe this! SUZIE (shaking her head) Typical. PATTI Can you believe it? THUY enters the room sheepishly, she’s dressed, and she smiles at LUCY. TERRY looks over at her. TERRY Well our missing persons are found. THUY What happened? TERRY They’re over partying next door - believe it not – at some doof. JESS We should go get ‘em. TERRY Hang on I’ll try their mobile. 68. CONT’D 68. LUCY looks at him, and then smiles as if nothing’s wrong. He rings the number, waiting for it to answer. Nothing happens. TERRY Can you believe it? They turned it off. PATTI Well we’ve got no choice.. TERRY I’ll go. Which of you want to come. PATTI I want to kick that Joe’s arse.. TERRY OK. Patti and.. He looks at JESS, who nods her head. TERRY Suze you’re in no condition, Thuy will look after you here. I’ll leave the mobile with you. He gives it to THUY, and looks at her. TERRY We’ll be back soon. He gives her a peck on the lips. TERRY Promise. THUY smiles cheekily at him and gives him a wink. He blows her a 68. CONT’D 68. ..kiss and turns to leave. LUCY gets up to leave, and JESS and PATTI follow her through the sliding glass door into the night. TERRY is the last one, waving goodbye to his beloved THUY. 69. EXT – FOREST NIGHT 69. LUCY is at the head of the pack followed by JESS, PATTI and TERRY. They are walking through dark forest, LUCY has a torch and is guiding them through the darkness. LUCY I’m so glad youse are coming to the doof! You’ll have a great time, I promise you. Last time everyone was fucking trippin’ and we had a huge feast and bonfire. TERRY Sounds wild. LUCY It was more than wild. JESS doesn’t seem to agree, as she awkwardly trudges over a fallen tree and catches up with LUCY, as PATTI and TERRY follow behind her. JESS I don’t like ferals. LUCY What’s wrong with ferals? JESS Most of them a liars. LUCY I think you don’t know what you’re talking about. 69. CONT’D 69. JESS I know. I went out with one. Two actually. Both of them stunk. Both of them were liars… LUCY Well fucken’ don’t come then! JESS Hey relax. It’s just my opinion. PATTI Jess. PATTI looks over at LUCY to offer her consolation and diffuse the situation. PATTI She’s just ribbing ya. Don’t take it personally. LUCY Yeah, well she can keep her fucken attitude to herself. TERRY Can we get to this doof, then? LUCY looks back at them and smiles, but gives JESS a sneer before continuing. LUCY OK. He, we’re not far. JESS Yeah, but where’s the doof? They keep walking through the darkness. 70. EXT – FOREST / GROUNDs OF ‘THE HOUSE’ NIGHT 70. They continue to amble through the hills when TERRY noticed coloured lights sparkling through the trees. TERRY Look! JESS Where. PATTI Wow! How eerie. LUCY We’re pratically there, just through this clearing.. LUCY guides them through some branches, and pretty soon they emerge from the forest into the grounds of ‘the House’. There is junk and broken down cars littering the grounds. The house is surrounded by string of coloured lights giving it a bizarre ambience, like a huge circus tent. PATTI notices GEORGE’s car. She points to it, showing the others. PATTI Look. They’re here! JESS Typical. TERRY smells something, and looks up and sees smoke emerging from the chimney on the roof. TERRY What’s the smell? (SNIFFS) Smells like roasting pork.. LUCY answers him awkwardly. LUCY It’s our chef. He’s cooking up 70. CONT’D 70. ..some dinner for the feast. Everyone’s inside..they’re probably eating. PATTI Pretty quiet for a doof. JESS (sarcastically) Yeah. Pretty ‘wild’. LUCY Trust me, you’ll have the time of your lives.. LUCY guides them to the front door. 71. EXT – FRONT DOOR house NIGHT 71. Suddenly from nowhere there is the sound of an obscure 50’s song blaring from the house. The insane, high energy screams of J’OK startle the modern young kids, who were expecting ‘doof’. JESS What’s this rock n’ roll bullshit? LUCY See? Party music. JESS (quietly to Terry) I don’t like this at all. LUCY knocks on the door and waits. From inside can be heard the whining sound of an old lady over the music. The kids looks at each other in surprise, when the door is answered by a creepy looking old lady. 71. CONT’D 71. LADY What took you so long? LUCY I brought some friends to our party. LADY Oh sorry. The LADY looks at them, and smiles. LADY Well, come in. They enter. 72. INT – hallway house NIGHT 72. The ‘LADY’ is showing them into the house. The kids seem a little creeped by it as they follow her. The rock n’ roll is still blasting from a room somewhere. LUCY talks. LUCY The old lady is Sheila Smiles, ‘the old grand mother goddess of the hills’. SHEILA turns around and smiles at the kids as they follow her. PATTI So our friends are here? SHEILA Yes. They’re fine. I think the young chaps partied a bit too hard. They’re upstairs watching TV. JESS What’s with the bullshit rock 72. CONT’D 72. ..n’ roll? SHEILA doesn’t take too kindly to JESS’S comment. SHEILA Bullshit? What would you know, you young.. (with disgust) Punkette? JESS More than you. SHEILA’S face turns red as she responds to JESS’S rudeness. SHEILA Of course! Idiots like you wouldn’t know the difference between real music and the sound of pigs fucking! The kids look back at her startled. Even LUCY is startled. SHEILA notices this and suddenly changes her mood. SHEILA Hehe..Sorry to have scared you. I’m getting on a bit. I forgot to take my tablet. Maybe I should turn that music down. The kids are startled, not sure what is going on. SHEILA walks down the hallway and enters a room. LUCY Don’t worry, she’s just a cranky old lady. There is the muffled sound of SHEILA yelling at someone. SHEILA You stupid fuckin clod! It’s enough you fucked up already, 72. CONT’D 72. ..you fuckup! TERRY looks at PATTI who seems worried, JESS is creeped out by the strange behavior as well. LUCY notices this and gives them a nervous, toothless grin. Suddenly the music is switched off, and the sound of someone getting beaten is heard from the other room. There’s some whimpering. SHEILA You stupid fuckin’ moron! You got what you deserved! One last thud is heard. LUCY Don’t take her too seriously. TERRY Look we just want to get our mates and go. LUCY is nervous, not sure how to handle the situation. LUCY They’re here, its OK. SHEILA emerges from the room, cursing. SHEILA Fucken kids, don’t even know why I fucken had them in the first.. SHEILA looks up and notices everyone watching her, she changes her tune. SHEILA Place. PATTI Look, where are our friends? 72. CONT’D 72. SHEILA They’re here. OK. They’re just watching television. SHEILA points down the hallway. TERRY (laughing) Fucken typical. TERRY starts down the hallway, as PATTI skips quickly behind him, catching up. She intercepts the door before him, and grabs the door knob. PATTI Let ME surprise them. JESS meets them. There is the cheesy sound of a TV emanating from inside. PATTI They’re probably so stoned anyway. She opens the door. 73. INT – TV ROOM NIGHT 73. The sound of the TV is louder as they walk inside. The room is dark the only light coming from the TV. TERRY switches the light on, and there is someone in the chair in front of the TV. PATTI Good on you boys, leave the party and get too wasted to come.. PATTI is smiling as she walks up to the chair, expecting to see her friends, when she notices what’s in the chair, she is speechless. 73. CONT’D 73. PATTI No. This isn’t. TERRY What’s the matter? PATTI is shaking in disbelief, speechless as TERRY walks up to the chair, swiveling it around… in the chair is GEORGE’S corpse, a huge grin on his face, his eyes pinned and wide open, a syringe jabbed deep into his arm, which has gone a dark purple colour. TERRY I don’t understand. He looks over at PATTI who seems to have gone catatonic, JESS is in the room, not understanding whats going on, when she notices the body, and freaks out. JESS AAAaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! It’s all becoming too much for PATTI, who in a delirium, faints. TERRY looks over at JESS, tears welling up in his eyes, he can’t understand the motiveless madness, and to make it all worse, FRED barges into the room, his eyes wild, his bloody nose taped up, a huge oaf with a wig is next to him, its JAKE. FRED grabs JESS, she fights with him, but he overpowers her, grabbing her in a vicious headlock. JAKE has grabbed TERRY in a bearhug, but he is of no match to his incredible strength. He has his hand over TERRY’S mouth, TERRY is snorting, in terror, trying to breathe, snot flinging out of his nose. SHEILA enters the room, but her voice has changed. SHEILA Good, you got em. SHEILA walks up to TERRY’S terrified face and laughs crazily. She rips off her wig and smears her make up – its SMILES! He gives TERRY a crazed expression, and laughs 73. cont’d 73. SMILES Ha-ha! Sucked in! TERRY and JESS are dragged out of the room, as SMILES walks over to the unconscious PATTI, he picks her up and carries her out. 74. INT – SMILES BEDROOM NIGHT 74. SMILES is carrying the unconscious PATTI. SMILES flops her out on his bed. He goes over to a cabinet, and takes out a syringe, fills it with some chemical, and goes back to PATTI. He fixes her with the syringe. He rips open her shirt revealing her breasts, and he rubs his hands over them. SMILES I’m such a fucking sexy guy. Mmmmmmmm. He bends down and starts to kiss her nipples. Her body is completely limp. He rips off the rest of her clothes, and unzips his pants and mounts her. We see his room in greater detail. There are degrees and doctorate certificates all over the walls for his studies in psychiatry. There are old photographs of him in younger days, as well as certificates for outstanding work in various mental disorders. There are other things, not so noble - syringes littering the desk, bottle of drugs, and sexual aids, we hear him groaning away on PATTI as he rapes her, when suddenly his door is kicked open. He’s startled and looks up to see LUCY, he fumbles to get his pants buttoned up. LUCY You dirty sick fuck! SMILES is pathetic in his attempt to button up his pants, and LUCY lunges at him. LUCY You fucking scumbag! SMILES waves his hand out to fend her off. LUCY stands off, and laughs at him as he buttons himself up like a little boy caught by his mother reading a skin mag. 74. cont’d 74. LUCY Remember you’re not a doctor anymore you SICKO. You a fuckin’ nutcase like the rest of us. SMILES Now you shut up! LUCY No. Fuck you Graham! SMILES Shut up you bitch. You forget that I’m the only man who can help you. LUCY Help. Hah! SMILE You’re showing your true colours now aren’t you. All that repressed anger against men. Your bastard step father really made a good bitch out of you. LUCY Shut up Graham. SMILES And you just continually find someone to lay it on… LUCY I said shut up you.. smiles It was me who rescued you from a life of guilt, shame, self hate, anger.. And at that LUCY cracks, she starts hitting and scratching him 74. CONT’D 74. ..about the head. SMILES lifts his hands to fend her off. LUCY Aaaaa! You fucking sick pig! SMILES That’s it let it out, let it out.. LUCY keeps hitting him. He doesn’t fight back. She pushes him to the ground, and pins him there between her knees. SMILES Let it out. Come on. (pants) SMILES closes his eyes as she continues to hit him and slap his face. He seems to be..enjoying it..! SMILES Mmm..that’s it. Feel better. Better. She slows down her beating. Her breath and anger subsiding, and a cheeky, evil grin comes across his face. LUCY You bastard. You..You fuckin’ like it. She slaps him one hard and square in the face. His smile disappears, when FRED and JAKE storm in. FRED is edgy and agitated, JAKE is his usual slow lumbering self. FRED I’m fuckin’ hungry! SMILES grabs a lock of LUCY’S hair, and violently pulls her head back. LUCY screams like a wild banshee, and swings a wild blow that hits SMILES on the side of the head. He falls to the ground, his hand covers his head, trying to block the pain. 74. CONT’D 74. FRED Fuck off you stupid cow! LUCY You fuck out of it spastic. She attacks SMILES again. He’s cowering, putting on an act to get sympathy from FRED or even better, JAKE. LUCY is relentless, hitting and scratching him. SMILES (wimpy voice) Help me! LUCY keeps attacking. FRED and JAKE look at each other dumbfounded, when JAKE suddenly grabs LUCY hard by the wrist. She tries to resist, but he wraps his huge arms around her, lifting her off the ground. She’s kicking and screaming, trying to resist him, but he’s way too strong. LUCY Fuck you all! SMILES gets up slowly. He zips up his fly, and pats himself down. He walks over over to LUCY and hocks a big dirty gob in her face. It drips down her nose like a slug. SMILE Fucking bitch! LUCY goes mad, trying everything to break free, but JAKE holds her tight. Suddenly SMILES starts poking and harassing LUCY. SMILE Femmo slut. Nyah! Nyah! Nyah! All men are pigs! He lunges at her again, but JAKE turns and sticks his foot out pushing SMILES away, protecting LUCY. SMILES gives JAKE a stern look, and JAKE looks back at him, he’s not going to take any shit. SMILES looks away. SMILES gives LUCY a stern dirty look. 74. CONT’D 74. SMILES Repressed lesbian. SMILES looks back at the limp body of PATTI on the couch, then over at FREDDY, who’s standing there, looking confused. He points over at PATTI. SMILES Take that down to the kitchen if you’re hungry. 75. INT – the ‘dark’ room NIGHT 75. TERRY and JESS are on the floor tied up in a dark room. Their heads are covered with dirty pillow cases. TERRY is contorting on the floor. He’s doing something. JESS is still. His wrists are moving, he’s trying to free himself from the plastic wiring, but they just cut into his wrists. He hears footsteps, then plays dead. The door opens letting in light. It’s LUCY. She turns on the lights. LUCY Those fucking bastards. LUCY is crying and agitated. She bends down and takes off TERRY’S hood. He looks at her terrified. She gives him her toothless smile, and she’s still crying. LUCY They won’t get away with this. Smiles, he’s gonna die. She looks over at JESS. TERRY Can you help us? LUCY I can’t TERRY Please. We can help you. Help you get away from here. LUCY Everyone says that. LUCY gets up and looks down at both of them. LUCY The bastard leaves you alone in the dark. For some strange reason she takes a candle from her pocket. She lights the candle and plops it in cup. LUCY This is so you don’t get too scared. Jake’ll get you soon. I can’t do anything. But at least you won’t be in the dark. LUCY turns out the light and closes the door. The candle the only light in the room. TERRY makes his move and wriggles across the room.. to the candle. He holds his wrists up to it, melting the plastic wire until it breaks – he’s almost there. He takes the candle and melts the plastic binding his feet – free! He goes over to JESS, and starts to melt hers. 76. int – the kitchen night 76. LUCY walks back into the kitchen in a folorn miserable state. PATTI is propped on the floor, unconscious. JAKE is doing the dishes and FRED is sitting at the table, giggling and talking to himself. SMILES notices her. SMILES Where have you been. LUCY Nowhere. 76. CONT’D 76. SMILES Bullshit. FRED She feels sorry for them. LUCY Get fucked you! LUCY glares at FRED. FRED Aw. Sooky-sook. SMILES She can’t help it, she’s a woman. I never could understand them. LUCY You shut-up you dirty prick! SMILES Here we go, showing your true colours again Lucy, getting back at daddy. LUCY’s eyes are burning now, the anger on her face is intense, she’s shaking. LUCY That’s bullshit. All of it. You just say that because you know it hurts. I’m stronger than you, you shit! SMILES starts laughing. SMILES Grrrr! Riot grrl! Hahah. 76. CONT. 76. He pokes his tounge at her. SMILES Blow me! LUCY Blow yourself you sick fuck. You just love the control don’t you. It makes you a man in your fucking head. But you’re just fucked up like us. SMILES Ohhh..stirrer! While they’re arguing, PATTI has woken up from her drugged state. Terror in her eyes is quickly replaced by instinct. She sees an open door, and quickly plays dead. LUCY meanwhile loses it, she jumps at SMILES again, going for his throat. LUCY I swear you’ll die you shit!… She grabs his throat and tries to fend her off, but she’s strong. FREDDY tries to pry her off, and an awkward struggle emerges. JAKE turns away from his dishes, and intervenes, trying to pry LUCY off him. JAKE Omm-blah..offa her. SMILES Get her off me! The fracas gives PATTI her break, as she quickly scurries out the door. 77. INT - HOUSE HALLWAY NIGHT 77. PATTI is on her feet, but the drugs haven’t worn off, and her sense of balance is horribly affected. She struggles against it, 77. CONT’D 77. ..falling about the hallway, which seems infinitely long. She scratches at a door, but breaks down in tears, the drugs have fucked her up too badly, she can’t resist their effect, the psychotic yelling and screaming from the kitchen making everything more disorientating. 78. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 78. LUCY and SMILES and FRED are locked in a clumsy embrace, and even JAKE is struggling to pull them apart, such is the ferocity of LUCY’S anger. They keep struggling, when FRED looks around the room – to the spot where PATTI was. Hang on, she’s gone! FRED Fuckin’ hell! LUCY is still clutching at SMILES, practically choking him. FRED Dinners gone! SMILES head shakes, as he spits out some words. SMILES Arrrghh…rreettt! JAKE finally breaks LUCY’S hold, she falls onto the ground in a heap, panting. SMILES is panting too, his face red, he rubs at his neck. SMILES Fuckin’ had enough slut? (he rubs his neck more, and glares over at FRED and JAKE) Don’t stand there, get ‘em! (he points to FRED) You go and check the others upstairs. JAKE runs out of the room first, then FRED as their movements are heard up the hallway. SMILES glares at LUCY splayed on the floor, her size showing. 78. CONT’D 78. SMILEs You fat cow. All LUCY can do is sob. From the hallway can be heard the horrified screeching of PATTI as JAKE corners her. PATTI Please. Don’t kill me..Please.. Another chilling screech is heard. And then a dull thud. More screaming. A heavier thud. A crack. Guttural groans. SMILE’S looks at LUCY, he doesn’t seem impressed. He goes over to the doorway, inspecting what happened down the hall. We can hear him yelling at JAKE sarcastically. SMILES Good on you Jake. A sterling display of intelligence. You had to fucking kill the bitch. LUCY is panting in the corner, she has a look of dismay. Things are fucking up. 79. INT – DARK ROOM NIGHT 79. FRED barges into the room. FRED Time to get fucked up kids… He looks in the darkness, notices the flickering candle. FRED Hang on.. TERRY jumps on him, grabs him in a headlock, and jabs his pocket knife numerous times into FRED’S throat. FRED stumbles about the room, blood jetting from his throat, pouring over his hands and he tries to stop the bleeding. He falls to the ground in a gurgling heap, thrashing about, trying to fight off his imminent death. They make a run for it. 80. INT – upstairs HALLWAY NIGHT 80. TERRY and JESS run down the hallway, they find an open room and go inside. 81. INT – ROOM NIGHT 81. TERRY and JESS are in the room. Looking around for an escape. JESS points to a window. JESS There. The scurry over, and TERRY struggles with it. The lock won’t budge. TERRY It’s fuckin’ gummed. He takes out his knife and starts working the window. 82. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 82. JAKE is dragging PATTI’S battered body into the kitchen. LUCY is standing, rubbing her chest as she recovers. SMILES looks over at JAKE. SMILES Good boy. But we’ve got to think about how we’re gonna clean this mess up. LUCY We’re not. We’re fucked. SMILE Oh shut up will you. 82. CONT’D 82. LUCY angrily pokes here tounge out at him. SMILES Where’s Fred with the other two? His question is interrupted by the sound of breaking glass, and footsteps upstairs. SMILES Shit! SMILES runs out of the room, JAKE and LUCY scurry after. 83. INT – UPSTAIRS HALLWAY NIGHT 83. The three of them run up the stairs, SMILES in front. He comes to the door of the dark room and enters it. 84. INT – DARK ROOM NIGHT 84. SMILES walks in. The room is silent. He notices the candle flickering away, nearly going out. SMILES What? He keeps walking, and steps on something squishy. SMILE Oh shit He looks down, and in the flickering light, can barely make out FREDDY’S body on the floor. He acts quick. SMILES Get those fuckers. 84. CONT’D 84. They barge out of the room. 85. INT – ROOM NIGHT 85. TERRY is smashing away at the broken glass of the window, and is helping JESS through it. TERRY C’mon, quick… Her legs are though, and she’s away. But as soon as she’s out, he is startled by the light in the room coming on. SMILES and JAKE are standing at the doorway. SMILES Surprise! TERRY is squeezing through the window, when a jagged piece of glass cuts deep into his leg. 85. cont’d 85. TERRY Aaaaaahh!!! JAKE pounces fast. 86. EXT – FRONT of THE HOUSE NIGHT 86. JESS drops down from the window. She looks up, there is screaming coming from the window. She runs off into the forest. Terry is dragged back inside. Screams of horror are heard. Then a few dull thuds. Then silence. 87. INT – TERRY’S PARENTS PLACE NIGHT 87. THUY and SUZIE are sitting in the lounge room at TERRY’S parents place. They are getting restless. 87. CONT’D 87. THUY Where are they? SUZIE They’ll come back. THUY gets up and looks out the sliding window door that overlooks the patio. THUY Can we call them? SUZIE No phone. THUY Shit and they took the mobile. Fuck! SUZIE We can go to the shop and call them. THUY looks out the window again, hesitates then faces SUZIE. THUY You go. I’ll stay here, if they come back. 88. INT – SPARE ROOM OF THE HOUSE NIGHT 88. JAKE drags TERRY’S body out of the room. LUCY is standing at the doorway, SMILES is glaring at her. SMILES We’re fucked now. You happy? LUCY looks forlornly at her feet. 88. CONT’D. 88. SMILES See what happens when you don’t listen! LUCY starts to sulk. SMILES That’s it. You weak piece of shit. Cry. Because you’re not getting away with this. You’re gonna go down with all of us. You’re trapped. That’s kids gotten away, and we’re all fucked. They’ll put you in a prison, with a pack of lezzos like you and you can live happily ever after. LUCY Leave me alone! SMILES (mockingly) Leave me alone! Leave me alone! SMILES looks at her with deadly scorn. SMILES You move your fat arse, and get the rest of them. You hear! LUCY continues to sob. SMILES YOU HEAR! She nods in defeat. 89. EXT – FOREST NIGHT 89. JESS is running through the forest at night. She stumbles over a fallen branch and trips. Terror is in her eyes. 90. EXT – FRONT OF THE HOUSE NIGHT 90. LUCY walks out of the front door with an axe. The moonlight glimmers off the steel blade. Her eyes are wild. She tramps toward the forest. 91. EXT – FOREST NIGHT 91. JESS gets up, she’s sobbing. She moves everything is instinct. She keeps running, when she hears yelling in the distance. LUCY I’m gonna get ya. Hahahah!!!! JESS looks around in terror, but continues running through the darkness. She looks up at the full moon, hoping that there’s some way out of this insanity. She keeps moving, scratches her arm on an overhanging branch, she cries out in pain. 92. EXT – FOREST NIGHT 92. LUCY hears the voice of a girl screaming. She smiles to herself. Her prey is not far away. She moves on. 93. EXT – FOREST NIGHT 93. JESS stumbles through the darkness, when she sees a glimmer of hope in front of her. The lights to TERRY’S parents place. She follows them. JESS Yes! 94. EXT – DRIVEWAY/FRONT OF TERRY’S PARENTS HOUSE NIGHT 94. SUZIE drives off in the car, and THUY is standing alone in the driveway, watching the red taillights of the car get swallowed up in the night. She slowly makes for the front of the house, when 94. CONT’D 94. ..she hears a rustling in the woods. She turns around. No-one there. She continues towards the house when she hears a crack of some bracken, and then some intense sobbing. It’s JESS, she running and stumbling from the woods, her clothes are torn and dirty, there is a scratch on her arm. She’s hysterical. JESS We have to get away. But as THUY approaches her, she is startled by something more horrific behind JESS. THUY JESS! As LUCY emerges from the forest. JESS sees the look on THUY’S face, and turns around, but LUCY is too quick, and swinging an axe, kills JESS in one swift strike. Her body drops to the ground. THUY runs to the house, LUCY in pursuit. LUCY Sorry, I’m gatecrashing. 95. INT – TERRY’S HOUSE NIGHT 95. THUY looks the door, and runs into the kitchen. She goes through the drawers, knifes, forks, she finds a cleaver, sizes it up but drops it – not enough against an axe. A thud is heard from the front door. 96. EXT – FRONT DOOR NIGHT 96. LUCY is axing the door. The axe gets stuck, she fumbles to pry it off, but yells to whoever’s inside. LUCY You didn’t invite me. So I’m gatecrashing! Hahah. She finally pries the axe free, and has another swing. 97. INT – TERRY’s HOUSE/ HALLWAY NIGHT 97. THUY looks down the hallway to see the gleaming of axe poke through the front door, as LUCY continues to axe at it. She sees a door that leads down to the garage, open, and hurries into it, closing it behind her. 98. INT – GARAGE NIGHT 98. The garage is dark and creepy. She flicks on a flourescent light which takes a few flashes before it holds, though only faintly. She looks around. She sees a rake. No good. A hacksaw. Still no good. She looks on the shelves. Nothing. When suddenly she sees a hessian sack covering something. She pulls the sack off, and underneath is a barely used Stihl chainsaw. She checks it for petrol, and is relieved to find it full. She tugs at it trying to get it started. 99. EXT/INT – FRONT DOOR NIGHT 99. LUCY gives the door one final swing and the lock flings away. She kicks the door open. LUCY Where’s the party? There is silence, as LUCY starts to stalk throughout the house, starting at the kitchen. LUCY No music. No people. Someones’ gotta be here? She grins to herself. She goes to one of the bedrooms, and kicks open the door. LUCY Sprung! She switches on a light, to see an empty bed. LUCY I think I interrupted 99. CONT’D 99. ..something. LUCY walks out. She walks past the door to the garage, and hears a puttering sound. She smiles to herself, she’s found her prey. LUCY Sorry to get you out of bed.. LUCY fumbles with the handle. It’s locked. She takes a swing at the door with the axe. LUCY ..but I’m here to wake you up! She has a few more swings at the door, before it finally gives way. She runs down the stairs screaming like a madperson in a bid to terrify her victim, and sees.. 100. INT – GARAGE NIGHT 100. THUY getting the chainsaw fired up. Lifting it up in defiance, smiling at her. LUCY turns white. LUCY Aiiieeeeeee!!! LUCY swings her axe, but its no match for THUY who catches her mid-swing with the chainsaw. The axe falls impotently to the ground. 100. cont’d 100. LUCY You won’t do it.. But there is a crazed grin on THUY’S face that says otherwise as she moves in for the kill. 101. INT – THE HOUSE/ Waiting room NIGHt 101. SMILES is in the room, looking through some binoculars. JAKE is sitting on one of the couches next to him, idling. SMILES Fucking dumb bitch is taking her time. He looks through the binoculars, and scan the grounds. He sees JESS’s beheaded body in the front lawn, and then the front door axed down. SMILEs Looks like she’s done something.. He continues scanning the grounds, and notices one of the cars has gone. SMILES Fuck! JAKE Uloogla? SMILES One of them’s fucked off. Not good. JAKE Mini-oomboo giki. SMILES No. SMILES ponders a moment. 101. cont’d 101. SMILES Go to the store. Give those fuckers a welcome they’ll never forget. JAKE nods and leaves. SMILE’S hears the front door close. SMILES (smiles to himself) No one here gets out alive! He hears JAKE start up a truck, and drive off. He’s grinning to himself, and goes back to his binoculars. SMILEs Now all we do is clean up the mess, like nothing ever happened. He’s still grinning as he scans the grounds. He goes back to the axed down front door, over to the car that’s still remaining, when he see’s a horrific sight – Thuy carrying a chainsaw. His smile drops to a frown. SMILES Shit. HE drops the binoculars, and starts to panic. He runs to the front door and opens it. SMILES Jake.. But his car is gone. SMILES slams the door shut and walks back up the hall toward the stairs. SMILES Fuck! 102. INT – SMILES BEDROOM NIGHT 102. SMILES runs into his bedroom. He runs to a closet, and rummages through it, pulling out an old double barrel shotgun. He looks in the closet again, and pulls out an old box of bullets, he nervously loads it. SMILEs No fucker’s gonna stop me. But he seems worried. He looks at the gun with apprehension, not sure if it works, but he feels empowered anyway. SMILE A chainsaw’s no match for a gun. He runs out of the room. 103. INT – HALLWAy/STAIRCASE NIGHT 103. SMILES scurries down the stairs, heading for the kitchen. 104. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 104. SMILES goes through the cutlery draws looking for a backup weapon. Nothing. He opens an appliance draw, and finds a battery operated electric carving knife. He holds it up, its makes an almost insect like noise as he checks that it works. It does. He slides it in his back pocket. He turns out all the lights in the house, and hides, waiting for THUY. 105. EXT – FRONT OF THE HOUSE NIGHT 105. THUY arrives. She looks crazed, and angry - a total contrast from the young girl who works in a clothing store. She scans the house, there are no lights. She walks to the front door. 106. EXT – FRONT DOOR NIGHT 106. THUY stands at the front door. THUY I know you’re in there, whoever you are. There is silence. THUY And no matter what happens. You are going to pay. She fires up the chainsaw, and starts hacking down the door. 107. EXT/INT - ENTRANCE HALLWAY NIGHT 107. THUY walks into the hallway. She’s breathing heavily. The hallway is dark, she tries a light switch, but it doesn’t work. THUY I don’t know where, or who you are. But I’ll find you. And I’ll kill you. I don’t care anymore. I have no fear. She comes to a doorway to the left, she opens the door. It’s the ‘waiting room’ she looks inside. There’s just chairs, and the table, littered with psychology magazines. She looks at them queerly. THUY Who are these sick fucks? In a fit of anger, she chainsaws the table in half. THUY How will the shrinks explain that? 107. CONT’D 107. She walks back into the hallway. 108. INT – HALLWAY NIGHT 108. THUY stalks down the hallway, the chainsaw in her hands. THUY I know someone is here. I can feel it. (beat) Smell it. 109. INT – BATHROOM UPSTAIRS NIGHT 109. SMILES is sitting in a bathroom in the dark. He’s smiling to himself. But he sniffs his armpit at THUY’s remark. 110. INT – HALLWAY NIGHT 110. THUY walks past another door, and opens it. It’s the kitchen, she walks in.. 111. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 111. ..and turns the light on, and is horrified to see JOE’S partly mangled body, laid out on a table. THUY Aaiiiiiieeeeee!! 112. INT – BATHROOM NIGHT 112. SMILES laughs to himself. She covers his mouth, but cannot suppress some snot and dribble than flies from his mouth. 113. INT – KITCHEN NIGHT 113. THUY runs from the room, and closes the door behind her. She’s 113. CONT’D 113. ..terrified. Gagging and coughing from the sight she’s just seen. She starts to vomit, and cry, letting it all out. She composes herself, her eyes are filled with madness, she revs up the chainsaw loud and clear. THUY Whoever or whatever you are. I am going to fucking kill you. 114. INT – STAIRWAY NIGHT 114. THUY runs up the stairs, and comes across a closed door, she opens it without fear, and walks inside. 115. INT – SMILES BEDROOM NIGHT 115. THUY is inside SMILES room. There is a large bed in the middle of the room, some closets to the side of it, and a large mirror dresser to the other. The lights surrounding the dresser are on, casting a weird, perverse glow. THUY notices a collection of framed certificates pinned to the wall, she looks at them. ‘Graham P. Smiles -Doctorate of Psychiatry’ ‘Honours’ says one, ‘Master of Psychology’ another. She looks through the drawers in the dresser, and finds dildos, handcuffs, cock-rings, and underneath it all pulls out a notebook. She looks through it and finds newspaper articles. One article has the heading ‘An abuse of trust’. She looks through the articles, and pieces together a terrible story of a psychiatrist who abused his patients, destroyed the minds and identities of people in need. She is now deep in his lair, his dungeon. THUY No, this can’t be true.. SMILES It is. SMILES appears at the door, holding his rifle. THUY is startled, she holds her chainsaw tight. SMILEs It’s rude to look through other people’s belongings. 115. CONT’D 115. THUY Rude? SMILES Yes. And its even ruder not inviting your neighbours to your party. THUY Are you fucking crazy..? SMILES Some may say. (smiles evily) But that’s besides the point. Where’s your ‘caring sharing’ spirit. Or is it something your generation seem to lack – respect. THUY You’re fucked. What respect should we show you. SMILES The sixties was such a good time. THUY Listen fuckhead, whatever you’re trying to get at is shit. And besides, I’m not a hippy, I’m a punk. She revs the chainsaw. THUY And I hate your fucking guts. SMILES laughs, but he’s stopped playing his little mind game. He holds up his rifle and pulls the trigger, aiming it across the room, square at THUY. She stops in her tracks. 115. CONT’D 115. SMILES Now turn it off. THUY, in fear, obeys. SMILES Drop it. She does. She’s trembling, SMILES finger, slowly curls around the trigger, a gleeful smile on his face. SMILES Do you have anything you want to tell me? THUY Go fuck yourself, you sick piece of shit. SMILEs (laughs in ridicule, then speaks in a girly voice) Awww..’sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me’ – I’m a pyschaitrist remember.